Categories: Spirituality

Time Traveller From 2714 Is Warning The World To Prepare For Three Major Dates In Early 2022


A self-proclaimed time traveler’ has found a way to communicate with all the way 2714, to warn us of major events taking place early in 2022. It’s unclear whether his purpose is to help us prevent any of it from happening, or if it is meant to happen anyway and he is simply wanting us to prepare.

It’s also unknown whether humankind is happy and safe in his time. Whether you believe this is real or not, you might want to jot these dates down in your calendar just in case! Similar predictions have been made in the past and have come true.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? Tap into the 4,000-year-old science ofNumerological Analysis with a FREE Numerology video report!

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The Warning Was Given For All Non-Believers

Andy Baeles / Unsplash

Andy Baeles / Unsplash

Naturally, when this time traveler first made a video full of predictions and warnings, it was received with a lot of skepticism. So, in an attempt to prove his authenticity, he’s made another video detailing specific dates for early this year. The user under the name @aesthetictimewarper, says that these posts are made in a bid to ‘save’ humanity.

Some of his most shocking predictions were that of a portal to an alternate universe would be found inside a T. Rex dinosaur egg, and that the mythical sunken city of Atlantis would be found in the Atlantic Ocean. Now they’ve three more relevant predictions that he hopes people will start taking seriously. He explains; “I have been thought of as a fake time-traveller for too long, so remember these three major dates in early 2022.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.

March 11

Rob Schreckhise / Unsplash

Rob Schreckhise / Unsplash

The time traveler says that on this day a human will have a child with a chimpanzee for the first time but that’s not even the worst part. He predicts that this new species will be able to talk and have mixed features. He doesn’t elaborate on whether it will be friendly, dangerous, or whether it will possess any superhuman capabilities thanks to its animal DNA.

It is also currently illegal and ethically wrong to procreate with an animal, so whether this even happens, it might never go public.

April 19

Fusion Medical Animation / Unsplash

Fusion Medical Animation / Unsplash

This might be the worst prediction of all, although it was also predicted by blind mystic Baba Venga. In a world that is still recovering and fighting Covid variants, the time traveler warns that a new Covid strain ‘omega’ will emerge. However, this strain will be five times worse than all other versions.

The rate that this pandemic has escalated and continues to worsen every time it seems like it’s getting better, it’s not unlikely that the world will have to gear up to face this variant. It could even take a shape of its becoming its own new lethal virus, such as the one predicted to be uncovered this year in Siberia.

September 17

Gabirel Dizzi / Unsplash

Gabirel Dizzi / Unsplash

On this day the largest creature is predicted to be discovered in the ocean. Allegedly it will go by the name “Cerine Croin” and will be over four times the size of the blue whale. The ocean is big enough that it’s possible that we somehow did miss a creature that big. Perhaps it has been in hiding and is resurfacing due to global warming conditions.

Keep in mind that a Google search reveals that Ceirean, Cirein-cròin or cionarain-crò was a large sea monster in Scottish Gaelic folklore. According to their old saying, it was so large that it fed on seven whales. However, many folklore stories are based on passed on true events.

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September 11, 2021

Viktor Talashuk / Unsplash

Viktor Talashuk / Unsplash

This isn’t their first attempt at trying to convince us that they are from the distant future. Previously they warned that on September 11th, a date that was already significant in history “An alien takes 4,000 skilled workers and children to the planet Proxima B, as a result of another hostile species coming here.”They then follow that up with: “9/14: The largest hurricane in history hits the US East Coast, mainly South Carolina, making it the first Category 6 hurricane.”

While we experienced some hurricanes due to traditional tropical weather, there have been no reports of children kidnapping by aliens, unless that information is being hidden from us. Do with that as you will.

‘Time Traveller From 2714’ Tells World To Prepare For Three Major Dates In 2022!

So, do you feel better prepared for the year ahead? If you believe in these predictions, you are not alone. The people are divided and while some are convinced, others at least find watching the time traveler’s videos to be entertaining.

The video has been viewed more than nine million times since it was shared on December 26.

What’s In Store For You In 2022?

Fabio Lucas / Unsplash

Fabio Lucas / Unsplash

if you’re looking for more information on how this year will take its toll on you specifically, then you’ll need your own zodiac reading. We’re each on our own unique path..

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

A self-proclaimed time traveler’ has found a way to communicate with all the way 2714, to warn us of major events taking place early in 2022. It’s unclear whether his purpose is to help us prevent any of it from happening, or if it is meant to happen anyway and he is simply wanting us to prepare.

It’s also unknown whether humankind is happy and safe in his time. Whether you believe this is real or not, you might want to jot these dates down in your calendar just in case! Similar predictions have been made in the past and have come true.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? Tap into the 4,000-year-old science ofNumerological Analysis with a FREE Numerology video report!

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Higher Perspectives Author

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