Categories: Spirituality

The Hidden Spiritual Meaning Behind Finding Stray Dimes


Finding money unexpectedly, even if it's just some spare change, is never an unwelcome surprise. It can even put a little boost in your step. Look at how lucky you were today!

Did you know that if you look deeper though, think about the context of that find, it can hold a deeper meaning? Especially when it comes to finding dimes, as dimes have quite the list of superstitious beliefs surrounding them, ones that can change the way you see them when you spot one on the ground.

Signs from the universe are all around us, but they can be hard to see if we don't know what to look for. A great place to start is the art of Numerology, as once you learn about it, you'll start seeing signs and guidance everywhere you look.

To step into the world of Numerology, it's best to start with an analysis of your birth date. Learn all about what Numerology has to say about you, your life, and your future today by clicking here.

Lucky Find

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We all have varying degrees of superstitions that we subscribe to. Certain habits we follow or general rules that seem abstract on their own, but make perfect sense to us. Even those who aren't very superstitious may have one or two beliefs others would find strange.

It's important to remember that not every superstitious belief is something bad, though. There are positive, even hopeful superstitions. One such belief is that finding a stray dime means you're receiving a sign from the universe. What that sign is trying to say can vary, but here are a few examples.


1. A Loved One Who's Passed Is Visiting

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A common belief regarding finding dimes is that it means a loved one who has passed away is visiting you and wants to make sure you know it. This becomes especially true if there are other common signs of communication from the other side, such as coincidences that point their way in the world around you.


The timing is also important. Maybe it's close to a special anniversary between you and whoever is speaking to you, or maybe it's close to the anniversary of their death.


2. Financial Prosperity Is On The Way

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Coins representing financial abundance isn't anything new, nor is it particularly subtle, but it's still a message people love to receive!


Finding a dime on the ground could mean that money is on its way to you. You can also pick up that dime and carry it around as a sort of money charm, upping your chances of future, larger random money surprises. Today it's a dime, tomorrow it might be a $20 bill or more!


3. Beginning A New Chapter

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Finding a dime can also indicate that a new chapter of your life is about to begin. It represents the end of a cycle, the closure of some previously unresolved conflicts, and the start of a new era.


Though this is a dark note, when symbolizing change, the presence of a dime doesn't guarantee good news. You could have to brace yourself for tough times ahead, but know that you'll make it through to great reward. Better to be prepared just in case.


4. Keep Hope

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Lastly, finding a dime is a sign that you need to remain hopeful. Sure, it's a simpler meaning, but sometimes that's all we need to help us keep going.


A little reminder to just muscle through the bad times so we can experience better things on the other side can help us get through some pretty dark periods. That message coming from the universe, a small piece of divine advice entering our world, can boost our morale even further. The world wants us to continue, so continue we must!


The Dime's Location

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The location in which you find the dime can alter what meaning its attempting to convey.


In your pocket: Finding the dime in your pocket is one of the more common ways to stumble across one, but it means that your spirit guide, guardian angel, or whatever spiritual presence you believe in is watching over you!

In someone else's pocket: If the dime is found in the pocket of a clothing item belonged to a loved one, it's a sign that your relationship will grow closer. If it's a stranger's pocket, you may soon be accused of something you didn't do.


Tucked Away

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In bed: A dime in bed often leans towards a message from someone who has passed, as they're reaching out to you where you're most vulnerable and in tune with your subconscious.


In your shoe: Dimes in your shoe indicates that you have a good, healthy relationship going. If you're single, it can also mean good luck in either wealth or travel is coming your way.

On the ground: Finding a dime on the ground is a general sign of good luck, so be sure to scoop it up and keep it close throughout the day!


Finding Multiple Dimes

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The number of dimes you stumble upon either at once or within a day's time also changes the meaning. Single dimes reflect what we've already spoken of here, but here's what it means if you find multiple.


Two dimes: Finding two dimes signifies connection, partnership, balance, and cooperation. It can be a good omen for a recent relationship, indicating that you two have a strong bond already.

Three dimes: Finding three dimes represents creativity, youthfulness, and optimism. It's a sign that you're on the right path!


Racking Them Up

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Four Dimes: Finding four dimes represents stability, responsibility, and reliability. They're often connected to one's home life, career, and finances, indicating that while you might not see rapid growth in the near future, but you will see comfort in stability.


Five Dimes: Lastly, finding five dimes relates to one's sense of adventure and travel experiences. You may feel the call to get away, maybe on just a vacation or a whole upheaval and moving of your life to a new city. Finding five dimes is encouragement to follow that urge!


Think Bigger

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Finding dimes throughout your day means so much more than just a minimal boost in your finances, it holds deep meaning that can provide insight, comfort, encouragement, and peace for any struggles you may be facing.


These little moments, though they seem innocuous, are worth paying attention to. True coincidences are very hard to come by, so when you think you might have experienced one, turn your thoughts to the sky instead and think, could this be a message from the universe? From my guardian? From a spirit watching over me? If so, what are they trying to tell me, and what can I learn from their wisdom?

If drawing goodness and success into your life is a goal of yours, you'll want to look into the Law of Attraction. It's a powerful manifestation tool that, once mastered, can bring great abundance right to you.

Click here to get started and learn what the Law of Attraction can do for you. Once you see the rewards, you'll wonder why you didn't learn it sooner.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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