Categories: Horoscopes

This Week’s Emotional Horoscope, Boasts Two Zodiac Changes, Impacting All Zodiacs’ Cosmic Energy


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week’s astrological energies are relatively serene, especially under the influence of the spiritual Pisces New Moon on Wednesday. This is emotional but pure and loving cosmic energy, packed with compassion and deeper meaning. It’s a very good time to investigate your own spiritual qualities.

Meanwhile, the week boasts two zodiac sign changes, both on Sunday, when Venus and Mars both move into Aquarius. For Venus this is a slightly aloof influence over our love lives; kind, but detached. Mars’ transit through Aquarius, on the other hand, is very meaningful. Expect to feel driven to make a difference to our collective humanity, perhaps through some kind of charity work.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You’ll reach a new level of spiritual understanding during this week’s New Moon, Aries. You may notice an increase in weird or even paranormal events in the run-up to Wednesday, so keep your eyes and ears open, and don’t be too quick to dismiss any experiences you have. There is much wisdom here for you to learn from, but first, you have to hear the message.

Sunday’s zodiac sign changes for Venus and Mars usher in a very humanitarian and sociable vibe for you. Prepare for this by renewing old friendships late in the week, and indeed finding some new ones too. A new tribe awaits you, and with this new group of like-minded souls, you will make a lot of progress.


It’s still very early in the year, Taurus, but this is a good week for taking stock of where you are with your ambitions, plans and objectives. Wednesday’s New Moon is a brilliant moment for this. Once you’ve assessed your progress so far, you’ll know whether or not you need to adjust your course slightly. Take some time to figure this out, so that you can progress better through the rest of the year.

On Sunday, Venus and Mars both move into your career zone, heralding a period when you’ll be able to use your charm to get ahead. Your ambitions are growing, so think about exactly what you want to achieve. Set firm, concrete goals and don’t be distracted from them.


Wednesday’s New Moon shines from your career zone, Gemini, making this the perfect week for a new job, an interview, a test, an exam or any other significant work-related moment. There are possibilities everywhere, and astrology suggests you will feel excited and positive about the changes you can make.

On Sunday, Venus and Mars both move into your travel zone, suggesting that romance can be found in pastures new, if you’re single. Even if you’re happy in a relationship, expect to start feeling some itchy feet for a period of time. The more you can travel the better, even if it’s only within your local area. Get out of the house

.Take a quick zodiac reading hereto find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


With Wednesday’s New Moon shining from your education and learning zone, Cancer, this week is ideal for starting a new course or taking on some training. Work out which skills you need in order to pursue your goal and then set about getting those skills.

Towards the end of the week, expect to feel an upsurge in emotions. Venus and Mars are both about to move into the most emotionally complex area of your chart, so over the weekend, you may start to feel guilt, anxiety, trauma or sadness. Surround yourself with those who love you the most and make sure you get the support you need. For the next few weeks, therapy is always a good and positive option.


How can you be an even better version of yourself, Leo? That’s the most important question for you right now and heading into Wednesday’s New Moon. This brilliant lunar influence inspires self-development and self-improvement and is the ideal vibe for kicking a bad habit or for resolving any psychological issues you may have.

In a relationship, loving vibes increase towards the weekend, and then both Venus and Mars move into your love zone on Sunday. This is one of the best times of the year for dating if you’re single. If you’re already with a partner, use this vibe to renew your bond and to create shared magical experiences.


Wednesday’s New Moon shines from your love zone, Virgo, promising a spectacular start to any new relationship – or indeed a new start for an existing but jaded one. This is a wonderful moment of healing for a relationship that has been on the rocks, but it also inspires confidence and self-esteem if you are single.

On Sunday, Venus and Mars both move into the most passionate area of your chart, which again is fascinating news for an existing or new relationship. Be aware, however, that Mars’ influence here can prompt a lot of anger as well as passion. Tumultuous emotions are not easy for you to handle, so be prepared for an emotional onslaught.

Take a quickzodiac reading hereto find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


This week, pay attention to your overall wellbeing, including your physical and mental health. Do you need to make lifestyle adjustments to be fully healthy? If so, Wednesday’s New Moon is the ideal opportunity. Make some mini resolutions at this time, because your willpower and determination are strong.

When Venus and Mars move into your joy zone on Sunday, it should make it easier for you to do more of whatever brings you the most joy in life. From hobbies and sports to children, pets and romance, it’s all yours for the taking. Prioritize what makes you feel good. Everything else can wait.


The New Moon in your joy zone on Wednesday is a fantastically uplifting influence in your life, Scorpio. Give yourself permission to play and to do whatever makes you happy. This lunation can also bring great news about children, pets or dating – but it does increase your impulsiveness so you’re much more likely to take a walk on the wild side of your nature.

Over the weekend, Venus and Mars both move into the family zone of your natal birth chart. This brings a kind and gentle vibe, courtesy of Venus, but also impatience and a certain amount of dogmatism from Mars. Handle any outstanding family or domestic matters with care. You may have to be the iron fist in the velvet glove.


A New Moon in the family zone of your natal birth chart on Wednesday is very good news if you’ve been involved in a house move or a renovation project, Sagittarius – expect new energy and new enthusiasm. This lunation also helps emotional family matters and interpersonal relationships between the generations, making it easier to start over with difficult relatives.

If you’ve been struggling to get your point across recently, you’ll be relieved that both Venus and Mars are due to arrive in your communication zone on Sunday. Astrology suggests this will help you to know what to say and how to say it, at just the right time. Perfect for finally tackling those difficult conversations you’ve been avoiding.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Use this week’s energy to showcase who you are and what you can do. You normally prefer to keep your talents quiet, but the New Moon on Wednesday is perfect for letting others know just how good you are – very helpful if you’re looking for work or trying to find new clients.

With both Venus and Mars moving into the money zone of your chart on Sunday, the weekend is a good time for budgeting. Be aware that Venus here likes to spend! Meanwhile, Mars’ influence on your bank balance is great news if you need to expand your income in a hurry. You’ll be both highly motivated and highly skilled.


Wednesday’s New Moon in your money zone is fantastic news if you’ve been struggling recently, Aquarius. It doesn’t necessarily promise a magical influx of cash, but it does help you adjust your mindset into one that better attracts abundance.

Meanwhile, both Venus and Mars are set to arrive in Aquarius on Sunday. This should boost your confidence to no end, as well as open up many romantic possibilities. You will probably feel more sociable than normal, but also more willing to make the first move in letting someone know how you feel.

Don’t be afraid to be your unique self. Show the world that you don’t belong in anyone else’s box.


The Pisces New Moon on Wednesday is like your own little mini New Year – ideal for reassessing where you’re going, what your goals are and how you’re likely to achieve them. Packed with inspiration and positivity, this lunation could be a game-changer, especially if you’ve felt stuck or stagnant recently.

Venus and Mars are both due to arrive in the most spiritual zone of your chart on Sunday, which is an interesting mix. You’ll want to get plenty of quiet time, privacy and sleep, and yet simultaneously you will feel driven to explore your spirituality. Look to dreamwork or divination for some key answers during this period.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week’s astrological energies are relatively serene, especially under the influence of the spiritual Pisces New Moon on Wednesday. This is emotional but pure and loving cosmic energy, packed with compassion and deeper meaning. It’s a very good time to investigate your own spiritual qualities.

Meanwhile, the week boasts two zodiac sign changes, both on Sunday, when Venus and Mars both move into Aquarius. For Venus this is a slightly aloof influence over our love lives; kind, but detached. Mars’ transit through Aquarius, on the other hand, is very meaningful. Expect to feel driven to make a difference to our collective humanity, perhaps through some kind of charity work.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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