Categories: Horoscopes

Zodiacs Prepare To Meet With Venus, This Week’s Horoscope Is  Highly Romantic


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

The first part of this week looks set to be dominated by a kind and compassionate lunar vibe. Wednesday sees the annual meetup of Venus and Neptune, which is a highly romantic astrological aspect, packed with idealism and fairy-tale magic.

As the week progresses, however, things take a more serious turn. Pluto turns retrograde on Friday, subjecting us all to much inner angst, while on the same day Mercury moves into rational Gemini, with curious, talkative energy that doesn’t like to be weighted down in emotions.

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Taurus is an important moment, which could bring shocks and surprises around everything we think is stable and secure. This energy can be tumultuous at the time, although the changes it mirrors are almost always for the best in the long run.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Early in the week, you may feel quite zoned out, Aries – not in a bad way, but just enjoying a feeling of serenity and calm. The meetup between Venus and Neptune on Wednesday however may show up as illusions and confusion in your life, so you will need to be careful to distinguish fact from fantasy.

Mercury’s change of sign on Friday will help with this, as it clears your head and enables you to use intellect and reason to find a way through the fog.

Prepare for some shocks related to money or your values during the Solar Eclipse on Saturday, however. Things you felt were solid and secure turn out not to be so, and this may be difficult energy to deal with.


It’s a pleasant and sociable first half of the week. If you’re single, there’s even a chance that a friendship could turn into something much, much more, especially on Wednesday when Venus and Neptune join forces in a show of romance.

Things seem to be under control financially too, especially when Mercury changes signs on Saturday and helps you to make intelligent budgeting choices.

However, the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday is a major moment in your year. You may find that something rocks your sense of identity, or you may uncover a major untruth told by those you trust. This is never easy to handle but remember that you are never alone.


A hardworking start to the week pays dividends and should feel quite satisfying. You’re getting things done, and people are paying attention to you in your career. Watch out for a slightly deceptive vibe on Wednesday, however – you’d be wise not to bluff if you don’t know the answers.

On Friday, Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into your own sign, which is a very empowering astrological event. You’ll feel very at ease in your own skin at this point, and you’ll be at your happiest when socializing, chatting or indulging your curious streak.

The Solar Eclipse on Saturday may bring a shock in the form of an unexplained experience. This energy is active in the psychic zone of your chart and is encouraging you to explore things you cannot yet understand.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


A very busy start to the week probably involves lots of traveling, or training, or both, and you may find that you have little time to relax. Keep going though, as you are learning a great deal in these days.

On Friday, Mercury changes sign and you will start to feel more meditative. This is a good day for practicing mediumship, dream work, visualization or manifestation.

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse, however, may temporarily shatter the peace, bringing drama and upheaval in your social life, particularly if someone betrays you. This can be very upsetting, but it’s better to know than to be in the dark.


The first half of this week is ideal for working on self-improvement projects. Your confidence should be strong, and you can easily implement any lifestyle changes you’re thinking about.

Mercury’s change of sign on Friday impacts your friendship zone – if you’re looking for new friends, choose those who trigger something in your intellect; the kind of people you’d love to discuss the world with.

It’s your career that is most likely to be rocked by the influence of Saturday’s Solar Eclipse. Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly thrust into the spotlight, perhaps having to deal with a crisis. It’s not fun, but it does give you a chance to prove what you can do.


Lunar activity early this week is highly romantic and idealistic for you, and you’ll be happy to float along in a little rose-tinted bubble. Make the most of Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune meetup, as this is likely to be one of the most romantic vibes of the year for you – perfect for an engagement or a trip away.

Your ruling planet Mercury shifts into your career zone on Friday, which is more excellent news, especially if you are job hunting.

However, the Solar Eclipse on Saturday may disrupt travel plans or study arrangements. Things could descend into temporary chaos, but don’t worry – what emerges from the dust will be better than before.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


A highly organized and hardworking start to the week enables you to get a lot done. It’s a good week for your personal wellness too, especially if you’re trying to get into a new exercise regime or you’re giving up a bad habit.

Mercury’s change of signs on Friday is inspiring and may encourage you to learn a new language, take on some extra training at work, or travel to somewhere you’ve never been. It’s all about broadening your horizons.

Watch out for some intense emotions on Saturday, however, as the Solar Eclipse dredges up trauma or anxiety from long ago. This is most unwelcome, but with these feelings out in the light, you can at least deal with them once and for all.


It’s a highly creative start to the week, packed with artistic opportunities, fun hobbies, inspired writing and a love of music. When Venus meets up with Neptune on Wednesday, you will feel particularly drawn to fantasy, but in a positive, healing way.

Mercury moves into the psychology zone of your natal birth chart on Friday, which is a good sign for self-analysis and insight. You’ll have a clear understanding of your own drives and motives at this point.

Probably just as well, because Saturday’s Solar Eclipse brings drama and upheaval to your love life. Tensions could be extreme – something may have to give, but only so that you can build something better in its place.


You’ll be very busy at home during the first part of this week, with seemingly endless errands and domestic chores to handle. Enlist the help of willing (or not) family members, because this isn’t your responsibility alone!

Asking for support will get easier when Mercury moves into the love zone of your natal birth chart on Friday – this strengthens communication between you and your lover and increases your ability to delegate.

Take extra care of yourself during the Solar Eclipse on Saturday. This occurs in your wellbeing zone and may bring you a shock or two as a wake-up call. You cannot care for others if you are not properly caring for yourself.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


With so much on your to-do list, the early part of this week is likely to pass in something of a blur. Confusion and mistakes are quite likely on Wednesday, however, when you will be all too easily distracted by the Venus-Neptune meetup. Check and double-check anything important.

Mercury’s change of sign on Friday will help with this, as it gives you better focus and more concentration. This transit is also great for improving your time management skills and your personal organization.

You may need those skills on Saturday when the Solar Eclipse hits the risk zone of your natal birth chart. Take extra care with your safety but also with your emotional health – anything illicit that has been going on is likely to be exposed now.


Your ability to control your spending is a bit woolly early this week. Read the small print and try not to sign up for anything very expensive or important, especially on Wednesday when the annual meetup between Venus and Neptune muddies the waters of truth.

You’ll be helped when Mercury changes signs on Friday, as this makes you more able to see through scams or dishonesty and less likely to take silly risks.

It’s your family life in focus during the Solar Eclipse on Saturday, which may reveal some shocking news. Stay calm and remember that everything – everything – can be fixed or healed where there is a will.


The Pisces Moon that prevails over the early part of the week is very easy-going for you, enabling you to feel confident, supported and powerful in whatever you choose to do. The annual Venus-Neptune conjunction on Wednesday is especially potent for you and perfect for giving a terrific impression in a job interview.

On Friday, Mercury changes signs and starts to make communication within the family easier, especially if there have been rifts – a very welcome change in astrological energy.

However, Saturday’s Solar Eclipse warns you not to believe everything you hear. There could be issues with untrue gossip or scandal – be very discerning and don’t do anything you cannot later undo.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

The first part of this week looks set to be dominated by a kind and compassionate lunar vibe. Wednesday sees the annual meetup of Venus and Neptune, which is a highly romantic astrological aspect, packed with idealism and fairy-tale magic.

As the week progresses, however, things take a more serious turn. Pluto turns retrograde on Friday, subjecting us all to much inner angst, while on the same day Mercury moves into rational Gemini, with curious, talkative energy that doesn’t like to be weighted down in emotions.

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Taurus is an important moment, which could bring shocks and surprises around everything we think is stable and secure. This energy can be tumultuous at the time, although the changes it mirrors are almost always for the best in the long run.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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