Categories: Horoscopes

This Week’s Horoscopes Is Tainted By The Full Moon, Here’s How This Will Keep Zodiacs On Their Toes


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

It’s a busy astrological week, with two sign changes and a glorious Leo Full Moon to keep us on our toes. First up on Monday, Mercury moves into progressive Aquarius, encouraging us to embrace logical, analytical thought and to move forwards for humanity.

Wednesday’s Full Moon is warm-hearted, generous and creative, but there could be tantrums too when someone doesn’t get their own way. Look to the Sun’s move into Pisces on Friday for a calmer, more reflective vibe. The weekend will be good for spiritual endeavors and for simply chilling out and enjoying the moment. Don’t feel that you necessarily have to be “doing something”.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You’re in the mood for play this week, Aries, but if your responsibilities weigh too heavily on your shoulders, Wednesday’s Full Moon may be a tipping point. It’s not fair that you get so little time to yourself – but that goes for you and most of the rest of the world, too. This week’s energies encourage moderation, so you may have to curtail some of your free time.

When the Sun changes signs on Friday, a more serene and spiritual mood will take hold. This is good for understanding exactly how blessed you are, even if events earlier in the week have left you feeling grumpy and hard done by.


Mercury’s move into your career zone is a promising start to the week, Taurus, especially if you’re facing an interview, test or career-defining project. Use all of the grounded common sense at your disposal to respond to fast-moving events calmly and precisely.

The Full Moon on Wednesday shines from your family zone, which brings matters to a head over a house move or a domestic dispute. This is volatile energy, but you’ll find it best to let everyone have their say. Stifling anger won’t help.

Look to the Sun’s change of signs on Friday for a more friendly and sociable vibe, which sets you up well for an enjoyable weekend.


Getting things right the first time should be the theme of your week, Gemini. Mercury’s arrival in your education and training zone will help with this, especially if you’re relatively new in your job. The Full Moon on Wednesday, however, shines from your communication zone and highlights how badly things can go wrong when a simple misunderstanding spirals out of control.

Better news is on hand with the Sun’s arrival in your career zone on Friday. This marks the start of an ambitious period for you, so start to showcase your talents now. Focus in particular on your “soft skills” – these are much more valuable than you think.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Mercury’s change of signs on Monday finds you thinking deeply about your debts, both financial and emotional. Is it time to pay someone back for the help they have given you, Cancer? Do you owe someone a kindness? How can you put that right?

Wednesday’s Full Moon, on the other hand, focuses firmly on materialistic and money matters. A financial crisis may loom, but you have a shrewd and determined head on your shoulders, so take whatever action you need to in order to safeguard your prosperity.

A change of pace comes on Friday when the Sun shifts into your adventure zone. Perhaps it’s time for a change of scenery or some adrenaline sports?


The focus is firmly on love, romance and passion this week, Leo. Things start very well, with Mercury moving into your love zone and helping you to find the right words for an important conversation with your lover.

However, the Leo Full Moon on Wednesday does tend to highlight your selfish, dogmatic streak, so you will need to be very careful in how you handle your partner at this time – make sure you listen to what he or she really needs from you. Don’t assume anything.

The Sun’s change of signs on Friday highlights your passion zone, so this is promising news. Even if your long-term relationship has been slightly rocky recently, the weekend is a chance to remember why you fell in love in the first place.


It looks certain to be a very busy start to the week, Virgo, especially when your ruling planet Mercury moves into your everyday work zone on Monday. This is an excellent period for teamwork as well as for communicating your ideas clearly – perfect if you work in marketing, PR or related areas.

Expect to feel a little emotionally overwhelmed mid-week, however, when the Full Moon shines from the most private part of your natal birth chart. Guilt, angst, sacrifices and fears are all brought to the surface, perhaps most vividly in your dreams.

There’s better news on the way on Friday, however, when the Sun moves into your romance zone. Turn to your sweetheart for all the love and support you need; if you’re single, this weekend is also a very interesting time to meet someone new.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Are you ready to have some fun, Libra? Mercury changes signs on Monday and focuses on your joy zone, so it’s an excellent time to plan some fun activities. You’ll especially enjoy stretching your intellectual muscles so don’t neglect your mind.

Wednesday’s Full Moon highlights the social zone of the Libra natal birth chart. This is a great time for meeting new friends, but it may also herald the end of a long-standing friendship. This may be sad, but you have simply grown apart. Let one another go with best wishes and good grace.

When the Sun moves into your wellbeing zone on Friday, it’s an excellent time to start a new health and fitness regime.


Give plenty of thought to your domestic priorities as the week begins, Scorpio. With Mercury now transiting your home zone, you can give a push to any home and family matters that have become stuck or delayed.

The Full Moon on Wednesday, however, shines from your career zone and draws your full attention back to work – and then some. You may be thrust into the spotlight unwillingly, or there could be a mini-crisis at work. Think of it as an opportunity to show what you can do.

There will be light relief on Friday because the Sun changes signs and moves into the most joyful area of your chart.


With Mercury transiting your intellect zone from Monday onwards, Sagittarius, your intelligent streak is very evident. This is great news for students or if you’re training for a new job. It’s a good sign for communication too, especially if there are difficult conversations to be had.

Wednesday’s Full Moon highlights your freedom – or rather, perhaps, your lack of it. You may feel emotional, trapped and hemmed in, but the key is to plot your escape from this situation. Stay calm and think ahead.

On Friday, the Sun changes signs and begins to blaze warmth and generosity from your family zone – a notable upswing in family moods and relationships is on the way.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Your finances may need some serious attention as the week begins, Capricorn. With Mercury arriving in this area of your chart, you’ll have a chance to concentrate and focus, which is good news if you’re on a tight budget.

The Full Moon on Wednesday highlights an issue of passion or intimacy – especially if there has been any infidelity in your relationship. Emotions will run very high and you can expect some drama, but the situation is yours to heal if you wish.

You’ll be helped with this when the Sun moves into your communications zone on Friday, making those difficult conversations easier and lighter.


With Mercury moving into Aquarius on Monday, you’ll want to let the world know all about your vision for change. What you say matters this week, because people really will be listening, so it’s vital that you get your story straight and your message clear.

The Full Moon on Wednesday is in your love zone and would be a magical moment for a proposal or wedding. There’s a lot of drama associated with this Full Moon, but hopefully, in your case, it can be drama for all the right reasons.

Look to the arrival of the Sun in your finances zone on Friday for ideas and motivation regarding creating extra income. There’s a lot of skills you can use that are currently being wasted.


Dreams and meditation are very effective in your life now, because intelligent, communicative Mercury has arrived in the spiritual zone of your natal birth chart. It’s a good time to take up journaling so that you can decipher the messages you’re being given.

The Full Moon in your wellbeing zone on Wednesday may serve as a warning to get more rest and take better care of your health. If you’re exhausting yourself, mentally or physically, it’s time to start putting your own self-care first, ahead of everything else.

Friday marks the arrival of the Sun in Pisces, a magical moment for you, for sure. Use this upswing in warmth, energy, optimism and love to manifest what you instinctively know you need right now.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

It’s a busy astrological week, with two sign changes and a glorious Leo Full Moon to keep us on our toes. First up on Monday, Mercury moves into progressive Aquarius, encouraging us to embrace logical, analytical thought and to move forwards for humanity.

Wednesday’s Full Moon is warm-hearted, generous and creative, but there could be tantrums too when someone doesn’t get their own way. Look to the Sun’s move into Pisces on Friday for a calmer, more reflective vibe. The weekend will be good for spiritual endeavors and for simply chilling out and enjoying the moment. Don’t feel that you necessarily have to be “doing something”.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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