Categories: Spirituality

Widowed Mother Shares Video Of Her Late Husband’s Spirit InTheir Son’s Crib


What's your stance on life after death? A heavy question to start things off with, yes, but your answer will greatly alter how you view this story. It's also a question that contains many layers and nuances. For example, you could believe in life after death, but think ghost stories are absolutely frivolous.

Still, after the devastating experience that is losing a loved one, many of us want to believe in a second life after passing if we didn't already. The knowledge that someone could be watching over us or waiting to reunite can be comforting in those times. One woman and her series of videos regarding her late husband may be changing minds when it comes to the life-after-death debate, as what she captured is truly astounding.

To create a truly transformative relationship, it is important to take stock of your feelings and ask yourself: does this person make you love yourself more? Do you want to grow old with them?

As this mother proved, love is more than just kisses and butterflies...much more than that. If you want to know more on what your birth chart reveals about how you love and what you need out of a partner, check out this personalized report based on date of birth.

Have You Ever Had An Otherworldly Experience?

Unsplash / Jr Korpa
Unsplash / Jr Korpa

Have you seen a ghost? Communicated with the dead? Experienced something that has no logical explanation besides that of forces outside of the physical realm?

To those who haven't, it can be a hard thing to describe, but those who have know how it's hard to shake once you've witnessed it. Seeing a ghost or interacting with one in some way is a life-changing experience, especially when the ghost in question could potentially be a loved one that's passed.

Thankfully, when it truly is a family member, friend, or lover's spirit, rarely are the interactions malicious. In fact, they often appear to be of help or to comfort us.


One Woman May Have Proved It


Whitney Allen is a self-described "Mama, Author, and Young Widow" who lost her husband earlier this year. She has an active TikTok account where she posts videos showcasing how she works through grief and how she's adjusted to life after the loss of a partner. She's covered the things that have helped, like her fitness journey, and her moments of weakness. She also aims to create a community for those who struggle similarly, hoping to encourage others and remind them they're still capable of living a full life.


She Captured Something Amazing

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

On December 8, 2022, Whitney posted a video that went immensely viral, garnering almost 10 million views at the time of writing.


The video features a recording of a video baby monitor and some on-screen text that reads, "My husband passed away on April 7, 2022 when our second son, Leo was 3 months old. Tonight I felt like I saw my husband soothing our baby."

In the video's caption, she merely wrote, "The veil is thin."


What Did She See?

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

As the baby monitor video plays, we can see what looks like a small ball of light moving along baby Leo's head in a repetitive motion that appears similar to caressing. It begins by his ear, then moves up into his hair, and continues that same path of motion a few times, blinking in and out as it does.


The video then cuts to Leo having rolled over. Now facing the other way, that same orb appears on the back of his head, looking to be lightly petting his hair. More on-screen text appears, this time reading, "Chills. It literally looks like a hand is patting/stroking Leo's head."


The Comments Were In Tears

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

Tons of people were in awe at the video, many admitting how it moved them to tears or made them otherwise emotional.


One commenter named wrote, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Thank you for this."

Another agreed with Whitney's instinct, writing, "I'm telling you right now that is your husband. [...] he is [Leo's] guardian angel now. Your son is divinely protected."

"[Yup.] It's thin," said another user, noting the video's caption, "[He's] there with you and his boys. The baby looks aware too. His little foot taps. I wonder what he was feeling/seeing."


Whitney Made A Follow-Up Video

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

In response to the overwhelming popularity of her video about the shocking phenomenon, she uploaded a response video titled, "Why I believe that the orb in this video soothing our baby is my husband who passed in April."


She reveals that when she was 12 weeks pregnant, Leo had a large cystic hygroma behind his neck. They were told there was a 50% chance that Leo would be born with a genetic disorder that would greatly affect his health, potentially even killing him.

Her late husband, Ryan, had assured her at the time that Leo would be perfect. "I wouldn't understand [until] later why he knew in his soul that this was true."


They Weren't Officially In The Clear

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

They would continue to do tests for over two months, with Ryan promising time and time again that Leo was and would be perfect.


Ten weeks after the cysts were discovered, all of Leo's genetic tests came back normal. Ryan had been right, Leo was perfect.

Then, a month later, Ryan had a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting and went into cardiac arrest. This caused an anoxic brain injury that left him hospital-bound for five months until his passing.


Leo Was Born On January 8, 2022.

TikTok / @whitneylynallen
TikTok / @whitneylynallen

Ryan had so far been recovering, but slowly. As Whitney wrote, "[...] Ryan was on lockdown due to COVID restrictions. It was during Ryan's isolation over this time that he stopped responding to commands and improving. His 'light' went out when his baby was born into this world."


"I believe that somehow Ryan traded his life for his son's."


People Had Full Support For Whitney


Another batch of comments shared an outpouring of love for her, Leo, Ryan, and their other sons, with many agreeing that Ryan's presence was absolutely present in the video she shared.


"As someone who lost a parent at 3 months old, I promise I've felt them my entire life," wrote one user, providing first-hand reassurance, "I hope your baby will too [...] it's a hard grief but it can be beautiful too."

"This is truly beautiful," said another, "A mother's love is unique and beyond compare, but a father's love is fierce and unstoppable even by death."

To create a truly transformative relationship, it is important to take stock of your feelings and ask yourself: does this person make you love yourself more? Do you want to grow old with them?

As this mother proved, love is more than just kisses and butterflies...much more than that. If you want to know more on what your birth chart reveals about how you love and what you need out of a partner, check out this personalized report based on date of birth.


It's A Beautiful, Yet Heartbreaking Video


The story that got Whitney to this place is a horrific tragedy that has surely left deep scars on not just her, but her sons as well. However, as this video proves, Ryan isn't completely gone from her life.


Even if you don't believe that light is truly him, his memory is still with her and her family, and them finding comfort in his spiritual presence will help them cope with his physical absence.

We wish nothing but love and healing for Whitney and her children, and thank her for the reminder that even after they've passed, there's a chance our loved ones are never truly gone.

To create a truly transformative relationship, it is important to take stock of your feelings and ask yourself: does this person make you love yourself more? Do you want to grow old with them?

As this mother proved, love is more than just kisses and butterflies...much more than that. If you want to know more on what your birth chart reveals about how you love and what you need out of a partner, check out this personalized report based on date of birth.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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