Your Weekly Horoscope, October 20th – 26th, 2024

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To best prepare for the week ahead, it's good to know what the stars and the movement of the moon have in store, as both can lend wonderful advice to help you sort yourself out over the coming days.

This week begins with a need for rest and relaxation, then picks up, reminding us that even at our most tired, we're still capable of doing the work we need to thrive.

With the planets and other celestial bodies always in motion, it means our lives and our paths are always changing in turn, guided by their divine forces.

A personalized birth chart reading will teach you how these forces impact your life. You learn more not only about yourself, but your future too! Click here to get started today and see what awaits.

Two cut-off circles of orange to purple watercolor paint sit on the sides of the banner ad, both overlaid with minimalistic white graphics of zodiac constellations on top, a white background behind them. There's dark purple text that reads,
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

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A couple sitting side by side on a couch, both looking at a tablet held between them, smiling at one another.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Aries, you may find yourself more open to outside influences than usual, even if you don't realize it. Be mindful of how the things you hear or see might shape your actions or decisions, especially if they feel out of the ordinary for you.


On a brighter note, you're on top of practical matters this week, particularly regarding finances. You're in a good position to really consider your financial situation, what you want to change about it, and what steps you can take to get there. Once you sort those out in your head, the path forward will become clear.

To learn more about Aries, click here!



A photo from behind of a woamn sitting in a hammock, holding a drink in a glass, the sun shining before her.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Taurus, you might feel the urge to step back and take a break from the never-ending business around you. Slow down, do what you love, enjoy the simplicity of life, and let yourself recharge before jumping back in.


Once you're fully rested, you'll find that your focus and organizational instincts are strong. You’ll feel ready and excited to tackle whatever's in front of you. Whether it’s small tasks, bigger goals, or starting something new entirely, you’re likely to stay on track and finish what you set out to do.

To learn more about Taurus, click here!



A close shot of a business woman sitting at her desk, her pen pressed against her lips, looking down slightly, clearly thinking something over.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Gemini, your thoughts may be clouded by wishful thinking, making it hard to see things clearly. It'll be tempting to daydream, embellish, or see situations in a more positive light than they really are. Take your time when making decisions. You’ll have a better perspective in a few days.


On the practical side, your mind is sharp and quick to spot errors or flaws, meaning it’s a great time for tasks that need focus. Whether you’re working on something small or tackling a larger project, you’re likely to see improvements, make progress, and feel confident about your work.

To learn more about Gemini, click here!



A woman holding her phone and looking at it with a shocked, confused expression.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Cancer, you might find it hard to concentrate, especially if you're trying to learn something new. It could feel frustrating, with everything seeming scattered or confusing. Instead of brute forcing your way through, maybe turn your attention to something creative or calming that brings you joy instead. You're allowed to take a break.


On the other hand, your problem-solving skills are sharp right now. You have the focus and determination needed to tackle challenges you've been putting off. Nothing feels difficult, just tiring, so be sure to recognize when a problem needs a solution or when you just need to rest.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!



A group of friends crossing a creek while on a hike by walking across some rocks, one reaching out across the rocks to give a hand to another.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Leo, you'll feel a strong urge to help others. Your kindness and empathy are attracting people who are seeking support, but it can be hard to tell who genuinely needs it and who may just be looking for attention. Trust your instincts and offer help where it feels right.


On the more practical side, you're ready to handle business matters. This energy is perfect for negotiating or discussing important financial issues. Whether it's making a deal or asking for more at work (compensation, benefits, responsibilities), you're in a good place to push for what you want.

To learn more about Leo, click here!



A woman standing in her kitchen with her hands up, index finger pressed to her thumb, practicing a breathing exercise to calm down.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Virgo, you have plenty of ideas and goals, but your energy feels too scattered right now. You may start something new, excited and motivated to begin, only to get sidetracked by distractions or complications. Instead of forcing progress, it might be better to take a step back and calm your mind instead.


On the other hand, your attention to detail is incredibly sharp this week. You can quickly identify what needs to be done and handle it effectively. When it comes to problem-solving or fine-tuning, you're in your element. This week, your ability to focus on what matters most is your strength.

To learn more about Virgo, click here!



A group of friends crossing a creek while on a hike by walking across some rocks, one reaching out across the rocks to give a hand to another.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Libra, know that it's perfectly fine to let go of your to-do list and take things as they come. Let yourself relax and enjoy a slower pace. Whether it's chatting with a friend, taking a stroll, or just being in the moment, this is a week for simplicity.


However, you're also in a good position to handle financial matters. Whether it's sorting through paperwork or seeking new ways to save, your focus and judgment are sharp. You're ready to make smart decisions that can benefit your funds in the long term and open up more opportunities in your future.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



A close shot of someone drawing over a watercolor painting in a small sketchbook.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Scorpio, your intuition is strong, and you're in tune with a deeper energy. You may feel drawn to quiet reflection, creative pursuits, or anything that helps you connect with yourself on a more spiritual level. Your usual routine might seem distant or hard to focus on, so it's a good time for some inner work.


You're also feeling very goal-oriented right now. Conversations with others may lean toward serious topics, and you’re likely thinking a lot about your future. Whether making plans or setting milestones, you’re ready to turn your ideas into concrete steps.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!



A woman curled up on her couch, under a blanket and with some thick socks on, holding a book she's reading up to her face, covering it.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Right now, Sagittarius, you may feel a strong desire to relax and stay cozy at home. It's tempting to spend the day in your pajamas, on the sofa, with your favorite show on, fully enjoying some downtime. Taking a personal day or two to unwind is good for you, so embrace the urge to rest up!


You also have a knack for fixing things this week. When you notice a problem, the solutions will come to you easily, as well as the implementation of said solutions. You may find yourself completing tasks, be they at home or at work, quickly and efficiently, even ahead of schedule!

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!



A woman floating serenely in the water, eyes closed.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Capricorn, it's perfectly fine to let things unfold naturally. There's no need to rush or stick to a rigid schedule; just allow yourself to go with the flow and see where the day takes you. You’ll arrive at your destination in due time, so try to relax into the moment.


On the other hand, your ability to focus is at its peak. You’re highly organized and able to handle even extremely detailed work. Whether solving problems or working through tasks, you're in your element and can make real progress on important projects.

To learn more about Capricorn, click here!



A woman sitting at her coffee table that's covered in papers, a calculator, her laptop, and a pen, leaning over with her head in her hands.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Aquarius, making financial decisions might feel confusing. While you can grasp the bigger picture, the finer details may seem unclear, making it easy to overlook something important. Instead of forcing it, try to clear your mind before making any choices.


Outside of finances, your focus on practical matters is strong. You're able to approach tasks in a methodical and organized way, even when there are many details to consider. This is a good time for handling important negotiations or finalizing agreements. With your clear thinking and determination, you're in a good position to make sound decisions this week.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!



A woman standing beneath a bright blue sky, facing away from the camera but looking over her shoulder so we see her face in profile.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Pisces, you may feel a strong connection to your intuition and receive guidance from a higher source. However, you might also hesitate to follow that guidance, feeling unsure or unprepared for what lies ahead. There are new opportunities ready for you, but you may not be ready to take the leap just yet.


No need to fret, though, for your hesitation will fade, and you'll find yourself more focused than ever. With renewed determination, you can tap into your inner strength and tackle any challenges that come your way. Whatever you set your mind to, you’ll be able to see it through to completion.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!

The backdrop is a blue-to-orange gradient that mimics a sunrise. In both the top left and bottom right corners, also creeping up the sides, there are wispy white clouds. On top of it all is text that reads,
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

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