Categories: Horoscopes

This Week’s Horoscope Has A Consciousness-Raising Vibe For Zodiacs, Impacted By The Moody  Cancer Moon


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

There’s a consciousness-raising vibe to this week’s planetary activity, especially when Mercury moves into Pisces on Wednesday. This colors our way of thinking and puts us more in tune with our emotions, intuition and imagination. The latter half of the week is dominated by the moods of the Cancer Moon

. Friday’s difficult lunar aspects to Venus and Mars result in touchy sensitivities, but Saturday’s mood is more joyful – a good day for meeting new friends or for socializing. We end the week with Neptune providing an ethereal, spiritual atmosphere, which should prove excellent for creative daydreaming.

For personalized information, Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Mercury moves into the most secretive zone of your natal birth chart this week, Aries. On the one hand, this helps to shed light on any mysteries you’re hoping to uncover – but on the other hand, anything that is revealed to you may prompt more questions than answers. If you’re trying to keep something private, use your intuition to understand how best to protect your interests.

The latter part of the week shifts the focus to your home life and your family interactions. Don’t be surprised if a teen or an elder resists your attempts to care for them or advise them. Wait until Sunday if you want to stand the best chance of getting your ideas across to a loved one.


Mercury arrives in your social zone on Wednesday, Taurus, urging you to seek like-minded souls for friendship. You may realize quite suddenly that your existing friends simply don’t think like you anymore, or that you have grown apart spiritually. Search for those who are truly in tune with your ideals.

During the latter part of the week, you may find that your concentration wavers and fluctuates with your moods. It’s not easy to motivate yourself to do a non-favorite activity, and you’ll find all kinds of reasons to procrastinate. Don’t be too hard on yourself over this. Sunday is the perfect day for gaining spiritual insight which will help in your work.


Early in the week, it’s your creative flair that will get you noticed, Gemini. This is especially true at work, and most definitely on Wednesday. At this point, your ruling planet Mercury moves into the career zone of your natal birth chart, so don’t be shy about showcasing your ideas. Your emotional intelligence increases too, so you’ll be better able to pick up the subtle signals from those you’re trying to impress.

Think carefully about money matters in the latter part of the week, especially if they are connected to the home, real estate or family in some way. You may struggle with indecision, or conversely, you might be too quick to jump to a conclusion. Try to avoid making major decisions on Sunday as the energies are quite confusing.

Take a quickzodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


If you’re a student, you’ll welcome Mercury’s change of sign on Wednesday, Cancer, as your intelligence, memory and learning abilities get a real boost. At work, too, this influence is helpful, especially if you’re in a strategic role or need to handle complex details. If you work in a creative industry, set your imagination on fire and showcase your ideas.

In the second half of the week, the Cancer Moon highlights your moodiness and changeability. Expect to feel very different on Friday from how you do over the weekend. Friday’s ill-temper will quickly give way to a more compassionate and sympathetic vibe, which suits you down to the ground.


This looks sure to be a positive week for self-improvement of any kind, Leo. You’ll enjoy self-help activities, psychological questionnaires and tests, and anything that helps you get to grips with who you truly are. You can thank Mercury’s change of sign for added psychological understanding of your own self.

Don’t be surprised if you feel less sociable than normal towards the end of the week, however. Lunar aspects are curtailing your larger-than-life nature and urging you to seek privacy and calm instead. Enjoy your own company for a short while, so that you can rest and recharge. The world can turn without you just for a couple of days.


Mercury arrives in the love zone of your natal birth chart on Wednesday, Virgo, marking an exceptionally communicative time between you and your lover. Midweek is perfect for sharing your dreams, ideals, goals and hopes. This influence is also helpful if you have been going through a rocky patch, as it keeps you both talking. Where there’s talk, there’s always the potential for healing.

Towards the weekend, try to get together with your closest friends. They can provide upliftment and joy even if other areas of life are stressing you out. Some friends may also have constructive advice for you, especially on Sunday, although any advice offered on Friday could well be confusing.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Need help getting yourself organized, Libra? Mercury to the rescue! On Wednesday, this intelligent, busy planet moves into the organization zone of your natal birth chart, which should help you to plan ahead and to squeeze every last bit of value from each of your days. This week is also a good time to handle any routine health appointments you’ve been putting off. Get things off your to-do list and into action.

It’s a highly career-focused end to the week, Libra, but watch out for conflict at work on Friday. People are simply not getting along, but try to stay professional and rise above any provocation. Your calm self-restraint will be noticed.


Your hobbies and personal interests are more important than ever this week. Mercury is guiding you to understand that time enjoyed is never time wasted, and you are being encouraged to put your own joy at the top of your priority list. Midweek is also a good time for taking a calculated risk – a walk on the wild side could be interesting at this point.

The second half of the week is focused on skills development and learning, so it’s a very good time to undertake any training or extra study. You may also develop itchy feet towards the weekend, so take a trip if you can. Somewhere you visit on Sunday could prove to be especially inspirational.


Expect any family tensions to ease midweek once Mercury arrives in this area of your natal birth chart. It will be easier to talk things through with loved ones and you’ll find even difficult relatives to be less confrontational for a while. Maximize your renewed ability to communicate by getting in touch with estranged family members or perhaps with old friends from your childhood.

Towards the weekend, look out for a self-development opportunity. Try saying yes to an invitation you would ordinarily have declined. If you don’t try, you’ll never know, and there could be some life-changing experiences waiting in the wings.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


With Mercury sweeping into the intelligence zone of your natal birth chart on Wednesday, Capricorn, this week should be excellent for focus, concentration and handling any difficult work. Try to get the best of your intuition as well as your logic; if you’re stuck on something, brainstorming or visualization might help, as it frees up your higher consciousness to intervene.

The Moon shines from your love zone towards the end of the week and promises a spectacularly romantic weekend. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, however, watch out for cross words and easily offended people on Friday.


Mercury leaves your sign on Wednesday and shifts into the money zone of your natal birth chart, Aquarius. This helps you to get a better and more intuitive understanding of your financial situation – focus on your spiritual connection to abundance rather than the practicalities of how much you earn and spend.

Towards the end of the week, you may struggle with motivation as lunar energies fluctuate moodily. If you have to do something you don’t want to do, visualize the end result and paste a smile onto your face. Needs must, so you may as well carry out your duties with good grace.


Look to the arrival of Mercury in your sign on Wednesday for an end to some recent confusion, Pisces. This logical planet helps you to see past your own anxieties and fears and is a welcome upswing in your confidence too. You still think with your heart – as you always will – but an added edge of analysis and reason will prevent you from making heartfelt mistakes for a while.

Meanwhile, the Moon influences your dating life and your pursuit of joy as the weekend nears. If you’re single, it’s a promising time to meet someone new – but avoid going on a date on Friday, as irritability levels are sky-high.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

There’s a consciousness-raising vibe to this week’s planetary activity, especially when Mercury moves into Pisces on Wednesday. This colors our way of thinking and puts us more in tune with our emotions, intuition and imagination. The latter half of the week is dominated by the moods of the Cancer Moon

. Friday’s difficult lunar aspects to Venus and Mars result in touchy sensitivities, but Saturday’s mood is more joyful – a good day for meeting new friends or for socializing. We end the week with Neptune providing an ethereal, spiritual atmosphere, which should prove excellent for creative daydreaming.

For personalized information, Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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