Your Weekly Horoscope, June 23rd – 29th, 2024

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To best prepare for the week ahead, it's good to know what the stars and the movement of the moon have in store, as both can lend wonderful advice to help you sort yourself out over the coming days.

This week's energy is very simple but also practical. It focuses on continued, consistent work toward our goals and the roadblocks that may appear. Keep your chin up and knuckle down to see the results you desire.

With the planets and other celestial bodies always in motion, it means our lives and our paths are always changing in turn, guided by their divine forces.

To understand how these forces will continue to influence your life for years and decades to come, you can get a personalized birth chart reading. You learn more not only about yourself but your future too! Click here to get started today and see what awaits!

Two cut-off circles of orange to purple watercolor paint sit on the sides of the banner ad, both overlaid with minimalistic white graphics of zodiac constellations on top, a qhite background behind them. There's dark purple text that reads,
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

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A woman sitting at her desk, laptop and book open in front of her, but she's looking off to the side, distracted.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aries, you're eager to make more progress this week, but what you want to work on might not be what you need to work on. You're also very prone to getting distracted. Now's the time to get the hard stuff out of the way to get to the fun parts, and you can get that stuff done faster if you focus.


It's also important to watch your spending carefully right now. Be mindful not to overspend impulsively without considering the long-term consequences. Stay focused on your priorities, avoid window-shopping or browsing, and don't be swayed by immediate gratification.

To learn more about Aries, click here!



A woman in a dress and a sunhat standing beneath a bright blue sky, looking up at the clouds.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Taurus, you may be pushing forward so strongly that you're overlooking subtle signs from the Universe urging you to consider a different path. Take this week to slow down and really listen to the signals, energies, and pulses you're receiving.


You might find yourself standing in front of a closet full of clothes, feeling like nothing suits you, or maybe you feel dissatisfied with the music you usually enjoy. These feelings stem from your evolving self, seeking new ways to express yourself. Embrace this period of change and exploration as you discover new ways to show off who you are!

To learn more about Taurus, click here!



A close shot of someone playing the guitar.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Gemini, it's time for a slight adjustment this week. You have your dreams and goals, but the steps you’re taking now might not be leading you in the best direction. Remember, writers write, musicians practice, and artists create. Consistency is key.


This week, be mindful that you might be influenced by your more primitive instincts, seeking immediate happiness and comfort rather than considering long-term consequences. Stay aware of these impulses and strive for a balance between enjoying the present and making choices that align with a productive future.

To learn more about Gemini, click here!



Three friends all sitting close and embracing one another, all smiling.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Cancer, this week isn't the time to take shortcuts, even if it seems easier. You must continue to honor your commitments, be punctual, and show others your reliability, even when facing small challenges along the way. Prolonged, consistent hard work will pay off in the long run.


Someone close to you may be evolving, sporting new attitudes and interests. Take time to reassess this friendship as you navigate these changes. You might also find yourself naturally gravitating towards a different circle of friends. Embrace these shifts with openness, and don't be afraid of social change.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!



Someone looking at their resume on a tablet.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Leo, you might be feeling a bit uninspired by your job lately. You crave learning something new and finding purpose in what you do. While making small adjustments elsewhere can bring back the excitement, consider exploring new opportunities related to your career or education, too.


When it comes to social media, think twice before posting. Even small actions like comments or likes can have bigger consequences later on. Be mindful of what you share online to avoid any potential repercussions down the road.

To learn more about Leo, click here!



A woman sitting on the beach, knees drawn up to her chest, arms folded over them, chin resting on her arms.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Virgo, you might find yourself trying to handle everything alone, even when others offer to help. It's okay to both ask for and accept help. It'll relieve you of some of your burdens and leave you feeling more connected to the person who helped.


Someone might challenge your beliefs this week, which can actually be beneficial. Instead of going on the defensive, take a moment to reflect on how your beliefs developed. Did you inherit them? Did you accept them without question? This process can help strengthen your opinions through thoughtful examination.

To learn more about Virgo, click here!



A woman smiling as she walks down a city street with shopping bags slung over her shoulders.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libra, there's a key relationship in your life that feels slightly off-balance right now. You might be giving too much, not communicating clearly, or not spending enough time together. Talk it out with the other person and see what can be done to clear the air.


Be cautious of impulsive actions this week. Whether you feel pressured to act quickly on a big decision or experience FOMO about spending money, take a moment to assess the situation fully before making any decisions. Look carefully at your options and consider the consequences before taking any leaps.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



A woman doing yoga on her living room floor, in butterfly pose, her laptop open on the ground in front of her.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Scorpio, you're regaining your focus this week. Perhaps you've drifted from your healthy habits, but you'll be back on track in no time. Remember why you started those habits in the first place, what your motivation was, and all the progress you've made so far. Your choices are guided by inspiration.


You might run into challenges when trying to help someone who's unsure of their needs. Their confusion will complicate things, and their unclear reasoning might leave you feeling disoriented. Instead of forcing assistance, let them think about it for a while and instead focus on maintaining your own peace.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!



Two women looking at art on the wall of a gallery.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Sagittarius, now is the right time to share your writing, music, or other art with the world. You might feel hesitant, worried about how it will be received. Now is the time to take a leap of faith and showcase your creativity. Amazing things could come of it!


At work, you might encounter friction with someone who either disregards procedures or, on the other extreme, strictly adheres to rules, causing delays for the team. Conflicts could arise as a result. To maintain harmony and prevent further frustration, try delegating tasks elsewhere or talking to this person privately.

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!



Two friends posing for a selfie on the beach, each holding up their hand in a pace sign.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Capricorn, you may feel a desire to strengthen your bond with a certain friend or family member, but you're not quite on the right path this week. If this relationship requires a different approach, now's the time to gain insight into ways you could grow closer to them. Ask others in their life, look into interests you already know they have, or just ask them directly!


Sometimes, things don't come together smoothly. Whether it's a creative project that isn't sticking or a new hobby that isn't working out, it might be best to set these aside for now. Focus on understanding and adjusting your approach to achieve better results later on.

To learn more about Capricorn, click here!



A father kneeling on the floor helping teach his young son how to do laundry. Behind him, his other son is helping sweep the floor.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aquarius, this week is the perfect time to simplify your life by aligning your thoughts and actions. They're almost there but could use some small adjustments, like aiming for a driveway but hitting the curb slightly. Dig deep into the details to see what can be changed.


You might feel frustrated by household issues, be it the distribution of work or an appliance malfunction at the wrong time. Don't let small troubles overwhelm you. Talk them out with the people you live with, or if you live alone, do some research into DIY ways to solve your problems.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!



A closeup shot of someone tapping their credit card to pay for something.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Pisces, now's a good time to review if your actions align with your financial goals in particular. You're on the right track generally, but there are a few misalignments that could be costing you money or investment opportunities. Keep a careful eye out for things you might be missing.


Communication might be challenging for you right now. Others might not fully grasp your message due to unclear language or terminology. Be patient, explain things thoroughly, and reconsider your wording so others may understand you better.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!