Categories: Human Interest

‘World’s Most Jealous Woman’ Bans Husband From Watching Any Woman On TV


Every relationship has its rules. Some may seem more restrictive than others, but some couples really like structure, and so long as no one's being hurt, who are we to judge?

There are some couples, though, whose internal rules are so extreme they draw the public's eye in a big way. This is what happened to one couple that features a wife so jealous she's made international news about it.

Trying to land a solid relationship, no matter what your rules or expectations are, seems to become harder and harder by the day. How are you meant to keep a quality partner these days?

Relationship expert Amy North might have the answer, and it's much simpler than you might think. Click here to learn about her "devotion sequence" that will help you land the man of your dreams while also avoiding common attraction-killing mistakes.

Wandering Eyes

Daily Mail / REX
Daily Mail / REX

Jealousy within a relationship isn't uncommon. Of course, it has its limits, as there's a very thin line between regular amounts of jealousy that you communicate with your partner and overcome and unreasonable amounts of jealousy that you harbor in your heart until you explode.

One couple appears to not only cross that line, but so openly, with both seeming content within their extremely jealous and restrictive relationship. This is Debbi and Steve Wood, a couple with more than a couple of rules.


An Unusual Title

Tyla / ITV
Tyla / ITV

Debbi self-proclaims that she is "the world's most woman," having created a set of rules for her husband, Steve, that most people would find unreasonable at best and seriously worrisome at worst.


The couple was 42 and 30, respectively, when they first began making the rounds for their unique relationship. That was over a decade ago now, but they continue to feature in headlines across the internet, baffling onlookers left and right. They began dating back in 2011.


Keeping Close Watch

Daily Mail /
Daily Mail /

Debbi regularly checks Steve's emails, his text messages, and his bank accounts in order to keep tabs on him. She wants to make sure he's not talking to or spending money on anyone she doesn't know about.


She also forbids him from watching women on TV or seeing photos of them in magazines. She doesn't want him looking at any other woman in any context. As she said in a 2015 interview, "I don't want him thinking they’re hot. If you’re in a relationship, and you’re happy with your partner, you should only have eyes for that person."


Triple Checking

Daily Mail /
Daily Mail /

One of the most shocking things she does is make Steve perform lie detector tests every so often to ensure he's being honest. "It was my only way of knowing for sure if Steve's eyes were wandering," she explained. "In general, he’s quite truthful, but I have caught him lying a few times about looking at other women."


She really does love him, though, and thinks he's a great guy. She said as much during the interview, "When you've got a good man, you're not going to let him go, are ya?"


Locked In

Tyla / ITV
Tyla / ITV

The interviewer then asked, "But aren't you going to frighten him off?"


Debbi replied, "I don't think I could frighten him off if I tried."

Steve then chimed in as well, saying there was no way he was being scared off "any time soon." He added that if he was going to run from Debbi, he would have already done so.

When asked about the TV rule, Steve shared that he doesn't actually mind it since he usually only watches sports anyway.


Where's The Line?

Tyla / ITV
Tyla / ITV

Debbi also clarified why she made that rule to begin with. She says she's completely fine with her husband appreciating another woman's beauty; she just fears him thinking about sleeping with other women, so she's decided to remove any and all temptations.


She's not without her reasons, though. Debbi's behavior has actually been diagnosed by a doctor. She has something called Othello syndrome, a recorded illness that causes people to become convinced that their partner is cheating on them, no matter how much evidence proves otherwise.


An Explanation

Daily Mail /
Daily Mail /

Responding to the diagnosis, she said, "I'm relieved to finally know what’s wrong with me but I still have a long way to go. Even if Steve pops out for 15 minutes to buy a pint of milk, I make him take a lie detector test as soon as he gets home. I get so worried that he's been eyeing up the shop assistant that I just have to know the truth."


"I think he's gorgeous, but that’s not the issue - it’s about whether or not I can trust him not to look at other women while he is out on his own."


Slow Improvement

Daily Mail / REX
Daily Mail / REX

She has since been receiving treatment in the form of anti-anxiety medication and therapy, and Steve seems very sympathetic about her condition. "I put Steve through a lot but he's stood by me through it all so I know he’s the man for me. I think lots of women out there must be suffering from the same condition and just not realize it."


She also believes Othello syndrome is exasperated by certain societal expectations, saying, "I think it's because of the pressure society puts on us to look a certain way - to be stick thin with blonde hair and big boobs. I’m lucky my partner is so understanding - others might not be so fortunate."


True, Honest Love

Daily Mail / Facebook
Daily Mail / Facebook

As for Steve, he clearly still loves her. "Sometimes, I get nervous and the lie detector test results come back inconclusive because my heart is hammering, which makes Debbi doubt me. I just have to tell her I haven't cheated and pray she believes me."


"I'm willing to put up with it, because I know we’re soulmates," he continued, "She’s so special to me and a bit of jealousy here and there won’t change that."

Finding someone this devoted, this in love that they're willing to work with the quirks even you dislike about yourself is not easy. Some people luck upon their soulmate, while others have to work for it.

There are tools you can use to make that work easier, though, tools that can help you land the man of your dreams. This free video introduces the concept of a "devotion sequence" that will give you the power to have any man falling for you, so click here to learn more today!

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

Published by
Daniel Mitchell

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