What Makes Supercommunicators Special, And How Do You Know If You Are One?

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Being able to talk is one of life's most underrated skills. Not talking as in saying anything, but talking as in genuinely engaging others in the conversations you spark or being able to present something to a group with impressive confidence.

Good communication has many facets to it, with tons of traits all converging to create a foundation for clear, effective, and memorable speaking. What traits you ask? Let's find out.

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The Power Of Speech

A close shot of two peoples' hands as they chat, both gesturing emotively.
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Have you ever met someone who effortlessly captivates an entire room with their words or has an exceptional talent for being able to explain anything in a clear, concise, and accessible manner? These people are known as supercommunicators, and their ability to connect, persuade, and inspire others is nothing short of extraordinary. But what exactly makes a supercommunicator, and how can you tell if you're one of them?


Here, we'll list the unique and powerful traits that make supercommunicators stand out, as well as ways that you can test whether or not you already display some of these traits.


1. Active Listening And Reading Between The Lines

Two friends at a cafe sitting next to each other, turned toward one another, one speaking while the other listens.
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Supercommunicators possess an uncanny ability to hear through someone's words and discern what they truly mean. They don't just listen to respond; they listen to understand, wanting to know every conversation's true motivations. This deep level of active listening allows them to pick up on subtle cues, emotions, and underlying messages that others might miss.


To know if you have this trait, ask yourself: Do you find yourself fully engaged in conversations, even when the topic isn't particularly interesting to you? Are you able to recall specific details from conversations long after they've ended? Can you tell when someone is hiding something even when they say otherwise?


2. High Levels Of Empathy

A man speaking to a group of people at a support group.
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At the core of every supercommunicator's toolkit is a highly developed sense of empathy. They have an innate ability to put themselves in others' shoes, understanding and relating to their feelings and perspectives. This emotional awareness allows them to tailor their communication style to suit the needs and preferences of their specific audience.


To properly assess your own empathy, consider how well you can read the emotional vibe of a room or pick up on nonverbal cues. Do you find yourself naturally adjusting your communication style based on the person you're talking to? Are you able to defuse tense situations by acknowledging and addressing others' feelings?


3. Clarity And Conciseness

A man confidently giving a presentation to a large group of people, all in business attire.
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Supercommunicators have a remarkable ability to distill complex ideas into clear, concise points. They understand that effective communication isn't about using fancy words or lengthy explanations but rather about conveying information in a way that is easily understood and remembered.


Reflect on your communication style. Are you able to explain complicated concepts in simple terms? Do people often come to you for clarification on complex issues? Have people mentioned that you're good at breaking things down or making them seem approachable?


4. Easy Adaptability

Two friends at a cafe sitting next to each other, turned toward one another, one speaking while the other listens.
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Supercommunicators possess a chameleon-like quality that allows them to seamlessly shift between different tones, vocabularies, and approaches depending on who they're talking to. This adaptability ensures that their message resonates with diverse groups of people, from children to CEOs, and in various settings, from casual conversations to formal presentations.


Think about how you communicate in different contexts. Do you find yourself naturally adjusting your language and demeanor when speaking to people from different backgrounds or age groups? Are you comfortable switching between formal and informal communication styles as needed?

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5. Use Of Storytelling And Analogies

Two women sitting side by side during a meeting, one speaking and gesturing with her hands while the other listens.
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One of the most powerful tools in a supercommunicator's arsenal is their ability to use storytelling and analogies to make complex ideas relatable and memorable. They understand that humans are wired to respond to narratives over pure facts and that drawing parallels between unfamiliar concepts and familiar experiences can help people understand their point better.


To assess your own storytelling skills, reflect on how often you use anecdotes or metaphors to explain ideas. Do people tend to remember and reference your examples long after a conversation? Do you find yourself naturally weaving stories and analogies into your speech?


6. Creating Active Engagement

A low angle shot of a man giving a talk to a semi-circle of seated people, all in business attire.
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Supercommunicators excel at turning monologues into dialogues, actively engaging their audience, and encouraging participation. They understand that effective communication is a two-way street and that involving others in the conversation leads to better understanding (as well as an increased investment in the topic from participants).


Consider how you approach group discussions or presentations. Do you naturally ask thought-provoking questions and encourage others to share their perspectives? Are you comfortable starting group discussions and drawing out insights from quieter participants?


7. Always Being Willing To Learn

Two men sitting across from one another at an event, one speaking and gesturing with his hands while the other listens.
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Perhaps the most important trait of a supercommunicator is their commitment to continuous learning and improvement. They understand that communication is a skill that can always be refined and that there's always room for growth. This growth mindset drives them to seek out new knowledge, experiment with different communication techniques, and seek feedback, even negative feedback, so they can get better.


Consider how often you seek out opportunities to improve your communication skills. Do you regularly read books, attend workshops, or practice new techniques to become a better communicator? Are you open to constructive criticism and actively seek feedback on your communication style?


Embracing Your Inner Supercommunicator

A man speaking confidently to someone who's mostly out of frame sitting across from him
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Remember that effective communication is not just a skill but an art form that can be continually refined and perfected. You can start practicing today and grow within, developing your own style and honing it until it works for you.


Whether you're already a supercommunicator or aspiring to become one, the key is to remain curious, open-minded, and committed to perfecting your craft. So, take every opportunity you can to speak, not by stomping over people but by analyzing the conversation and enhancing it with the skills listed here. The people around you will feel the impact, and so will you!