Categories: Uplifting Stories

10 Thoughts To Let Go Of To Get Your Life Back On Track


Are you still searching for your life purpose?

You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

1. Not accepting the truth.

Pexels / Pavel Danilyuk
Pexels / Pavel Danilyuk

This is the first step to putting your life back on track. Accepting the truth is important because it enables you to look at and think critically about the issues that impact you the most.

2. Feeling entitled.

Entitlement is out of control these days. It really is becoming a case of giving a mouse a cookie and him expecting a glass of milk. If you’ve been given something, that’s wonderful!

Don’t take advantage and certainly don’t rely on them forever. Maybe pay it forward.

3. I’m not lucky.

Luck is such a funny concept. It’s one of the most bought into fictitious phenomena out there.

There is no such thing as luck as some kind of pervasive force that determines what happened to you.

You’ll experience strokes of good luck and strokes of bad. In either case, get back on the horse.

4. What do other people think?

Who cares what other people think? Consider for a moment what you think of yourself. Yours is the most important opinion.

5. I’m just waiting for the right time.

Now is the right time. Go for it!

6. I wish I had…

It’s important to dream about the kind of life you want, but be careful that you’re not becoming too materialistic.

Take some time to take stock of the things you do have, how awesome that is, and how you might be able to benefit your community instead of focusing on your own material desires.

7. This isn’t my fault.

Sometimes things aren’t your fault, but we shirk responsibility for things thinking we’ll end up in the right. If you messed something up, accept the blame and move on. It’s not a big deal. I’m sure people will still like you.

8. My life sucks.

Yeah maybe a little bit right now, but if you’re reading this, you probably live in a developed country. That by itself is awesome.

We have things now that our grandparents never dreamed of. Things truly are alright. One of the best things about life today is that if we need help, we can get it from one another.

9. I’m not good enough.

This stems from being concerned with what other people think. “I’m not good enough.”

The only person you need to be good enough for is yourself, and if you’re fine with the way things are going, moreover if you’re still alive, you must be good enough.

10. But what if I fail?

So what if you fail? failing is fine. The fear of failure is not. If you fail at something, get back on the horse and try harder. Try it a new way. Think outside the box. But don’t give up.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

Higher Perspectives Author

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