Categories: Astrology

The Spiritual Power Behind Each Phase Of The Moon


Have you ever paid any mind to the phases of the moon? Surely you've spotted a full moon on a beautiful night, or admired a delicate crescent moon as it shone with just a sliver in the sky. Since it graces our presence every night, we get to watch it change with time, going through its cyclical motions.

Those moon phases are far more than just a pretty sight. They're also powerful chapters, with each phase having something to offer us. So long as we know how to harness it, that is.

To take charge of the opportunities the moon presents us with, we need the inner strength to do so, something that many people struggle with due to a lack of confidence.

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Look To The Sky

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Canva Pro

When it comes to setting goals, it can be hard to figure out the timeline. When should you have certain things done by? How long should it take you to do certain parts? Where should you be after a week, two weeks, a month? If only there were some sort of calendar that could provide you structure and help you know what to expect.

Well, here's some good news, there is! It's the lunar cycle calendar, and it can help you in more ways than one.

Not only can it provide an easy-to-follow timeline, your actions changing with the phases of the moon, but the spiritual meanings behind those moon phases can lend you immense power on your journey. Here, you can learn what each phase brings when it comes to the fulfillment of your goals.


New Moon

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Canva Pro

Imagine the new moon not just as a clean slate, but as a time of peace and motivation. It's time to restore your vigor and embrace a fresh start. The new moon revolves around blank canvases, open windows, and the free-flowing of whatever energy comes your way. It's your chance to hit the reset button on whatever you please.


Envision yourself recharging under the nurturing vibes of a new moon, emotionally and physically. Toss out as many unwanted thoughts and excess baggage as you can manage. As you liberate yourself from the clutches of the past, sow the seeds of things you wish to see in the future. Now's the time to start all that manifesting work everyone keeps talking about.


Waxing Crescent

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Canva Pro

With the arrival of the waxing crescent moon, its symbolism encompasses the power of intention, the magic of hopes, and the fulfillment of wishes, a perfect followup to those seeds planted during the new moon. As you bask in the revitalizing energy of the new moon's embrace, a newfound sense of determination kindles within, priming you to truly embrace even your deepest desires.


This is the perfect phase to breathe vibrant life into your intentions, to take those pivotal first steps toward your cherished goals, and to embrace the exhilarating journey that lies before you. Just as the crescent moon crosses the sky, your potential for transformation follows its flight during this wondrous phase.


First Quarter Moon

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Canva Pro

As the first quarter moon graces the sky, a subtle shift transpires, bringing forth a touch of resistance. These will appear in the face of challenges or roadblocks along your path. If your intentions were sown during the new moon's nurturing phase, these initial obstacles rise as your first tests on the path to achievement.


This phase revolves around themes of hurdles, choices, and proactive steps. Your period of repose and intention-crafting has drawn to a close, now's the time for action instead. Though these obstacles will be a struggle to get through, remember the intentions you set and the wishes you have, as they will continue to serve as your motivation.


Waxing Gibbous

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Canva Pro

The waxing gibbous moon represents things like adaptation, reflection, and reclaiming command. Maybe the first quarter moon really threw you for a loop and set your plans off course, or made you realize some harsh truths about where you're at in life. The waxing gibbous will rush in with what feels like a lot of intensity, a lot of heightened emotions in the wake of struggle. Fear not, these feelings aren't necessarily bad, just big.


They serve as a reminder that the full moon is coming, so be sure to treat your goals with earnestness and determination. Your focus now will pay off later.


Full Moon

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Canva Pro

Ah, the ever-powerful full moon. This is the most well-known moon phase even by those who don't follow lunar cycles, not only for its beauty as it hangs big and beautiful in our night sky, but for its sheer intense power potential.


Emotions are surging during this time, but in the midst of it all, the full moon remains as a catalyst for revelation, rewards, and transformation. The fruits of your labor are now being seen, as the seed planted during the new moon flourishes into a fully bloomed reality, ripe for the picking. This marks a crescendo in the narrative that commenced with the new moon's inception, and marks the culmination of your journey this cycle.


Waning Gibbous

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Canva Pro

Following the full moon's success, the waning gibbous moon carries themes of appreciation and generosity. The rewards of your determination and hard work over the past fortnight are known, your metaphorical harvest is bountiful, offering glimpses of modest yet significant progress toward your initial goals. Now's the time to be grateful for all you've earned.


A sense of wanting to share that goodwill with the world might pop up, and a heightened sense of generosity, especially towards those who supported you on this path. Give into that feeling, and share your success with others! They'll want to celebrate with you.


Last Quarter

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Canva Pro

The last quarter moon is all about relinquishment, liberation, and forgiveness. With your successes having come and gone now, you're beginning to feel the excess, the burdens you ignored in order to devote yourself to your cause. Now's the time to sit with those burdens and let them go.


Maybe jealousy was what fueled you in the first place, or spite, something else that lingers in the mind. Embrace this opportunity to lay down any darker thoughts that have become cumbersome and futile. Allow the moon's passing to inspire you to gracefully leave that which no longer serves you, freeing yourself to continue journeying onward unburdened.


Waning Crescent

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Canva Pro

Lastly, there's the waning crescent. This is the time for rejuvenation and restoration. As a cycle has come to an end, a sense of gentle emptiness might develop in your heart, marking the culmination of a complete journey with all its ups and downs. Don't let that brief sadness consume you, though. The lunar cycle will begin again and offer that same opportunity for growth!


As you stand on the precipice of a fresh cycle, it's a time to acknowledge all that has transpired in the previous one. Your task is to make peace with the past and embrace the upcoming voyage. As you relinquish the reins to what's beyond your control yet again, you allow destiny to guide the course ahead.


Another Fresh Start

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Canva Pro

These properties are why so many people turn to the moon for emotional guidance when they feel lost in their path. There's peace to be found in the moon's presence, not to mention spiritual strength. By aligning the path of your goals with the constant changing of the moon, you can utilize its power, helping you achieve all you desire.


Or, at the very least, it may explain why you feel particularly emotional during full moons while feeling pushier during first quarters. Only you can decide what to do with this knowledge and how it can help on your many journeys.

Our skies are filled with so many tools that can help us find guidance, purpose, and confidence. Not only does the moon provide us with its teachings, but so do the stars in the form of astrology.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on your date of birth. Understand your purpose, unlock your potential, and take hold of your future today by clicking HERE.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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