Your Weekly Horoscope, August 18th – 24th, 2024

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To best prepare for the week ahead, it's good to know what the stars and the movement of the moon have in store, as both can lend wonderful advice to help you sort yourself out over the coming days.

This week is about encouragement, the ways we either hype ourselves up or drag ourselves down. There are also overarching themes of luck, planning, and commitment, forces that have the potential to bring great rewards to our lives.

With the planets and other celestial bodies always in motion, it means our lives and our paths are always changing in turn, guided by their divine forces.

To understand how these forces will continue to influence your life for years and decades to come, you can get a personalized birth chart reading. You learn more not only about yourself but your future too! Click here to get started today and see what awaits!

Two cut-off circles of orange to purple watercolor paint sit on the sides of the banner ad, both overlaid with minimalistic white graphics of zodiac constellations on top, a white background behind them. There's dark purple text that reads,
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

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A woman smiling and dancing during a rooftop party.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aries, now's a great time for you to focus on what you enjoy, especially since you've been craving more fun in your life. You definitely should follow these cravings, just make sure you're not completely neglecting your responsibilities while you do.


You may notice messages from the Universe, your angels, or other spiritual guides surrounding you. However, everyday distractions could make it hard to hear them clearly. This week, try reconnecting with a spiritual practice that can help you tune into the support being offered to you, even if that practice is simply stopping to smell the roses.

To learn more about Aries, click here!



A close shot of a man lounging back in a hammock, a hat over his eyes.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Taurus, you may feel like taking it easy and just relaxing. Even small things will feel like monumental tasks. While this is no excuse to avoid things that need to be done, you've also earned some R&R, so enjoy it!


You may find yourself in a group where you feel... mixed about certain members. Maybe some are your friends, but you just can't stand the rest of them, which can be hard to reconcile if they're not actually bad people. Sometimes it's better, in the long run, to just suck it up and keep the peace, even if it feels more frustrating at the moment.

To learn more about Taurus, click here!



A woman smiling as she stands in front of a geometrically pattered wall outside.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Right now, Gemini, you may find yourself with some extra confidence, maybe even a little luck. You are positioned to achieve something great, or at least take the steps you need to reach that achievement, so get out there!


However, you tend to keep raising the bar for yourself, meaning even after you do great things, it still doesn't feel like enough. Each time you reach a goal, you set a new, higher one. While this drive is what makes you successful, it can also prevent you from feeling truly happy. Be extra kind to yourself, and remember that your work deserves to be celebrated!

To learn more about Gemini, click here!



A woman standing outside in tall grass, arms out grazing the tops of it, the sun rising and shining behind her.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Cancer, you might sense a small push from the Universe this week, one that's guiding you toward the right decisions. There's a feeling of protection and care surrounding you as if a higher force is watching over you.


However, your natural faith could be tested by outside influences. You may want to walk your path with confidence, but the noise from the world around you, whether it’s the news or social media, might make you doubt yourself instead. This could lead to hesitation, making you second-guess your choices. Remember to trust in your intuition and stay focused on what feels right to you.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!



Two friends, one sitting on the floor and one laying on the couch, smiling as one buys something on her laptop with her credit card, the other friend pointing encouragingly.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Leo, you might find yourself with a bit of extra luck, but you could also be in the mood to spend. You may feel especially generous with your money, wanting to treat those around you. Pampering your friends is great, yes, just make sure you don't break the bank while doing so.


You're likely trying to balance between expanding and cutting back in some area of your life, which can feel overwhelming. It could be money, work, or a hobby, something you want to put more work into but without it taking over your life. Finding that balance will be tough, but well worth it once you've got a handle on it.

To learn more about Leo, click here!



A couple sitting next to each other on the floor after just having moved somewhere, looking stressed while they're surrounded by boxes.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Virgo, you always keep your word, meaning when you agree to any sort of commitment, you'll see it through, no matter what. This week, though, you might find that what you’ve agreed to is more than you can comfortably manage. Don't be afraid to back out or ask for help when needed.


There might be a bit of back-and-forth in your relationships right now. It might feel like one of you wants to move ahead while the other is still holding back. Thankfully, this is also a good week for open and honest communication, so start a conversation about what you're feeling so you can work on it together.

To learn more about Virgo, click here!



A close shot of two friends holding hands across a table.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libra, you may start the week spreading kindness and helping those around you, whether it's lending a hand or offering support. While you're busy doing good for others, don't forget to take some time for yourself too. Only through ample rest will you be able to keep helping those you love.


You might realize that some of your daily habits aren't actually helping you reach your goals. Take this realization and study it, learn what parts of your life need minor changes while others need a complete overhaul. You have the opportunity to make small but important changes that can set you on a better path.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



A woman against a pink background holding a fanned out stack of $100 bills in front of her face, clearly smiling as she looks off to the side.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Scorpio, you might find yourself lucky with money right now, but it could be a double-edged sword. Money might come in just as quickly as it goes out. You could land an incredible deal that saves you a lot, but remember, it's still spending. Consider using this good energy to bring more money your way rather than blowing through what you earn.


Sometimes we have to deal with people we don't like, and your time is now, Scorpio. It'll be frustrating, yes, especially if this person doesn't like to listen, but extending help even to those you don't mesh with will reap great karmic benefits. Let kindness be your guide, not judgment.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!



A kitchen and dining room full of guests, plates, and food during a bustling get-together.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Sagittarius, you might find yourself going above and beyond for someone special this week. It's tempting to give them everything they want, and you’re eager to make it happen, but be mindful not to overextend yourself. No matter how much you love them, it's not worth bleeding yourself dry over.


At home, things could feel a bit cramped, whether it’s due to guests, new additions, or just too much clutter. You know something needs to change and might feel inspired to completely overhaul your space. Take a moment to consider your options before rushing into any changes, as careful planning will help you achieve what you want from your home.

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!



A close shot of someone filling out their schedule in a journal, a calendar on the table in front of them.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week could be quite hectic for you, Capricorn. You may have filled up your schedule, at first thinking you could handle it all, but now feeling worried that you'll wind up exhausted by the end. On top of that, social events and unexpected visits might add to your load, making your calendar feel completely overwhelming. Just breathe. You can make it through this.


You might face some challenges when certain things don't turn out as you expected. This could leave you unsure about moving forward with certain decisions. Take time to really think about your next steps, as careful planning will help you avoid the same mistakes.

To learn more about Capricorn, click here!



A woman sitting on a chair, wrapped in a blanket, hugging herself as she smiles with her eyes closed.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Aquarius, you're fully committed and willing to take risks even when the chances aren’t in your favor. You might move ahead with something important, whether it’s a project or a relationship, despite the challenges. However, it’s still important not to overlook any red flags that could be warning you to slow down.


It might feel like you're giving much more than you're receiving right now, leaving little for yourself. Remember, you have to prioritize your own needs first, even when it feels selfish. By taking care of yourself, you'll be in a better position to create more opportunities and keep things moving in the right direction.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!



A close shot of a woman biting her nails nervously.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This week, Pisces, you might feel a strong pull toward something new, whether it's a relationship, a purchase, or a plan for the future. Remember, no matter how excited you get at these ideas; it’s still important to take a step back and give yourself time to think before making any big decisions.


However, think too hard, and you just might talk yourself out of it, which also isn't the way to go. Feeling so unsure and going back and forth with yourself can be exhausting. Instead of worrying about feeling tired, try to pinpoint what exactly is making you unsure. From there, you can work to eliminate it.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!