
What’s The Difference Between Your Twin Flame And Your Soulmate?


When thinking about the world of romance, media in particular, there's a very large emphasis placed on the idea of a soulmate. You could ask 100 different people what they believe a soulmate is and get 100 different answers. It's a unique, subjective phenomenon influenced strongly by one's desires, character, and upbringing.

It's also treated like the only kind of true love out there when that isn't the case! For just one example, there are also twin flames, a necessary kind of love that far fewer people consider when thinking about destined relationships.

The biggest issue with destined relationships is that we can never see them coming. If we lose one, we won't know until it's too late. What if you could prevent that, though? What if you could see your future in love and better prepare for it?

The truth is, you can, and you can start that journey today. Speak to mystical experts who, using some divinational teachings, will help you plot out your love life and guide you toward these fated partnerships. Don't let a soulmate pass you by, click here to learn more.

Fated Pairs

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When speaking about matters of love, you'll often hear the term 'soulmate' tossed around. The idea of a soulmate is that there's someone out there who is your 100% perfect match. You gel perfectly, you have an idyllic relationship, and even if you do face struggles, you come out the other side stronger than ever.

Some people believe you have many potential soulmates throughout your life, that you have different types of soulmates, or that soulmates are linked via past lives. There is plenty of soulmate mythology and theories to fit how you think of them.


Fiery Love

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When it comes to destined partners, though, there's also more than just soulmates. Another commonly touted phenomenon is that of twin flames, which appear to be similar but not exactly the same as soulmates.


So, what are the differences between the two? How do those differences affect how we should approach a relationship with a twin flame versus a soulmate?

First, let's discuss the history of twin flames. The story behind twin flames actually originates in ancient Greek mythology.


A Mirror Image

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The story goes that Zeus began splitting people into two beings as he feared their combined strength. Now separated, both halves would spend forever looking for one another, as twin flames are two halves of a singular soul that long for one another.


The concept of twin flames has appeared in other myths around the world for centuries now, but today, they're most associated with new-age beliefs and modern spiritualism.

Because twin flames are halves of the same soul, they're also reflections of one another.


A Rough Course

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This means that they reflect back on each other's strengths, weaknesses, confidences, worries, and every other detail about themselves back onto their partner. This partner will understand these traits better than anyone else, for they, too, carry the same ones.


Though these relationships are strong, they're also a little turbulent. Due to their nature, emotions are often running high, which is great when a pair of twin flames is sharing love and affection, but it can be disastrous as soon as something goes wrong.


Whirlwind Relationship

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Twin flame relationships, though bonded by fate, have a tendency to be on-again off-again. They're extremely intense, extremely fast, and sweep up everybody around them, not just the two involved. This can make a twin-flame relationship rather challenging at times. It's a lot of drama.


These dramatic moments, though, are born from one half being unable to face the darker parts of themselves that they see in their twin flame. Being able to grapple with the innermost parts of your core being can make a twin-flame relationship move along much more smoothly.


Eventual Understanding

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This isn't to say twin flame relationships are bad, they just have the potential to have bad moments if one or both parties are ill-prepared for that type of bond.


Once both halves have made peace with even the worst parts of their souls, their bodies, and their beings, then a twin flame relationship starts to become wonderful. You'll always have someone who encourages you to be your best, someone who understands you on an innate level, someone whose mind works so similarly to yours it's almost scary. It's a relationship worth fighting through the harder parts for.


Doomed Fates

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However, twin-flame relationships are often destined to fizzle out. As joyous as they are, that type of intensity isn't one that's meant to be sustained forever, you'll both just wear each other out. The point of a twin flame relationship is to heal. The point of our twin flame being a mirror, of seeing those parts of ourselves we're ashamed of, is so we can learn what that looks like from an outside perspective and see how it affects others.


Once we know that, we can finally begin to grow beyond it. We can mature into our best selves and finally seek out our soulmate.


What Comes Next?

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So, what is a soulmate? How is it different from a twin flame?


A soulmate relationship is one that's more gentle, more calm. You won't find the same extreme emotional peaks and valleys. Instead, you'll find something that feels, above all else, safe. You'll feel nurtured, protected, comfortable, and loved. It will feel like a 'finally' moment, it will all click into place so easily you might not believe it at first, but hold onto trust, this was how it was always meant to be.


Safe And Sound

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This can be the same for many types of soulmates, too. Be they platonic or romantic, things will feel right, and within your first few days of speaking, you'll feel like you've known each other for years already. You'll feel whole.


Working through a relationship with your twin flame is extremely important to be able to truly appreciate a soulmate in your life. There's no guarantee you'll meet either in your lifetime, but if you do, you want to be able to handle both properly.


Embrace All Love

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So, though it may lead to some heartache and confusion, don't shy away from the people who confront you about things you'd rather leave buried. Twin flame or not, these people are helping you. You can't expect to properly love your soulmate when you're busy shoving so many skeletons in your closet.


Should they come into your life, allow your twin flame to help you heal so you can be ready to meet your soulmate when they arrive. You wouldn't want to let that moment pass you by due to your own stubbornness.

Even if you are open and ready to meet your twin flame or your soulmate, sometimes we fumble the opportunity for an unrelated, completely innocuous reason. You can never know if your soulmate has already passed you by... unless you can.

To know if your soulmate is still out there, you can speak to mystical experts today who will reveal your life's path within love, including what awaits in your future. Click here to learn more and get started today, don't let your soulmate slip through your fingers!

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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