
This Week’s Horoscope Is Emotional, Zodiacs Beware Of Jealousy And Control


Weekly Horoscopes May 16th – 22nd, 2022. Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

A potent Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio brings some drama on Monday, primarily centered around relationships, intimacy, jealousy, control, and debts – emotional as well as financial ones. 

The tense fall-out from the Eclipse will start to settle later in the week, however, particularly once the Sun moves into playful Gemini on Friday. This ushers in a much more light-hearted vibe and a curious one, too – excellent for learning more about the people around us.

Watch out for some edginess on Sunday when Mercury retrograde moves backward into Taurus, causing us to rethink finances and reconsider our firmly held views.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Monday’s Lunar Eclipse could be transformative for you, Aries, although you’re likely to find it stressful too. Expect some shocks and upheaval as an old idea or outdated viewpoint dies or infidelity in a relationship unravels.

The tension will dissipate on Friday when the Sun changes signs, bringing you a chance to breathe, play, laugh, and socialize – a combination that will prove very healing after the drama of the Eclipse.

On Sunday, when Mercury retrogrades backward into your money zone, you may face a short period of financial shortage or loss. Keep a steady head when dealing with money, and above all, don’t panic.


Your closest relationship may be a turning point when Monday’s Lunar Eclipse occurs. The vital issue to understand, Taurus, is that you choose what happens next. Whether you stay together or break up, it’s in your hands – and whatever you want badly enough, you can make happen.

On Friday, the Sun leaves Taurus and arrives in the abundance zone of your astrological natal birth chart, which will help you to count your many blessings after a stressful start to the week. This is an excellent time to seek a new income stream or multiply your savings.

Mercury retrograde moves backward into your zodiac sign on Sunday, which is a good chance for you to rethink your personal image. Does the way you present yourself impact positively or negatively on your self-esteem?


You’re incredibly busy, but the Lunar Eclipse creates a situation where you realize that you could benefit from giving up even more of your precious time – to help someone else. By volunteering or working in a philanthropic capacity, you’ll gain a tremendous amount of satisfaction – and you’ll grow as a person too.

Your confidence gets another boost on Friday when the Sun moves into Gemini, heralding your own personal mini New Year. An excellent time for planning ahead and creating a vision of your next twelve months.

However, watch out for Mercury retrograde heading backward into your spiritual zone on Sunday. This feeling catches you unawares, but your dreams will have key messages for you now.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


The Lunar Eclipse prompts a creative crisis of some kind – you may, for example, feel that you have been wasting your artistic talents and you are now driven to use them properly. Interesting developments can arise from this, so follow whatever brings you joy.

The Sun changes zodiac signs on Friday and creates a very spiritual vibe for you, Cancer; you’ll want some peace and quiet later this week, so don’t feel bad about turning down social invitations for a few days.

When Mercury retrograde moves backward into your social zone on Sunday, you may also feel the need to catch up with a long-lost friend – but from a distance, by email, social media, or phone, where you can call the shots.


Drama around the Lunar Eclipse may indicate a temporary change of residence, Leo, especially one connected to your work. You must allow yourself to be open to new possibilities, not held back by fear or doubt.

There are lots of opportunities to socialize later in the week, particularly once the Sun changes signs on Friday; this solar influence is bright, breezy, and uptempo, creating plenty of energy for fun.

If you are working over the weekend, be aware that Mercury is moving backward into your career zone on Sunday – which could cause short-lived communication issues at work. Strive for clarity, both in what you say and what you understand from others.


The Lunar Eclipse prompts you to find wisdom from unexpected sources, Virgo. Someone whose advice you have been ignoring may turn out to have been right all along, or you may suddenly realize that a friend or sibling’s viewpoint starts to make more sense. This could feel unsettling, as it shakes your belief in yourself.

You’ll feel more confident when the Sun changes signs on Friday because it lights up your ambitions and your pride in what you do for a living. 

However, your ruling planet Mercury retrogrades backward into your adventure zone over the weekend, further complicating what you thought you knew. This would be an excellent time to go back to school or firm up your education.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


The Lunar Eclipse casts you in a somewhat needy position, Libra, needing support, financial assistance, or backup from someone else urgently. This is not at all comfortable for you as an independent, strong, cardinal sign – but part of the lesson here is that it’s OK to seek and receive help.

Towards the end of the week, you can blow the cobwebs away with an outdoorsy experience or a small travel adventure, boosted by the Sun’s change of signs and a sense of warmth around the exploration zone of your natal birth chart.

When Mercury changes signs – backward – on Sunday, something hidden may come to light. Prepare for more surprises before the week ends.


The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on Monday is a potent moment for you. Emotionally, you may feel somewhat wild, and events are likely to feel very out of control around you. Your task is to anchor and ground yourself and find strength amid the chaos.

The Sun changes signs on Friday and will shine a light into your deepest psyche, helping you to find inner reserves of will and strength that you never knew you had – just when you need them the most.

With Mercury retrograde moving backward one zodiac sign on Sunday, however, you will need to be careful about how you communicate with your significant other. Be sure that your words and actions don’t come across as careless or thoughtless. 


The Lunar Eclipse brings out your empathy, Sagittarius, but you may find yourself physically or emotionally drained as you try to help someone else. You mustn’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed – maintain a healthy distance where you can.

There’s good news later in the week as the Sun moves into the love zone of your natal birth chart – a lovely time for dating or for rediscovering the magic in your existing relationship.

Look out for your mental health over the weekend, however. With Mercury moving backward one zodiac sign, you may struggle to keep to a schedule or stay organized. Be kind to yourself.


Events or drama in a group you belong to could cause consternation during the Lunar Eclipse on Monday, Capricorn. It’s your task to adopt a leadership role in this group, to steer it through the upheaval, whether formally or informally.

You can make a fresh start on your wellbeing journey on Friday when the Sun changes signs and gives you a boost of optimism around your physical and mental health. A great moment to start a new wellness regime!

Watch for an urge to take too much of a risk over the weekend, however. Mercury retrogrades backward into the risk zone of your chart, reducing your usual keen sense of probability.


The Lunar Eclipse centers on your natal birth chart’s authority and career sector and may push you to show what you can do professionally. Think of this as an opportunity to shine, Aquarius, even if it feels somewhat chaotic at the time!

The Sun’s arrival in the joy zone of your chart on Friday is a welcome break from the pressure and should allow you to spend more time on your hobbies or simply relax and chill out. 

With Mercury retrograding backward into your family zone over the weekend, however, you’ll need to double or triple check family arrangements, as details are easily overlooked.


The Lunar Eclipse asks you to see things from a very different viewpoint, Pisces, potentially involving cross-cultural issues or negotiation with someone whose views you despise. As uncomfortable as this may feel, it’s key to your spiritual growth.

Look for support and comfort from warm and loving family ties, especially later in the week when the Sun changes signs and floods this area of your natal birth chart with light and goodness. 

You may struggle to get your message across over the weekend, however, as Mercury retrograde moves backward into your communication zone. If in doubt, write it down – but avoid social media, where any mistake can quickly spread far and wide.

For more personalized information check out this personalized reporbased on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Aria Misty

Aria Misty is a recent university grad. She did her undergrad in media, information & technoculture with a Master in Journalism & Communications in 2018. Aria has a particular interest in all things astrology and spirituality. This is driven by her desire to create healing. In fact, Aria went back to school for A master's in counseling psychology in 2019 to bring an additional layer of psychological background and therapy to her community. In her free time, she loves to practice yoga and meditation to keep her focus sharp, go on long walks with her dog, and bake. She also enjoys the outdoors and beach picnics.

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