Categories: Horoscopes

The Dates Each Zodiac Sign Should Be Wary Of This Month, Be Especially Careful Of April 12


With a bright, bold New Moon in Aries on April 1st, the month gets off to an optimistic and confident start. Everything about this lunation says “new beginning” and the planets duly line up to assist with this concept.

Gentle Venus heads into spiritual Pisces on April 5th, reminding us to be kind. On April 10th, Mercury moves into Taurus, enabling practical, solid action and clever solutions to stubborn issues.

It’s the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th that seals the deal, however. Last seen in Pisces in 1856, this exceptional energy encourages and speeds up a collective planetary mindshift. Mars powers into Pisces two days later to underscore the need for action via our collective consciousness.

A diplomatic Full Moon in Libra on April 16th helps to calm and soothe any troubled minds, and the Sun’s arrival in Taurus on April 19th provides a stabilizing and grounding influence.

We then have a gap of ten days that is relatively quiet on the astrological front. This is a good period to reflect on the energy shifts from earlier in the month – but don’t get too settled.

When Pluto turns retrograde on April 29th, it’s time to think seriously about where change is needed in your life. The very next day, a powerful Solar Eclipse in Taurus rocks the status quo and insists on progress – at whatever cost.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.


The first week of April is yours to own. The Aries New Moon on April 1st highlights the very best of your dynamic, go-getting nature, and this is a time to take confident, decisive action across multiple areas of your life.

You will feel more reflective and less action-oriented when Venus changes signs on April 5th, however, so don’t overdo it in your social life.

Mercury’s arrival in the money zone of your natal birth chart on April 10th is a welcome boost to your budgeting skills and enables you to make intelligent material choices – but there’s more to life than money, as you are about to experience courtesy of the intensely spiritual Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th.

This rare and magical planetary energy opens your heart and mind to mystical, spiritual experiences you cannot explain; you are being asked to trust. Your ruling planet, Mars, moves into this spiritual sector of your chart just two days later, so you can expect to feel this energy quite profoundly.Meanwhile, the Full Moon on April 16th occurs in your love zone, prompting some quite serious and emotion-packed conversations with your partner.

On April 19th, the Sun follows Mercury’s example and shifts into your money zone, bringing good financial news for a few days.

However, April rounds off with a powerful Solar Eclipse in this same area of your chart. Financial shocks and upheaval may be painful, but ultimately you are learning to focus more on your intangible blessings rather than your material ones.


The New Moon on April 1st finds you in a reflective frame of mind. You’ll probably want to spend some time alone, seeking peace and quiet for a few days.

Your naturally affable nature returns on April 5th, however, when Venus, your ruling planet, changes signs and moves into the friendship zone of your natal birth chart. This is a good time to expand your social tribe, especially once Mercury moves into your sign on April 10th, encouraging your love to chat.

Your connections with the wider world – your friendships, and beyond – are also highlighted by the rare and intensely spiritual Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th. This energy urges you to work for the collective benefit of humankind and brings out your humanitarian streak. Once Mars moves into this area of your chart too, two days later, you’ll feel driven to make a real difference.

Be careful not to push yourself too hard. The Full Moon shines from your wellbeing zone on April 16th, reminding you that you can’t help others if you haven’t already looked after yourself. Get some sleep!

The Sun’s arrival in Taurus on April 19th brings an upsurge in positive energy and optimism for you, and you will feel content and secure in your own skin during this period.

Prepare to have your confidence or your sense of identity rocked on April 30th, however, when a powerful Solar Eclipse in Taurus tears down what you thought you knew. When the dust settles, a stronger you can emerge.


It’s a breezy start to April for you – the sociable New Moon on April 1st encourages partying as well as lots of friendly, sociable interactions with people old and new. When Venus changes signs on April 5th, you’ll also be able to use your considerable charm to help your progress at work.

Mercury, your ruling planet, changes signs on April 10th and ushers in a more intuitive, psychic and intensely spiritual period, when you may well experience some strange events.

Two days later on April 12th, the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction brings you a huge sense of calling or vocation – you will suddenly need to be sure that your career is worthwhile or making a difference in the world. This may involve quite a radical departure from your current career, but with the arrival of Mars in this area of your natal birth chart on April 14th, you are reassured that your new ambitions are achievable.

These kinds of big decisions don’t come without an emotional cost, however, and the Full Moon on April 16th may find you second-guessing your choices, perhaps feeling scared and anxious.Dig deep and hold your course.

Pluto turns retrograde in your self-development zone on April 29th, which will help you to understand exactly why this transformation is needed in your life.

The following day, a potent Solar Eclipse occurs in the most spiritual zone of your chart, and you will recognize that something has to change. You have found your calling; all you need now is the courage to implement it.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.


Your career – and its cost to your family life – are big themes in April. The New Moon at the very top of your natal birth chart on April 1st highlights your ambitions and your drive to achieve, but you are conscious that in pushing forward at work, you are losing out in other areas of life.

Venus’ change of signs on April 5th will help if you are currently having to commute long distances or seeking to work remotely. Mercury will help you too, on April 10th, giving you the power to think objectively about your long-term plans, rather than having your plans clouded by emotion

.New ideas, new faiths, new knowledge and new traditions beckon to you mid-month, particularly during the magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th; you will need to step right out of your comfort zone, but the arrival of Mars in this area of your natal birth chart two days later will give you the courage you need.

It’s while you’re still experiencing the awe and wonder of something new that the Full Moon shines from your family zone on April 16thyour work-life balance is still an issue, and this could be the moment for a difficult choice.

Fortunately, the Sun changes signs on April 19th, flooding your mind with optimism and possibilities. Your objectives seem doable now, backed by the Sun’s positivity.April ends with a potent Solar Eclipse that may however force a change in direction towards your goals. Try to stay calm. Even if your new route involves some detours, you will still get to where you need to be.


Try to step out of your comfort zone in the first week of April. The New Moon on April 1st certainly encourages this – there’s a whole world out there, waiting for you!

Meanwhile, don’t be too hard on yourself. You can be very self-critical at times, but Venus’ sign change on April 5th will help you show yourself more kindness, and not before time.

If you’re looking for a career boost, look to Mercury’s arrival in this area of your natal birth chart on April 10th – take advantage of this energy so that you can better express yourself at work and in any interviews or tests.

Your drive to be the best you can be gets a magical boost on April 12th when the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction takes place in your self-improvement zone. With Mars arriving here two days later too, you’re a powerhouse of possibilities in the middle of April – you can be whoever you want to be.

Taking on too much could lead to stress and burnout, however, especially during the Full Moon on April 16th. Build in time for rest and relaxation – the Sun’s arrival in your career zone on April 19th will help you to take a healthier, more holistic approach to working hard.

This is important, because the Solar Eclipse on April 30th also takes place in your career zone. Shocks and surprises at work may thrust you unexpectedly into the spotlight, and you’ll need all of your confidence and self-belief to cope. Power on through whatever the cosmos throws at you because ultimately this is a chance to showcase just how capable you are.


There’s a beautiful New Moon in your self-improvement zone to welcome in April, and you will hopefully carry this positivity with you through the month. Know that you are loved, even through life’s most challenging moments.

Venus changes zodiac signs and lights up the love zone of your natal chart on April 5th, which is an excellent sign for a long-term relationship or indeed for dating, if you’re single. Mercury’s change of signs on April 10th is interesting too, with your ruling planet pushing you out of your comfort zone and encouraging adventure.

The rare and magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th occurs in your opposite sign and highlights the karmic and spiritual links you have with your partner, and with others who are close to you. Time spent investigating your soul family now will empower and inspire you, especially when Mars moves into this area of your chart too, on April 14th.

Expect to feel quite emotional around money and your dearest held values on April 16th; this is potent Full Moon energy, which could leave you feeling helpless or insecure.

The good news is that the Sun’s change of signs on April 19th brings back your confidence and again urges you to step out of your comfort zone. The overriding message here is that you’re allowing your life to get stale and all too predictable.

Just in case you still don’t get it, the Solar Eclipse on April 30th brings home this message with a bang. You are learning that it’s OK to feel unsure and uncertain, and to now know what tomorrow may bring – it’s OK to live in the moment. Listen to this, and you will thrive.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.


There’s a lot of romantic promise in your chart as April begins, particularly with the New Moon in your opposite sign on April 1st. It’s a good time for dating, or for re-discovering the magic in an existing relationship.

When Venus changes zodiac signs on April 5th, however, you’ll want to focus more on your own emotional and psychological wellbeing. Mental health matters, so take steps to de-stress and allow yourself some space.

You may start to feel doubt or a lack of confidence when Mercury switches signs on April 10th, but don’t worry, this is only a temporary blip. Just two days later, a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune floods the wellbeing zone of your chart with compassion, love, light and a deep spirituality – things will start to make sense now in a way they haven’t done before.

Mars heads into that area of your chart on April 14th, backing up your newly strengthened mental health, and the Full Moon in Libra on April 16th is the icing on the cake – you should hopefully feel empowered and able to stand tall in your own identity at this time.

This month’s energies overall are about loving yourself as you are while also striving to be the best version of you possible. This is highlighted once again when the Sun changes signs on April 19th – but most of all, this is the message of the powerful Solar Eclipse on April 30th. Shocks and surprises may shake your sense of who you are or cause you to blame yourself for something beyond your control – but the Eclipse energies also give you the power to rebuild and to stand taller than before.


Get yourself organized early this April, if you can, as there are some tumultuous energies ahead. The New Moon on April 1st is a good time to clear your desk, make room in your schedule and get ahead with any routine tasks, while you still can.

Early in the month, energies are quite light-hearted, especially when Venus changes zodiac signs and moves into the joy zone of your natal birth chart on April 5th – followed five days later by Mercury’s arrival in your love zone. This seems very positive for your love life, and for your self-esteem in general.

A profound and moving Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th, however, touches your soul and makes you wonder whether there’s more to life than this. Occurring in the risk zone of your natal birth chart, this energy, although ultimately spiritual, can feel quite disturbing and unsettling.

When Mars arrives in this zone too, on April 14th, you may feel driven to make impulsive life changes, without really understanding why. Talk things over with someone you trust before you do anything you cannot later undo.

An emotional Full Moon on April 16th may find you making more sacrifices than necessary or trying to be all things to all people in a way that exhausts you. It’s important to get support when you need it.

On April 19th, the Sun changes signs and arrives in your love zone, giving you a breather during which you will feel loved, supported and cared for. However, the Solar Eclipse on April 30th may well rock your closest relationship, revealing things that will change it forever. Be brave and speak from the heart during what could be a bumpy ride.


April begins on a playful note, particularly during the New Moon on April 1st. You will probably have more free time than normal during this first week, so make the most of it, spending time on your favorite hobbies and with your favorite people.

Venus lights up your family zone from April 5th onwards, helping you to make special memories at home and to enjoy a largely fun, good-natured period of domestic bliss. Meanwhile, Mercury changes signs too, allowing you to think in a more organized, orderly fashion, which is great for getting things done and narrowing down your to-do list.

It’s your family that comes under the spotlight during the intensely spiritual Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th, too – but not necessarily your blood family. You are encouraged now to seek your soul group, perhaps with the aid of meditation or past life regression, so someone unrelated to you may suddenly become very significant in your daily life.

Watch out for arguments among you’re here-and-now family when Mars moves into this area of your chart on April 14th, however. Don’t set too many rules or restrictions; just allow your loved ones to be themselves.

The Full Moon on April 16th is a very busy moment and you may feel rushed off your feet, with too many people expecting too much of you. Demand help from others; this is not your responsibility alone.

The pressure you are under may come to a head during the Solar Eclipse on April 30th. Occurring in your wellbeing zone, this highlights in no uncertain terms how your health may suffer due to stress. Take action now to put your own well-being front and center on your priority list.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.


April begins with a stabilizing New Moon on the 1st, which will be especially welcome if you’ve been very busy or stressed at home, handling never-ending domestic matters.

Communication gets much easier when Venus changes signs on April 5th, and you’ll also be glad to experience Mercury’s zodiac sign change on April 10th, as this speeds up your thinking and helps you to be more creative in your everyday life.

Something profound is going on in the background, however, which may come to light during the rare spiritual conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune on April 12th. You are being asked to take on a leadership role in humanity’s consciousness shift – and you may initially struggle to accept this.

When Mars arrives in this area of your chart two days later, however, you will feel an unmistakable drive to help people understand their spiritual experiences better. Talking about your own spiritual path is one way you can guide and empower others.

Business as usual may be suspended during an emotional Full Moon in your career zone on April 16th, especially if you start to wonder about the real point of your work.

It’s never too late for a change of direction. You typically crave stability, but the energies around the Solar Eclipse on April 30th show you that too much stability can be a very bad thing. Don’t hesitate to make impulsive changes, whether to your work or your life direction. Listen to your gut instincts, rather than trying to reason this out.


A very busy New Moon on April 1st finds you in the thick of it but enjoying having a lot to do. From friendships to work and your personal life, you have something going on all the time.

With Venus leaving your sign on April 5th, this planet’s luxury-loving focus switches to the money zone of your natal birth chart – great news if you love shopping; not so great news if you’re struggling with finances and need to keep to a budget! Fortunately, Mercury’s change of zodiac sign on April 10th is a stabilizing influence, prompting careful thought and better long-term planning, of money and everything else.

Indeed, your spiritual relationship with money and abundance is about to be transformed, particularly during the intense energies of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th. You are learning that you are blessed in many more ways than materially, and your ‘attitude of gratitude’ invites even more such blessings into your life.

The arrival of Mars in your money zone two days later is a practical boost to your finances, so that doesn’t hurt either!

Expect your spiritual mindshift to continue during the Full Moon on April 16th – use this energy to travel if you can, as eye-opening experiences await.

The Solar Eclipse that rounds out April on the 30th is about destabilizing the status quo, and it takes place in your emotional security zone – so you can expect to feel a sudden and quite dramatic loss of confidence at this time. Don’t panic; this is happening for a reason. There is something you need to learn before your equilibrium is restored.


With a New Moon in the money zone of your natal birth chart, April seems to start on an encouraging and practical vibe, good for working hard and for reaping the rewards.

Venus moves into Pisces on April 5th, which is a magical time for your love life, whether you are currently single or happily attached. Your self-esteem is strengthened, and you will know and understand your own value.

This increasing sense of self leads nicely up to the rare and profound conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in your own sign on April 12th. This is one of the most significant astrological events of your lifetime, and you may well feel overwhelmed, emotionally or spiritually, by the influences you feel.

Expect some strong emotions around the Full Moon on April 16th, because you will still be coming to terms with this profound shift and your long-overdue acceptance of your own higher nature.

April ends with a powerful Solar Eclipse in your communication zone. Although you may struggle at this time with gossip, rumor or downright lies, your task is to power through the tumult of misleading communication and to speak your spiritual truth, loud and clear. This is what you were born to do.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

With a bright, bold New Moon in Aries on April 1st, the month gets off to an optimistic and confident start. Everything about this lunation says “new beginning” and the planets duly line up to assist with this concept.

Gentle Venus heads into spiritual Pisces on April 5th, reminding us to be kind. On April 10th, Mercury moves into Taurus, enabling practical, solid action and clever solutions to stubborn issues.

It’s the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th that seals the deal, however. Last seen in Pisces in 1856, this exceptional energy encourages and speeds up a collective planetary mindshift. Mars powers into Pisces two days later to underscore the need for action via our collective consciousness.

A diplomatic Full Moon in Libra on April 16th helps to calm and soothe any troubled minds, and the Sun’s arrival in Taurus on April 19th provides a stabilizing and grounding influence.

We then have a gap of ten days that is relatively quiet on the astrological front. This is a good period to reflect on the energy shifts from earlier in the month – but don’t get too settled.

When Pluto turns retrograde on April 29th, it’s time to think seriously about where change is needed in your life. The very next day, a powerful Solar Eclipse in Taurus rocks the status quo and insists on progress – at whatever cost.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.

Higher Perspectives Author

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