If Your Mother Does These Things, You Might Have Been Raised By A Narcissist

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When we think about narcissists, we often think of them in the context of romantic relationships. The damage a narcissistic partner can do is immeasurable. It can have lasting effects on the body and the psyche, leaving the victim feeling scared and alone.

But that's not the only place that narcissists are found. Narcissistic parents have the potential to be just as harmful towards their children, especially when it comes to the unique relationship that narcissistic mothers have with their daughters.

Growing up with a narcissistic mother, or any narcissist in your life, can leave behind deep, deep scars that feel impossible to wash away. You're not alone in your fight against these troubles, and there are tools that can help. Read on to learn more.

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Growing Up

A mother and daughter sitting on a bed, daughter leaning into her mom and putting an arm around her.
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Our parents are meant to raise us with kindness, nurture us, and teach us valuable lessons so we can grow into happy, healthy people. While that should be what happens, there are too many instances wherein one or both parents don't have our best interests at heart.

This is especially the case with narcissistic parents. In this article, we'll be discussing the emotional scars that narcissistic mothers, in particular, leave on their daughters, scars that can be felt and seen far into adulthood.

It's important to know that all these scars can fade, and these problems can be healed from. Your journey will lead you somewhere better.

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1. Fear Of Abandonment

A woman looking forlornly out a barred window, holding onto the bars.
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An upbringing marred by conditional love fosters a profound fear of rejection and abandonment in daughters. This fear, deeply ingrained in childhood, drives them to extraordinary lengths to evade rejection in their adult relationships. It becomes a pervasive force, shaping their interactions and choices.


Breaking free from this pattern demands confronting these fears head-on, acknowledging their origins, and fostering self-love. By embracing their inherent worth and learning that genuine love is unconditional, these daughters can gradually dismantle the barriers that hinder their ability to form healthy, genuine connections.


2. Perfectionism

A mother with her hand on her daughter's bicep, looking judgemental.
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In the pursuit of their mother's elusive approval, daughters often adopt perfectionistic tendencies. Setting impossibly high standards, they strive for flawlessness and experience intense anxiety upon any perceived failure. This relentless quest for perfection not only strains their mental well-being but also distorts their self-image.


Overcoming this cycle involves acknowledging that self-worth isn’t contingent upon flawless achievements. Embracing self-compassion, they can release the grip of unattainable standards, fostering a healthier relationship with themselves and the world. This transformative journey allows them to embrace their imperfections, finding strength in vulnerability and authenticity.


3. Can't Set Boundaries

A woman looking stressed behind a wall, face covered by her hands.
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Narcissistic mothers frequently dismiss their children's boundaries, leaving daughters grappling with setting and upholding healthy limits in their relationships. This struggle often leads to emotional exhaustion and burnout as they find themselves overextending to please others.


Learning the art of boundary-setting becomes a vital aspect of their healing journey. It involves recognizing their own needs as valid and deserving of respect. By cultivating self-awareness and assertiveness, these daughters can reclaim their emotional energy and build relationships grounded in mutual respect and understanding.


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4. Can't Be Authentic

A woman holding her daughter's hands, looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze.
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Growing up beneath the oppressive weight of a narcissistic mother's influence, daughters often grapple to unearth their authentic selves. This quest to discover genuine desires, passions, and identity becomes a lifelong odyssey marked by complexities. The constant need for validation stifles their ability to recognize their true aspirations, obscuring the path to self-discovery.


Breaking free from this stifling shadow demands courage and self-reflection. It's about peeling away layers of external expectations, embracing curiosity, and honoring their unique essence. Through introspection and self-acceptance, these daughters can embark on a transformative journey toward authenticity, finally embracing the vibrant, genuine individuals they were always meant to be


5. Low Self-Esteem

A woman looking down at herself sadly.
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Growing up under the shadow of a narcissistic mother can deeply wound a daughter's self-esteem. Relentless criticism, invalidation, and relentless comparisons can wear down her self-worth, making it a daunting task to foster a positive self-image. These experiences often lead to enduring struggles with confidence and self-acceptance, echoing into adulthood.


Healing from this complex emotional trauma requires patience, self-compassion, and a nurturing support system. Rebuilding self-esteem involves acknowledging these wounds and embracing one's inherent value, a journey that demands resilience and self-love.


6. People-Pleasing

A daughter looking sad and her mother comforting her.
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The compulsion to please others, rooted in childhood attempts to pacify a narcissistic mother, often lingers into adulthood. Daughters continue this pattern, prioritizing others' needs over their own, neglecting their well-being in the process. This perpetual self-sacrifice becomes a detrimental cycle, eroding their self-worth and inner peace.


Breaking free necessitates recognizing the value of self-care and asserting their needs. It’s a journey of reclaiming autonomy, learning that their desires and boundaries are not selfish but essential. By nurturing self-respect, they can rewrite this narrative, fostering relationships where their own well-being is as important as anyone else’s.


7. Self-Doubt

A woman holding both sides of her face.
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The insatiable need for approval and validation from a narcissistic mother breeds persistent self-doubt and insecurity in daughters. Trusting their own instincts becomes an uphill battle, as the constant craving for maternal acknowledgment stifles their independence. This chronic self-doubt can seep into various aspects of their lives, hindering personal and professional growth.


Overcoming this deeply rooted insecurity demands a journey of self-discovery and self-affirmation. Embracing their inner strength, these daughters can gradually learn to trust themselves, making decisions rooted in their truth rather than seeking external validation.


8. Strained Relationships

A close shot of a daughter leaning on her mother's shoulder, both looking sad.
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The wounds inflicted by a narcissistic mother cast a shadow over all relationships, romantic, familial, and friendships alike. Trust issues, deep-seated insecurity, and a struggle with vulnerability permeate these connections, straining them to the breaking point. Intimacy becomes a daunting terrain marred by the fear of betrayal and rejection.


Overcoming these scars necessitates a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. It involves unraveling the layers of distrust, embracing vulnerability, and learning to value one's worth. By cultivating self-love, these daughters can rebuild trust in others and nurture connections founded on genuine understanding and acceptance.


Looking Back

A mother holding her daughter's head to her chest.
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If you display any of these behaviors, it's nothing to be ashamed of. They're not your fault. They were inflicted upon you by someone who should have cared more but didn't. They're not worth being angry at yourself about.


Instead, when you can, focus your mind on healing. On viewing these symptoms and what caused them from an outside perspective. If your best friend were in your shoes, would you be angry with them, or would you want them to feel peace?

It's not an easy journey, but it's one worth starting so that you may live a happier life, something you very much deserve to have.

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