Categories: Psychology

Why Blunt People Make The Best Friends


Are you someone that values the truth? Would you rather your friends be brutally honest with you, or do you prefer a white lie that will protect your feelings? Ironically, you have to be honest with yourself here, too, because while many people would say they want nothing but the truth, they have issues actually facing it when it arises.

Having someone who's consistently and openly honest can invite a lot of good into your life— including a good, loyal friend you can keep for life.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won't believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That's right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

The Price Of Honesty

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We've all met someone we've considered honest, but have you met someone you'd call blunt? People often think the difference lies in the delivery of the statement. They'll think of 'honesty' as a more thoughtful, respectful delivery, while bluntness is curt and rude.

However, I think it's rude within itself to automatically call blunt people rude. More direct, sure, but their version of honest is no worse then anyone else's.

Actually, it might be better in a lot of ways.


The Root Of It

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Those caught up in the 'politeness' of honesty means they feel the need to cushion statements to avoid coming off as hurtful. Not wanting to be mean is a valiant stance, don't get me wrong, but it often means the truth becomes so padded and gentle that the person listening doesn't get their lesson in full.


Bluntness is a virtue, and someone who sticks to bluntness knows that direct, undeniable honesty is the best way to go about helping people.

This is just one of the qualities that makes them wonderful friends to have around, but here are some more in case you need convincing.


They Tell It Like It Is

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The core trait of blunt people is that they have no qualms saying exactly what's on their mind or being completely honest, even if that honesty delves into 'brutal' territory.


They won't be cruel or needlessly mean, but they'll tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear, and that's a valuable trait to have in a friend! You want someone who's going to be open with you in all aspects, and won't lie to just protect your feelings.


You Know They Want To Be Your Friend

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Because blunt people are so honest, you'll always know if they ever have a problem with you, and in turn, can trust that they want to be your friend if they keep you around.


Blunt people have no time to spare on those they don't care about or don't think favorably of and have a very low tolerance for people they don't like. This means if a blunt person continues to engage in your friendship, it's because they really want you around, and that type of assurance can be very comforting.


They Encourage You To Be Better

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No one is perfect, even our best, closest friends, but we can often struggle to voice the areas in which we think our friends could improve because we don't want them to take it the wrong way and think we're insulting them.


Blunt people don't get caught up in feeling that way. If they see you have a shortcoming, they will point it out, not to bully you, but so you can be aware of it too and strive to do better.


They Always Apologize

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As mentioned a few times now, blunt people aren't mean. At least, they're not trying to be, though some people could read their words that way. Still, they don't actively want to hurt anyone's feelings, any instance of that happening means something got out of hand or they were misinterpreted.


But either way, they'll still apologize for it. Blunt people are happy to call other people out for their missteps in life, and they're self-aware enough to know when it's time for them to recognize their own fault and own up to it. A blunt person who can't say sorry is often just a hypocrite.


They're Very Protective

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Blunt people are also fiercely protective. They don't tolerate anyone being actively rude or unjust toward someone they care about, and since they're not afraid to be honest, they'll call that other person out immediately. They can clearly see who was in the wrong in any given situation and will halt everything to make sure it's sorted, not letting the guilty party get away without their share of scolding.


They fight for their friends and will not hesitate to back them up, which just solidifies what amazing friends they are.


Ugly Truths

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Being blunt has a bad reputation, and if someone hears that you're the honest type before even meeting you, they might approach you with preconceived notions before they're able to see your beautiful qualities.


Don't let people like that get you down. Those who are so afraid of honesty that they think poorly of you before getting to know you are just worried that they'll have to face some ugly sides of themselves because you won't be afraid to call them on it.

Stay true to your ways, those who are deserving of your truthfulness will take it with grace and truly value you.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won't believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That's right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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