Categories: Spirituality

What Appeared In The Background Of This Photo Made An Unsuspecting Woman Believe In Ghosts


When we die, where do our souls and bodies go? Some people believe we go to heaven; some claim that we will reincarnate into another living form. But, it's been proven that we stay exactly where we are - roaming on earth.

It's rumored that when you get a random chill down your body or your dog barks into the abyss, a ghost is nearby. Whether or not you believe in ghosts, the story behind this family photograph will give you nightmares ...

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A Haunting Child

Szigeti Gyöngyi /
Szigeti Gyöngyi /

It is said that cameras can catch things beyond what the human eye can see. Like mirrors, a camera lens can capture the presence of spirits in the physical form. What's even creepier than seeing ghosts appear in photos is knowing that they can join us at any place or time.

In 1943 Hungary, a family was spending a beautiful day together out in nature. When a father pulled out his film camera to document the memory of his wife, it turned out they had uninvited company. While at a first glance, this photo appears to be of a posing woman, that's not all it is. Look directly behind her ...


The Faceless Figure

Szigeti Gyöngyi /
Szigeti Gyöngyi /

When someone claims to have seen a ghost, they are often told that it must've been a figment on their own imagination. But, when these spiritual beings are caught on film, there is no denying the physical evidence of their existence.


When the photo developed, the family noticed something peculiar. A armless, faceless figure present in the background of where their mother once smiled alone. They claimed that no child joined them on their trip, and that the picture was snapped at a quiet, private location. So, where could this person have come from?


Physical Proof

Szigeti Gyöngyi /
Szigeti Gyöngyi /

When it comes to ghost stories, everyone's always skeptical of the truth. Did you think this 20th-century photograph could've been edited? The printed artifact speaks for itself! The owner of this mysterious moment from 1943 still has the original version in their home.


The motionless, speechless figure will always haunt the memory of this family. The recollection of their quiet, small family picnic is remembered with the chilling realization that they were not alone after all. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, even when a ghost speaks none...


Nursing Home Reaper

13thsage / Reddit
13thsage / Reddit

Not convinced? There's plenty of more evidence that spirits are everywhere. This photo was captured in a nursing home just 15 minutes after the death of one of its residents.


The owner of this photo claims that just before the picture was snapped, the lights flickered on and off and the doors opened and closed. No one was in sight, but this black, blurry figure appeared in the capture exactly where a person would have been. It is believed to be the spirit of the dead patient.


Inside An Abandoned Place

inthelionsmane / Reddit
inthelionsmane / Reddit

If you weren't freaked out enough, take a good look at this haunting photograph. This photo was taken on a cell phone inside an old, abandoned school in a small and rural neighborhood. Standing directly in the center of the doorway appears the ghostly figure of a small, young boy.


The person who posted this photo wasn't even a firm believer in ghosts, but how else could you explain the capture of a person who wasn't there? "I just really don't know how to explain it since it was a cell phone pic and I'm pretty sure that no one in my Podunk hometown knows how to make fake pics," he explains.


Angels Exist Too

Glen Thorman / Facebook
Glen Thorman / Facebook

The good thing about ghosts is that they are not always evil. In some cases, it's believed that angels have been spotted on earth too. Glen Thorman, the photographer of this image, claims that he saw a glowing figure levitating on top of his truck that he believed to be a spirit guide.


At the sight of this figure, Glen and his wife Rhonda felt that they were receiving a blessing from a higher power: "I was just like, 'Whoa!' I thought, 'That's an angel!''


We Are Not Alone

Kevin Escate / Unsplash
Kevin Escate / Unsplash

Paranormal activity sounds like something that's only found in the movies. But, the truth is that ghosts are seen all the time. It's not uncommon for people to find ghosts appearing in homes and locations where deaths have occurred.


These disturbing photographs prove that we are not alone on this planet. The next time you take a photo, look a little closer. You never know what you'll find lurking behind you ...

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