Categories: Spirituality

Why Some People See Ghosts While Others Don’t, According To Science


You would be surprised at how many people report sightings and apparitions of ghosts. However, some people are more prone to make these reports than others. For example, some studies show that almost half of widowed elderly Americans see a hallucination of their departed spouse. So are they are real or they just hallucinations we dream of during emotionally intense periods?

That’s a hard question to answer because the definition of seeing ghosts can depend on the person. If we a define it as “sensing a presence” then it can be as simple as a feeling rather than an actual sight. Thsi can happen in all kinds of states like when you’re awake, or asleep, and when you’re grieving or just focused enough to notice. In all cases, science can now explains why ghosts can be seen by some people, and not others.

The Fear Of Ghosts Itself

darksouls1 / Pixabay Via canva

darksouls1 / Pixabay Via canva

Some people are scared of the paranormal. It’s not necessarily the ghosts themselves that make them feel uneasy, but the meeting of the unknown and the possibility of something they don’t understand that defies the laws of nature as they’ve come to understand it. For that reason, these people don’t particularly enjoy darkness, thunderstorms, or horror stories. However, the brain is funny that way. It’s possible that it’s the fear itself that tricks the mind into interpreting certain events as “paranormal.’ This could be because the mind is already oriented towards that risk. Think of it like when you go do a presentation and work yourself up so you forget all your lines.

On the other hand, those who don’t give much thought to ghosts, aren’t opening themselves up to the possibility of seeing them. So chances are, even if ghosts are real and have shown themselves to them, these people likely brushed it off with a more rational explanation.

Inability To Breath Properly

Nia Koepfer / Unsplash

Nia Koepfer / Unsplash

​We take our ability to let the breath in and back out naturally for granted. However, when you actually bring awareness to the breath you can control its speed which can have good or harmful effects on your mind and body. For some people, breathing is actually harder because their brains don’t get enough oxygen to operate properly. This could be developed with habits like smoking which is known as cerebral anoxia.

When the brain is deprived of oxygen it can start to play tricks on the mind. It’ll see things that aren’t there or hear voices that aren’t present. These hallucinations can feel like out-of-body experiences and mimick ghost sightings and other paranormal activity.

Being Exposed To Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Daniel Ramos / Unsplash

Daniel Ramos / Unsplash

Usually, paranormal sightings are accompanied by physical systems like dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Do you know what else causes these symptoms? Carbon monoxide poisoning. So when people report that their house is haunted, they probably should also double-check that their monoxide detector is working well.

This odorless gas often goes undetected despite sometimes having fatal repercussions. People who have been infected by the poisoning are more prone to hallucinations that make them believe in ghosts.

High Stress Situations

Francisco Moreno / Unsplash

Francisco Moreno / Unsplash

A study tried to find the differences between people who have never had a paranormal experience and those who have. They found that supernatural experiences most likely happened in threatening or ambiguous environments. This means that stress was often a factor and the more in danger a person felt, the more likely they were to “see ghosts.”

For example sailors, mountain climbers, and polar explorers often come home with vivid stories of ghosts following them, living in abandoned ships, or sending them rescuers. These people were often in life or death situations that amplified their sense of a paranormal presence

Inability To Sleep Properly

Ann Danilina / Unsplash

Ann Danilina / Unsplash

One of the easiest ways to start losing your mind and ability to tell reality from distortion is by losing enough sleep. Eventually, insomnia takes over the sleep-deprived mind to play all kinds of tricks. Sleep is vital for a sharp mind and alert sensations.

The less sleep they have the more likely a person is to lose their sense of reality and get lost in a world they deem paranormal. Maybe this is the only time they’re able to let go of the conditioning that prevents them from seeing ghosts. Maybe that’s why children have an easier time seeing them and then grow out of it. Or maybe these people just need more sleep.

Being Surrounded By Technology

NASA / UNsplash

NASA / UNsplash

In today’s day and age, it’s almost impossible to escape technology. We’re surrounded by electrical appliances, televisions, phones, even if they aren’t our own. To operate, these technologies create strong electromagnetic fields around them. Studies have shown that these electromagnetic fields interfere with our biological setup such as the electromagnetic field which our minds create.

Some people are more impacted and exposed to these effects, making them more prone to conjuring up ghosts. Keep in mind, that often reports of ghost sightings tell stories of ghosts who disrupt these fields such as by randomly turning on the tv or increasing the volume on the radio on their own

Living In Isolation Or Unusual Circumstances

Sasha Freemind / Unsplash

Sasha Freemind / Unsplash

Similarly as when experiencing high levels of stress people who have become isolated in an extreme or found themselves in unusual environments were more likely to “see ghosts” This is probably due to their need to feel like someone or something else was also with them as a coping mechanism.

Usually, they can’t describe the experience in detail but out’s more of a vague feeling they remember like someone was watching them. ,

Looking Inwards

Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Annie Spratt / Unsplash

A study proposed that we spend a lot of time processing the sensations from the world around us. But when we encounter a sensation that we’re unprepared to process, like extreme loneliness or survival, we start to look inwards. This means that our greatest perception ability is the one we find in ourselves. If you’re looking for more information on how you experience the world around you specifically, then you’ll need your own zodiac reading

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

You would be surprised at how many people report sightings and apparitions of ghosts. However, some people are more prone to make these reports than others. For example, some studies show that almost half of widowed elderly Americans see a hallucination of their departed spouse. So are they are real or they just hallucinations we dream of during emotionally intense periods?

That’s a hard question to answer because the definition of seeing ghosts can depend on the person. If we a define it as “sensing a presence” then it can be as simple as a feeling rather than an actual sight. Thsi can happen in all kinds of states like when you’re awake, or asleep, and when you’re grieving or just focused enough to notice. In all cases, science can now explains why ghosts can be seen by some people, and not others.

Higher Perspectives Author

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