Categories: Astrology

Zodiac Signs Ranked By How Good They Are At Keeping Secrets


Being able to keep a secret is an extremely valuable skill. Your friends, family, and other trusted members of your community knowing they can come to you to share something they don't feel safe telling others is not only heart-warming, but generally flattering! Being a good person to share feelings with is a good reputation to have.

However, some people are simply better at keeping secrets than others, and one way to predict that trait in others is to look at their zodiac sign. Here are all 12 signs ranked from the best to the worst at keeping secrets.

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Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Scorpios tend to get a bad rep. They tend to move in shadow, preferring to keep their personal life under wraps, only letting people see a portion of themselves. This leads people to believe that they must be shady, unable to be trusted with a secret because they could be plotting to use it against you.

Truthfully, Scorpio's loyalty is as deep as the ocean, and if they promise to keep a secret, that's a promise they'll keep for life. Their profound understanding of human nature allows them to empathize without judgment, making them the perfect person with whom to share your deepest, darkest confessions.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Virgos take secrets and confessions very, very seriously. They understand the weight of what they're entrusted with and are extremely careful not to speak a word of these secrets to anyone else.


Virgos are known to be reliable, which is why they're often people's first choice when they need to vent, get something off their chest, and, yes, confess a secret. Virgos value trust above all and would rather take a secret to their grave than betray the trust a friend has placed in them.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Taurus is the strong, silent type who believes that actions speak louder than words. This philosophy extends to their ability to keep secrets. They know how much a secret being kept means to the other person, so they'll guard it with their life.


Their loyalty is as strong as their stubbornness, meaning they'll never budge, never even consider sharing something that a friend trusted them with. They'll protect both the secret, the friendship, and the feeling of security that the friend has in them with all their heart.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Capricorns are known to be very responsible, and they often display great amounts of self-control. Both of these factors make them excellent secret-keepers among their friends and family.


They fully understand the consequences of loose lips, knowing that both they and the person who shared the secret could come to harm if they blabbed about it. A Capricorn's word is their bond. They'll go to great lengths to preserve the trust placed in them by their cherished peers.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, holding a profound sense of empathy that allows them to connect deeply with others. This connection makes them exceptional secret keepers, as they treat every shared secret with the utmost compassion and care.


Their intuitive nature means they understand the importance of these sorts of confessions, too. How deeply emotional they are, and the strength it took for the person to share it in the first place. For Cancer, betraying confidence is akin to betraying themselves, making them reliable confidants in times of need.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libras find themselves in many situations where secrets are exchanged as they're often looked to as mediators, leaders, or other sort of trusted figures within their circles. Their prioritization of social harmony means they're often trusted with sensitive information, too.


While they value this trust and strive to maintain it, their social nature might sometimes lead to accidental slips or (rare) purposeful ones if they think it will bring about greater peace. However, a Libra's intention is never to betray. They simply seek to balance their interactions with the world, making them generally reliable secret keepers.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aries are known for their bold, impulsive nature, often acting before thinking. This quick pace and endless chase for excitement make them less likely to consider the consequences of sharing a secret, seeing it more as a thrilling challenge than a solemn duty.


However, their honesty and straightforwardness mean they're more likely to be upfront about their inability to keep a secret rather than betraying trust behind your back, which is certainly more than some signs can say.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Pisces, with their heads often in the clouds, might seem like unlikely secret keepers, but their depth of understanding and empathy makes them surprisingly adept. They view secrets through a lens of compassion, seeing the trust placed in them as a sacred bond they dare not break.


That all being said, while Pisces will never purposefully spill a secret you've shared with them, there is a chance that they might forget and do so accidentally. There's not a big chance, it's not certain they'll do this, but they're one of the more likely signs to slip up.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Leos find secrets to be double-edged swords. On the one hand, knowing something others don't can feel empowering, but on the other, the desire to share and be at the center of some dramatic controversy also has its draw.


A Leo's heart is in the right place, and they do value trust, but they sometimes let boredom or desire lead to places they shouldn't go. The closer you are with a Leo, the more likely they are to hold secrets close, so maybe don't tell your deepest confessions to a mere acquaintance.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Geminis are an inherently social, chatty, and curious sign. This curiosity sometimes gets the better of them when it comes to secrets. While they don't mean harm, their talkative nature (that often crosses the line into gossiping) can sometimes mean the accidental sharing of a secret.


However, if a Gemini truly understands the importance of the secret, they can summon their inner strength to keep it under wraps. If you need to tell them something in confidence, be sure to overstate how much it matters that this conversation and its contents remain a secret.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aquarius have a unique perspective on secrets, one that coincides with their more rebellious nature. They value transparency and honesty, often finding the concept of keeping secrets to be at odds with their vision of an open, ideal world. They would rather all information flow freely than be trusted with something they have to guard.


While they respect the trust their friends place in them, their desire for authenticity can sometimes lead them to reveal more than intended, especially if they believe it's for the greater good.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Sagittarius have a very open-book approach to life. Their honesty and straightforwardness are admirable, but when it comes to secrets, these traits often become their downfall.


Sagittarius greatly values truth and might struggle with the concept of keeping secrets, seeing them as barriers to authenticity and even to (their personal idea of) trust. They would rather everyone just be honest with each other and will sometimes be the catalyst for that worldview, sharing a secret to 'clear the air' without properly considering the consequences.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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