Categories: Spirituality

Which Animal Did You See First? The Answers Will Reveal What Triggers Your Temper


What triggers our anger? People often express their anger in different ways, but they usually come down to four categories of triggers: frustrations, irritations, abuse, and unfairness. Our tolerance and patience with these issues come down to our unique personality traits. These are developed early in childhood depending on our parents, our environment, and our individual experiences but they change throughout our life, the more that we are exposed to certain feelings, behaviors and experiences.

Some people are quicker to anger than others and some are better at getting a grasp over it than others? Where do you fall on the spectrum? Depending on the animal that caught your eye first, let’s find out! Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!


There’s a reason people think of you as a big cuddly, teddy bear. You tend to put a front, a tough exterior meant to protect yourself. You try to brush off any negativity and act tough so that no one crosses you.

You might be quick to anger but you’re also quick to forgive. You might get loud, and even lose your temper at first but that’s your way of setting boundaries. You don’t want anyone to take advantage of your softer side. However, once you’ve calmed down, you’re not afraid to apologize and go in for a big hug. You’re also the “mama bear” of your group. Others around you trust you to take care of them and know that if need be you’ll always stand up for them.


You don’t like to stay put in one place, doing the same old thing for too long. You find it frustrating to get stuck in the same boring routine over and over. For that reason even when you’re angry, you tend to move on quickly. One someone deceives and upsets you, you have no problem just letting them go because you know that there is plenty of other fish in the sea.

You tend to rather be non-confrontational. You don’t actually like to argue. But when you fight yourself in a fight, you utilize your imagination and witty intelligence to try and lighten the mood. Sometimes your sarcasm and easygoingness is taken the wrong way, but all you can do is shrug it off.


You always put others ahead of yourself so even when you’re upset you’re too busy thinking about how everyone else is feeling, that your anger is the last thought on your mind. However, you sometimes get frustrated when others don’t put in the same effort to try and acknowledge your feelings. Your level of empathy is so natural and intuitive that it’s hard for you to accept that others don’t have the capacity to be as understanding.

Your big heart is your guide in moments of anger. Despite feelings all emotions intensely, you have enough emotional intelligence to bring yourself back down instead of blowing up. People have to push your buttons really hard and over a long span of time for you to actually snap.

For personalized information, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.


You are not afraid of anyone. You get loud when you’re angry and are overcome by emotions. You like to take risks and say things as they are. You don’t like to sugarcoat or bend the truth even if it’s hard for others to hear. You tend to excel in leadership positions because others would rather be on your side than against you. You’re a natural leader who has everyone’s best interests at heart.

You’re loyal, especially to your close loved ones, and will protect them at any cost. You don’t give up easily and you take everyone and everything in your path as a challenge. You’re determined to come out on top and this helps you stand out and excel in life.


You’ve got a few tricks up your sleeves. When you’re angry, you don’t like to show it. Instead, you think of creative ways to get your point across. Sometimes this comes as revenge or a lesson that you hope will teach others to treat you with the respect that you deserve. However, this is usually a last resort. You try to be creative when faced with a conflict. You usually can find solutions and compromises that make everyone involved feel better.

You’re not someone who likes to blend in with the crowd. You don’t mind being the center of attention, in fact, you love entertaining others and watching them light up. You have a bubbly personality that rubs off on everyone around you so even if they’re angry, they feed off your good energy and feel better.


You’re quite smart. People can’t easily read you which can be frustrating for them,. You, on the other hand, have a natural capacity to pick up on their body language, their tone, and get a feel for their feelings and their thoughts. You know how to blend into the kind of person that you think you’re required to be. You know exactly what to say and when to make others feel like they’re getting exactly what they want, which in return gets them to do what you want.

You get angry when things don’t do according to plan, especially because you tend to use logic to predict all possible outcomes. You’re quite analytical and a great observer, so when your calculations turn out to be wrong, you feel out of balance and angry at the world. You prefer for things to go exactly your way, and according to your clear vision. You know exactly what it is that you want.

For personalized information, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.


You like to keep your circle small as what matters to you is quality over quantity. You don’t open up easily and are only your full authentic vulnerable self with the select few that you genuinely trust. You might come off as shy or anti-social to those who don’t know you well, and this often makes you feel misunderstood. You just like to live life in the way you best see fit not according to everyone else’s expectations.

What bothers you most in life are rules and unattainable standards. You don’t think there’s a point in trying to please everyone at all times and get angry when you feel like you’re expected to. The only person you’re trying to impress is yourself, and find it draining to cater to everyone else.


​You don’t like to feel bound or trapped. You want to fly high and feel as free as possible. As soon as someone makes you feel like they’re trying to control you or you feel held back from your potential you start to feel angry. This starts off in subconscious ways before eventually making its way up to the surface.

You have big goals and you aim high in life so you’ll leave anyone and anything behind that is keeping you from achieving big things. You want to spread your wings and see where life takes you. You’re open to being spontaneous and have a great sense of adventure. You don’t have time to be petty, there are too many places to be and people to see.


You’re just cruising through life without a specific plan in mind. You like to live in the present moment and make most of everything in life. You’re able to see the good in every situation and have a great appreciation for the small things. People turn to you to learn from your positivity and easy-going nature. You come across as confident and comfortable in your own skin. You’re not trying hard to fit in, you like who you are and everyone else can either take it or leave it. It’s hard to actually make you angry.

People find it easy to trust and confide in you and you’re able to talk through most conflicts. The things that make you angry are usually outside your control. You don’t like to see unfairness and anyone being mistreated. You wish you help everyone around you live carefreely.

For personalized information, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.


You have so much energy at all times. You’re quite a curious person which sometimes gets you into trouble. You just want to learn as much as possible and discover the world around you. You’re genuinely interested in people’s lives and want to spread positive where you may go. Your biggest turn-off is people who like to play the victim and surrender themselves to negativity instead of trying to do anything about it.

You’re a doer and it’s frustrating watching people around you just give up and stop trying to make the most out of life. Sometimes you take it upon your life to do things for them in an attempt to “fix them” and make them feel alive, but it often comes at your expense and you learn the hard way that we’re each only responsible for our own happiness.


You seem to always be one step ahead of everyone else. You have a natural ability at seeing the big picture so you don’t like to sweat the small things and get caught up in details. It’s easy for you to forgive and you’re quick to move on from anger because you know that ultimately some things don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

However, sometimes you get frustrated when things don’t move as quickly as you want them to be. You’re fast-paced and when you want something, you want it then and can get a bit impatient. However, your eyes remain on the prize, and you eventually have the will to find a way around any problems.

Get To Know The Deep Levels Of Your Personality

You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you! Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

The numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

What triggers our anger? People often express their anger in different ways, but they usually come down to four categories of triggers: frustrations, irritations, abuse, and unfairness. Our tolerance and patience with these issues come down to our unique personality traits. These are developed early in childhood depending on our parents, our environment, and our individual experiences but they change throughout our life, the more that we are exposed to certain feelings, behaviors and experiences.

Some people are quicker to anger than others and some are better at getting a grasp over it than others? Where do you fall on the spectrum? Depending on the animal that caught your eye first, let’s find out!Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Higher Perspectives Author

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