Categories: Spirituality

What Shape Are Your Feet? The Answer Reveals The Root Of Who You Are


Every part of our being is there for a reason and makes sense if we search for its meaning. All the way from the making of our mind down to the shape of our feet, there are answers that reveal why we are the way we are and explain our behavior. Some of it can even give glimpses and hints into our future if we chose to listen and pay attention.

So before you dismiss the idea that your feet could reveal aspects of your being, down to the root of your identity, consider the role of your feet. Your feet are your vessel to walk the earth. They hold you up as you work, and they have grounded ancestors long before our days of working in an office. Feet molded and took the shape of the land we were on, the fashion we imposed on ourselves, and the kind of work our ancestors invested themselves in. This in turn shaped our personality. Here’s how.

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The Egyptian Foot: Daydreamers

Spencer Davis / Unsplash

Spencer Davis / Unsplash

The Egyptian foot alignment is one of the most common ones and it’s recognized by having the big toe be the longest while the rest of the toes follow in descending order at a 45-degree angle. This foot shape is also usually longer and narrower than other shapes.

When it comes to identity, this foot shape is said to be a descendant of a royal bloodline which comes off in the personality of those who walk on it. People with this foot shape appreciate when others take care of them and don’t mind being spoiled or at the center of attention.

However, as much as they’re all about self-care and being pampered, they also love to make sure those around them also feel loved and special, sometimes at their own expense. They can be secretive in an attempt to protect those around them from their own pay. However, their ability to daydream and manifest allows them to create the kind of world they want to live in and cave to being guided by their emotion and intuition over logic, even if that means sometimes being impulsive.

The Roman Foot: Like An Emperor

Iam Os / Unsplash

Iam Os / Unsplash

The Roman foot shape is distinguished by having the largest three toes all being aligned at the same height. Then, the fourth and fifth toes are descending.

Personality-wise, this foot allows for easy grounding and results in balance all around. Not only is the body able to be well proportioned with a strong root but those walking on these feet tend to enjoy a little bit of everything. They’re quite adventurous and love to discover new parts of the world and experience all that the world has to offer from its beautiful nature to its mesmerizing culture. However, while these people are quite social beings, they also enjoy taking a break from all the excitement to spend time alone to regroup, work on their health and empty the tank in order to recharge again.

The Greek Foot: On Fire

Taylor Marx / Unsplash

Taylor Marx / Unsplash

The Greek foot shape is also often called the Flame Foot or Fire Foot and is where the second toe is larger than the big toe. People with this foot shape are said to be sporty and quite impulsive when making decisions. In fact, a 2004 study showed it to be more common in professional athletes and that it gave them an edge because of the way weight is distributed across their feet.

However, the impulsive tendency can make people with this foot shape feel overwhelmed and stressed. They often wait till the very last minute to make big decisions and can be quite dramatic about their disappointment when it doesn’t work out. However, they’re also quite creative which means that they can usually find a way around a situation and still get their way. Their energy is infectious and they help those around them push beyond their limits as well.

The Germanic Foot: In Perfect Alignment

XU / Unsplash

XU / Unsplash

With this type of foot shape, the big toe is longer than all the other toes forming a straight line that steps down from the big toe, with the pinky often times much smaller.

Those with a Germanic foot are known to be calm-tempered and patient. They have a high tolerance for emotion and are able to take a lot in before finally reaching a breaking point. This is thanks to their naturally empathetic nature that allows them to be able to see through the eyes of others ad remain loyal to them even when they’re upset, However, the risk is in forgiving and giving an unlimited amount of chances to people who don’t deserve it. Due to the number of times others have disappointed them, they tend to have their guard up to protect themselves.

The Celtic Foot: In Luck

Johnny Cohen / Unsplash

Johnny Cohen / Unsplash

Finally, the Celtic foot starts with a large toe, a short big toe, a long second toe, and the other toes decrease in size to a small little toe.The Celtics are known as Western Europeans and Irish but their origins are made of a mix of cultures, just like the varying toe sizes. The Celtic foot shape is actually a combination of Germanic toes (one big toe, and all other toes of the same length) and a pronounced second toe like the Greeks. This is attributed to their genetics as research shows that there isn’t a single Celtic genetic group.

When it comes to personality, the Celtics are full of energy! They can stay up from sunrise to sundown without missing a beat. Their lively personality rubs off on all those around them and they tend to be the funniest or most outgoing members of their group. They are also very loyal to those they love and can get serious and protective if they feel like they are being threatened or in harm’s way.

Wide Or Narrow

Jan Romero / Unsplash

Jan Romero / Unsplash

The correlation between feet and personality doesn’t just stop with heritage. Having wide feet is often associated with having trouble sitting still and being always active. It is also known as traveler’s foot. The toes tend to have a lot of gaps or can be stretched far apart. This leads to a personality that is attracted to being on the go, craves adventure, and often wonders what awaits on the other side.

Those with narrow feet on the other hand are often homebodies and like to preserve their energy. They’re happiest when they’re comfortable and rested. They often end up in positions where they’re able to delegate their work to others and can get creative about doing it.


Merj J Xaj / Unsplash

Merj J Xaj / Unsplash

High arches are associated with independent, self-sufficient people who often lead by example and don’t need anyone’s approval when making decisions. Those with low or average arches are more social and extroverted as they feed off the energy of others and love being the center of attention. They’re full of life and love feeling alive.

Are you still searching for more personalized information? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

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Every part of our being is there for a reason and makes sense if we search for its meaning. All the way from the making of our mind down to the shape of our feet, there are answers that reveal why we are the way we are and explain our behavior. Some of it can even give glimpses and hints into our future if we chose to listen and pay attention.

So before you dismiss the idea that your feet could reveal aspects of your being, down to the root of your identity, consider the role of your feet. Your feet are your vessel to walk the earth. They hold you up as you work, and they have grounded ancestors long before our days of working in an office. Feet molded and took the shape of the land we were on, the fashion we imposed on ourselves, and the kind of work our ancestors invested themselves in. This in turn shaped our personality. Here’s how.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Higher Perspectives Author

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