Categories: Horoscopes

This Week’s Horoscope Could Spiral Out Of Control, Here’s How Each Zodiac Can Discern Right From Wrong


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week starts well enough, with a productive sextile between Mars and Pluto on Monday, helping to push projects over the line when it counts.

However, a tense and angry square between Mars and Jupiter on Wednesday could easily spiral out of control, fast. Mars is warrior energy, but Jupiter is very self-righteous too, so it’s not easy to discern right from wrong at this time.

Look to the weekend for a softer vibe. The Venus-Pluto conjunction has a sense of fated compassion around it; it’s almost inevitable that someone’s shift will stance and that a kinder, more gentle solution can be found.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Attend to financial matters on Monday, Aries, as you should find that the Mars-Pluto sextile helps you to get the backing or support you need, especially in business.

When Mars clashes with Jupiter mid-week, however, it’s emotional debts that are your major concern, especially if someone has taken you for granted or has been using you. You may feel victimized and extremely angry – take care not to over-react during this very volatile energy.

You’ll feel calmer when Venus conjuncts Pluto over the weekend. Focus on how far you’ve come and leave feelings of bitterness behind. Your task now is to look to the future and beyond.


Monday is a good day to grab some quality time with your sweetheart, Taurus, especially if life has been very hectic recently. It’s a great moment for a day out or a special romantic treat for just the two of you.

Make the most of those tender energies, however, because Wednesday’s Mars-Jupiter clash puts your love life in the firing line, with anger and resentment over your career demands and your working commitments. Keep talking and try to truly listen to your partner’s needs.

When Venus conjuncts Pluto at the weekend, you’ll rediscover why you fell in love in the first place, so hang on in there. This would be another good time for a romantic break – travel will bring you closer together.


Monday looks like a good time to start or renew a health goal or a self-improvement target. When Mars sextiles Pluto, Gemini, you’ll have extra willpower and motivation, and a greater big picture understanding too, to help you stay on track with why you’re doing what you’re doing.

When Mars clashes with Jupiter on Wednesday, however, it’s important to keep your work-related goals realistic. You may be struggling with remote working or having to travel a lot for your career, and this takes its toll. Re-assess your goals. If it’s all worth it, all well and good, but if it isn’t, you have time to change.

When Venus conjuncts Pluto over the weekend, look out for a deep soul connection to someone, including someone you may now barely know.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


If you’re single, Cancer, the Mars-Pluto sextile on Monday is very interesting, hinting at a meetup or casual encounter that could change everything. Keep an open mind!

When Mars clashes with Jupiter on Wednesday, however, any toxic overtones in an existing relationship are laid bare. There could be major jealousy or control issues in your love life, and neither of you appears to realize that you are pushing matters to extremes.

Fortunately, a calming vibe comes in the shape of the Venus-Pluto conjunction at the weekend. This has a fated sense of destiny around it, and the karmic links between you and your partner will bind you stronger than ever.


The first part of this week is great for getting organized ahead of the festive season, Leo. Make lots of lists as Mars sextiles Pluto and get your schedule back under control so that you can create space for fun and leisure.

When Mars squares Jupiter on Wednesday, you may face a lot of well-meaning (or not) interference from extended family, especially in your love life. You may be forced to choose between your partner or your blood family, in a very tense and confrontational atmosphere. Stay calm and play for time.

Common sense will prevail over the weekend when Venus conjuncts Pluto, enabling you to sort the situation out without feeling too emotionally clouded.


It’s an extremely busy week, this one, so get plenty of sleep and eat well to keep yourself energized. Monday’s Mars-Pluto sextile helps you find a way to pack huge amounts into your schedule, Virgo, while still having fun and staying creative.

The stress may start to show mid-week, however, when Mars clashes with Jupiter. If you’ve said yes too often to too many people, you’ll now find yourself over-committed and under huge strain. It’s time to put yourself and your main priorities first and stop being everyone’s servant.

When Venus conjuncts Pluto over the weekend, a flirtatious, intoxicating date night brings the romance back into your life – expect some fireworks!

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


This week starts on a very positive note, Libra; the Mars-Pluto sextile brings good financial news and plenty of stability for you to get things done. Focus on completing major tasks and beating deadlines.

Mid-week, however, tensions rise considerably. When Mars squares Jupiter, financial recklessness is laid bare, especially if you have over-spent on festivities and gifts, or if you or your partner have been gambling or taking monetary risks.

Look to the weekend and the compassionate Venus-Pluto square for a way through; using this energy, you can talk things over calmly and rationally, and find solutions that work for everyone concerned.


Monday is a feel-good day, Scorpio, packed with opportunities to socialize and have some festive fun. The Mars-Pluto sextile is tailor-made for your astro personality, bringing out your light-hearted side and your ability to charm others.

When Mars squares Jupiter mid-week, however, it’s a very different story. Clashes with extended family members seem likely, especially if there is unresolved trauma from your childhood. Season of goodwill it is not – at least, not yet.

Try to avoid allowing people to push your buttons. Over the weekend, Venus conjuncts Pluto, and this will bring you a breakthrough in understanding – you’ll be empowered to deal with family-related matters from a position of personal strength.


Money worries are soothed early this week as Mars sextiles Pluto, Sagittarius, and you sense that the cosmos will provide for you. You may not be rich, but you are grateful and aware of your own abundance, whatever form that takes.

Other people’s attitudes are decidedly more materialistic, however, and on Wednesday when Mars squares Jupiter you may face conflict from people who think you are on a different planet. You may feel forced to defend your beliefs or your worldview, which is a very uncomfortable experience.

Look to the weekend for some answers; when Venus conjuncts Pluto, you’ll be able to re-affirm your own view of abundance and materiality. Money isn’t everything, and your own understanding of this is growing.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Getting into the festive swing of things, Capricorn? Monday is an especially joyful day, and very sociable too, as Mars sextiles Pluto and encourages you to play rather than work. This can be a very refreshing vibe, especially if you give yourself permission to simply enjoy yourself without any expectations.

When Mars confronts Jupiter mid-week, however, there could be some social clashes, particularly over politics and values. Try not to take it personally; it’s OK to disagree. Things could get difficult if you allow yourself to be personally offended that someone has a different take on life.

When Venus conjuncts Pluto in your sign over the weekend, however, it’s intoxicating romance all the way – enjoy.


Get creative with your work early in the week, Aquarius, as the Mars-Pluto sextile rewards imaginative, innovative ideas, especially if you’ve been inspired by something that moved you.

Midweek, however, Mars clashes with Jupiter in a display of righteous temper, and you may find that your career path clashes with your own sense of integrity around the same time. If your working life doesn’t live up to your dreams and your ideals, you may be tempted to take this disappointment out on yourself.

Look for spiritual inspiration and guidance over the weekend when Venus conjuncts Pluto. If you are destined to take a different path, things will start to become clearer then.


Expand your mind early this week, Pisces, with a focus on learning, growth and intellectual ideas. It’s a great time to enjoy extra training at work, or to sit tests, exams or other important events as Mars sextiles Pluto.

During the middle part of the week, however, Mars squares Jupiter and self-doubt rears its head. Don’t be surprised if you feel that you have taken on much more than you can handle, especially if you are studying. Don’t let these fears derail you; you’ve got this and you’re more capable than you think.

Over the weekend, when Venus conjuncts Pluto, a friendship could turn to love if you’re single…. or even if you’re not.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week starts well enough, with a productive sextile between Mars and Pluto on Monday, helping to push projects over the line when it counts.

However, a tense and angry square between Mars and Jupiter on Wednesday could easily spiral out of control, fast. Mars is warrior energy, but Jupiter is very self-righteous too, so it’s not easy to discern right from wrong at this time.

Look to the weekend for a softer vibe. The Venus-Pluto conjunction has a sense of fated compassion around it; it’s almost inevitable that someone’s shift will stance and that a kinder, more gentle solution can be found.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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