Categories: Horoscopes

This Week’s Horoscope Is Forward-Thinking, Giving These Zodiacs A Completely Fresh Start


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

There’s an eclectic and forward-thinking feel to most of this week, helped in no small part by the invigorating Aquarius New Moon on Tuesday. This is progressive, innovative energy, which is absolutely perfect for new starts and fresh ideas.

The generally forward vibe is also supported when Mercury turns direct on Thursday, bringing an end to communication difficulties and mishaps, and promising clear, solid, purposeful interactions.

The Sun runs into an obstinate Saturn on Friday, so it may be difficult to get your own way against opposition as the weekend looms. Overall, however, this is a clear-headed and analytical week, which is excellent for moving ahead.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Tuesday’s New Moon is in your astrological social zone, Aries, so now is a good time to branch out beyond your normal social networks, to find new friends and a new tribe that really ‘gets’ you.

It’s a good week for brainstorming too, and for the power of crowds and positive groupthink. Don’t struggle alone if you need inspiration – ask a friend or a colleague, because two heads are definitely better than one right now.

From Thursday onwards, you’ll be able to make your case very clearly, which is good news if you’re involved in any kind of dispute or if you’re trying to impress in a job interview setting.


Turn your attention towards your goals and ambitions this week, Taurus. Where do you really want to be in five years? What about in ten? Where do you truly want to go? Note that this is often not at all the same thing as where you think your path ought to lead!

With the New Moon in your career zone, you’ve been gifted a blank canvas for your ambitions. If you want to change direction, this is one of the best times this year to start switching things up.

Look to Mercury turning direct on Thursday for a boost in your long-range planning skills – but avoid trying to forcefully get your own way on Friday.


Examine your motivations carefully this week, Gemini. The New Moon occurs in your travel zone, so it’s no surprise that you’ll probably fancy a vacation – but is there something you’re running away from rather than running towards?

This is a week for sorting out the difference between positive motivation versus negative push factors. Make sure that you’re going somewhere because you want to.

Mercury, your ruling planet, turns direct on Thursday and brings you Give yourself a good shake, Cancer, and brush off any excess emotional baggage. The New Moon this week occurs in your psychology zone and urges you to make a fresh start, free from doubt, guilt, resentment and bitterness. Remember, you can leave all of these things behind simply by choosing to do so.

When Mercury turns direct on Thursday, you’ll rediscover the incredible power of choice that you really do have over your life. It’s amazing how obstacles and constraints melt away once you realize that nothing and nobody can trap you against your will. Make this week one in which you start to take back your own power, including your power over your emotional turmoil. Take heed – this could be a highly positive step for you. It’s never too late to learn something new, whether it’s for work or simply for pleasure!

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Give yourself a good shake, Cancer, and brush off any excess emotional baggage. The New Moon this week occurs in your psychology zone and urges you to make a fresh start, free from doubt, guilt, resentment and bitterness. Remember, you can leave all of these things behind simply by choosing to do so.

When Mercury turns direct on Thursday, you’ll rediscover the incredible power of choice that you really do have over your life. It’s amazing how obstacles and constraints melt away once you realize that nothing and nobody can trap you against your will. Make this week one in which you start to take back your own power, including your power over your emotional turmoil.


Aw, can you feel the lurve, Leo? The New Moon in your romance zone is a terrific time for telling your sweetheart how much they mean to you – or for making a very special romantic gesture.

If you’re single, this New Moon also highlights someone who is already within your orbit, but who could be perfect for you. Take a leap of faith if you feel attracted to a friend or colleague; what’s the worst that can happen?

When Mercury turns direct on Thursday, your willpower will increase, so this week is also a good time to continue with your push toward more healthful habits and a better, more holistic lifestyle.


It’s time to sort out your lingering mental health issues, Virgo. The New Moon gifts you the power to take back control, especially if you have suffered from depression, anxiety, PTSD or emotional trauma. You do not have to suffer alone – if you need help, simply reach out and ask for it.

Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, turns direct on Thursday and starts to move forward once more – in your joy zone. This is the perfect time to treat yourself to something that truly lifts your mood. Regardless of your circumstances, do something just for you; put yourself first this weekend.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


This New Moon occurs in one of the boldest, most confident areas of the Libra natal birth chart – it’s your invitation to take life by the horns and to manifest whatever you want from your week. You can do this.

Take a few risks, take a few chances, say yes to life this week and see what happens, Libra. The braver and bolder you can be, the more you’ll stand to gain. You’ll especially love trying new sports or hobbies or meeting new people. Go for it.

When Mercury turns direct, you’ll also get a boost from better communications in the home and family environment – what’s not to love about that?


With Tuesday’s New Moon occurring in your family zone, Scorpio, this week can be a fresh start where family feuds have proven exhausting. You have a choice to keep perpetuating the same old problems or to turn your back and create something new and better. Choose positivity.

This New Moon also urges you to avoid getting trapped in the past. Something from your past haunts you still, but again, it is your choice to allow this to continue – or not. Take charge of what you allow into your head and your thoughts.

Mercury turning direct on Thursday will be a big help with this, as it clears your mind and brings back an element of rational thought.


Words matter this week – a lot. The New Moon occurs in your communication zone and urges you to either start speaking again where there has been silence…or to keep quiet where far too much has already been said. You will know which, Sagittarius. Taking the right action now can prevent an issue from escalating, nipping potential future problems in the bud.

Mercury turns direct in your money zone on Thursday, which is a great help if you need to plan a budget or to research money-saving ideas. This is also a good vibe for business and self-employment, so use the latter part of the week to pitch new ideas and gain new clients.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Following on from last week’s high energy levels, Capricorn, this week’s New Moon occurs in your money zone, focusing your material ambitions very strongly. You can harness this vibe very successfully in a practical sense, and it’s a good time to maximize any possible extra income streams you can think of.

However, this New Moon also makes you think carefully about your values. If you sense that you’ve been a little bit too materialistic recently, this is your chance to focus on the deeper things that matter more to you than money. With Mercury turning direct in your own sign of the zodiac on Thursday, your intentions matter, so make them good ones.


The Aquarius New Moon on Tuesday is your personal mini New Year, and it feels like the perfect time to launch something new – a new business, a new relationship, a new attitude towards life. You can firmly draw a line under the unhelpful areas of your past now and look to the future with confidence.

You’ll be helped when Mercury turns direct on Thursday, helping you see hidden connections, deepening your intuition and showing you spiritual insights you’ve been seeking. Look out for synchronicity late this week – unexpected or strange coincidences may well be messages from the cosmos. Are you listening?


You’ll feel at your most poetic and ethereal this week, Pisces, with the New Moon on Tuesday shining from your spiritual zone. Although you’ll love this energy, it does make you come across as absent-minded, fluffy, confused or unreliable to others though, so you’ll need to make an extra effort to stay on top of things at work.

This energy is also good for uncovering secrets – although, of course, you might not like what you find. If you are digging deep for a hidden fact, be prepared for its significance to take a while to fully emerge; things are not quite clear yet.

Look to Mercury turning direct on Thursday for a welcome upsurge in your social life and your friendship connections.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

There’s an eclectic and forward-thinking feel to most of this week, helped in no small part by the invigorating Aquarius New Moon on Tuesday. This is progressive, innovative energy, which is absolutely perfect for new starts and fresh ideas.

The generally forward vibe is also supported when Mercury turns direct on Thursday, bringing an end to communication difficulties and mishaps, and promising clear, solid, purposeful interactions.

The Sun runs into an obstinate Saturn on Friday, so it may be difficult to get your own way against opposition as the weekend looms. Overall, however, this is a clear-headed and analytical week, which is excellent for moving ahead.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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