
This Quick Test Will Deeply Connect You With Anyone


Get your imagination ready, because we’re going to ask you to imagine a few scenarios. Are you ready?

Picture yourself in a vast desert, and in this desert there is a cube. Describe the cube. What does it look like? How big is it? What’s it made of? Where is it in the sand? Remember, there’s no wrong answer.

Next, picture a ladder. Where is the ladder in relation to the cube and sand? Picture as many details as you can, like how big it is, what it’s made of, what color it is, etc.

Now picture there’s a horse in this desert. Where is the horse? Is it still or in motion? Where is it going? How does it feel? What does it look like?

Now you notice there are flowers in this desert. Describe the flowers, their colors, their quantity, their smell, etc.

Finally, there is a storm in this desert. How does it impact the other things in the desert? What kind of storm is it? Where is it? What direction is it going?

Ready for what each response means?

The cube represents you. The size of the cube is your ego. The placement of the cube is how grounded you are. The material indicates how open you are.

The ladder represents your friends. Were your friends by the cube or far away? Are they leaning on it or inside of it? Was it a tall ladder or short?

The horse is your ideal mate. Some people want a big workhorse, others a mythical unicorn. I happened to picture a horse that had died. I have some thinking to do.

The flowers represent children. How many flowers there were reveals how many children you picture having, and if they were pretty, that could indicate you think they’ll be prosperous.

The storm represents a threat. If it was far away, you may feel like there are threats at a distance. If it was on top of you, you may feel very threatened in life.

Did we peg you accurately? Let us know in the comments below!

Get your imagination ready, because we’re going to ask you to imagine a few scenarios. Are you ready?

Picture yourself in a vast desert, and in this desert there is a cube. Describe the cube. What does it look like? How big is it? What’s it made of? Where is it in the sand? Remember, there’s no wrong answer.

Next, picture a ladder. Where is the ladder in relation to the cube and sand? Picture as many details as you can, like how big it is, what it’s made of, what color it is, etc.

Now picture there’s a horse in this desert. Where is the horse? Is it still or in motion? Where is it going? How does it feel? What does it look like?

Now you notice there are flowers in this desert. Describe the flowers, their colors, their quantity, their smell, etc.

Finally, there is a storm in this desert. How does it impact the other things in the desert? What kind of storm is it? Where is it? What direction is it going?

Higher Perspectives Author

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