Categories: AstrologyHoroscopes

This Week’s Horoscope Shines Under Virgo’s Full Moon, Urging All Zodiacs To Get To Work On Tough Decisions


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week begins under the benevolent influence of a Leo Moon, which allows for a feel-good, largely pleasant atmosphere. The Full Moon on Friday shines from Virgo and gets a constructive boost from Pluto. This is very much “get to work” energy, excellent for tying up loose ends, attending to small details or taking tough decisions for your own good.

On Sunday, it’s the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Fall Equinox in the southern hemisphere. This important astrological moment marks a balance between light and dark; it’s also the point at which the Sun shifts into Aries and a new astrological year begins.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

The week gets off to a creative, fun start for you, Aries, and the first couple of days are excellent for love, partying and indulging your inner child. Get playtime out of your system while you have the chance, because the second half of the week is much more business-like.

On Friday, the Full Moon urges you to get yourself organized. It’s time to declutter, to throw out your trash – mentally and physically – and to use time management techniques to free up more hours in your day. Your efforts will be worth it because once the Sun moves into Aries on Sunday, a world of opportunities open up ahead of you – and you’ll need time and space to make the most of them.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

Family matters get a boost from the warm-hearted lunar influences which start the week, Taurus, so Monday and Tuesday are good days for understanding just how loved you are. Friday’s Full Moon illuminates the love affairs zone of your natal birth chart, so it could be an important moment in a new love match, or if anything illicit is going on. Details will matter at this time, so don’t rush to conclusions.

On Sunday, the Sun moves into the most secretive part of your chart at the Equinox. Try to strike a balance between your highly social nature and your need for privacy and quiet. It’s OK to say no thanks to social invitations over this weekend so that you can rest and recharge.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

The early part of the week is perfect for anything requiring concentration and focus, Gemini, so this is a good period for catching up with detailed work or overdue deadlines. Later, your focus will shift towards family matters as the Full Moon approaches. This can be quite an emotional lunar energy for you, but you’ll find it healing too – use the Full Moon vibes to heal a rift between family members or to reach out to someone who feels lonely.

During Sunday’s Equinox, the Sun will move into the social zone of your natal birth chart, so you can expect to feel even more sociable than normal; the weekend is a very good time for mixing and mingling.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


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Focus on money matters during the early part of the week and keep an eye out for opportunities, Cancer, especially if you run a side business or have talents you’re not really using. As you head later into the week, you’ll feel the need for an intellectual challenge. Friday’s Full Moon is a good time to work on puzzles or challenging mental games – it’s also excellent for speaking your truth, whether or not anyone else wants to hear it.

During the Equinox on Sunday, the Sun shifts into the career zone of your natal birth chart, boosting your ambitions and enabling you to see possibilities you’ve previously ignored.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

With the Leo Moon ruling the early part of the week, you should hopefully feel alert, in control and enthusiastic, enabling you to get the most of out both work and your personal life. Watch out for a mini financial crisis during Friday’s Full Moon, however. If you have over-spent, this is when you’ll feel that pain.

A certain amount of restlessness is inevitable over the weekend, especially on Sunday. During the Equinox, the Sun changes signs and moves into the exploration zone of your natal birth chart. It’s an excellent time to travel or to make travel plans, but you may feel trapped if there is no such journey on the horizon.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

Try to get some quiet time on Monday and Tuesday this week, Virgo, as the lunar energies encourage privacy and peace. Don’t worry that you’re missing out on anything because by the time Friday’s Full Moon shines from Virgo, you will be the center of attention. You won’t necessarily find this moment in the spotlight comfortable, but it will do your confidence a lot of good to realize that you can cope.

Look to Sunday’s Equinox energies for an understanding of your own psychology. The next few days are an excellent time for making self-development plans. How can you be the very best version of yourself?

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

Friends are important to you as the week gets underway, Libra, and time spent socializing will bring you joy, happiness and much moral support. Expect things to quieten down towards the end of the week, however. The Full Moon on Friday urges you to retreat and to seek privacy, so you might want to avoid or cancel social events around this time. It may also be an intensely emotional moment, especially if you have recently experienced sad or poignant events.

The weekend brings the Equinox, which will be a calming influence for you. At this point, the Sun moves into your love zone, so Sunday will hopefully bring you some romantic vibes to enjoy.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

At first this week, your focus is likely to be on work, career matters and your ambitions. There could be some good opportunities to get ahead, especially if you’re willing to put in some extra hours. However, as the end of the week looms, the Full Moon urges you to focus on your friendships and on the support and backup those around you have always offered. Make gratitude for friends a focus of your Full Moon contemplations.

The Sun changes signs during Sunday’s Equinox, arriving in your wellbeing zone. This should provide a welcome boost of energy, but it’s also a reminder to look after yourself better.


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Try to get errands and travel done and dusted early this week, Sagittarius, as the lunar energies are best for this on Monday and Tuesday. Thereafter, you’ll probably want to focus on work matters – especially on Friday, when the Full Moon illuminates the career zone of your natal birth chart and may prompt a mini-crisis. Think of it as an opportunity to show off your leadership skills and vision. You’ve got this.

On Sunday, the Equinox ushers the Sun into the joy zone of your chart, so this weekend make sure you create time for hobbies, sports, relaxation and fun, no matter how heavily work looms in your consciousness.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

Self-doubt and niggling anxieties may prey on your mind early this week, especially as the lunar energies tend to show up any perceived “imperfections” you think you have. Although your self-criticism is unhelpful, it may at least prompt you to think of ways you could improve your education. This will be a key message of the Full Moon on Friday, which urges you to think bigger about your intellectual capabilities. Is it time to go back to school?

Heading into the weekend, you’ll want to focus on your family and home, especially when the Sun changes signs during Sunday’s Equinox. This is a point of balance, so any lingering family discord should hopefully begin to evaporate.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

The lunar energies at the start of this week are deeply romantic, Aquarius, perfect for larger-than-life gestures and for wearing your heart on your sleeve – something you probably don’t do often enough. As Friday’s Full Moon approaches, however, you may find more powerful emotions emerging, including jealousy and resentment; it’s important to keep talking to your partner and not allow negativity to poison your week.

On Sunday, the Sun changes signs during the Equinox. For you, this means a renewed focus on the business of everyday life. You’ll have a lot on your plate very soon, so time spent now tying up loose ends will be time well spent.


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Alexxandar / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

It’s business as usual for much of this week, Pisces, with lunar energies helping you to get increasing amounts of work done. It will feel very satisfying moving through your to-do list, although you should guard against overwork and a lack of sleep.

On Friday, a very loving Full Moon shines from your romance zone; what a wonderful time to meet someone new or to rediscover the magic in your relationship! However, Sunday’s Equinox energies ask you to re-balance your financial energies, so don’t make the mistake of equating money with love.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week begins under the benevolent influence of a Leo Moon, which allows for a feel-good, largely pleasant atmosphere. The Full Moon on Friday shines from Virgo and gets a constructive boost from Pluto. This is very much “get to work” energy, excellent for tying up loose ends, attending to small details or taking tough decisions for your own good.

On Sunday, it’s the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Fall Equinox in the southern hemisphere. This important astrological moment marks a balance between light and dark; it’s also the point at which the Sun shifts into Aries and a new astrological year begins.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

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