
The 5 Practices Highly Respected People Do Everyday​


Ever wonder why some people seem to naturally earn everyone else’s respect? They may even come off as intimidating. Maybe it’s in the way they walk or the way they dress, and while those are factors, what makes them highly respected is the practices that they make part of their everyday routine.

These habits are not easy to form but those who have them create the traits that earn them the respect that they deserve. Here’s how.

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They Read Actual Physical Book

Mathias North / Unsplash

Mathias North / Unsplash

Harry S. Truman, also known as the 33rd U.S. Presidents, once said, “ot all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Reading is the way that these people cut out the noise, and step away from distractions. They devote time where all their focus is on acquiring knowledge.

They’re not reading on the iPad where 5 notifications about Karen’s new hair color might pop up. Rather, they are investing in themselves by taking the time that develop a variety of skills that ultimately end up making them respected.

They Control Their Reactions

Brock Wagner / Unsplash

Brock Wagner / Unsplash

You’ll rarely catch a highly respected person rolling their eyes at someone or gossiping behind someone else’s back. Highly respected people treat others the way that they want to be treated.

The trick is in thinking before they speak. They have an ability to calculate the consequences of their actions as to control their reactions before their facial expressions or body language gets the better of them. They have great social skills and are great at resolving conflict before it escalates.

They communicate Assertively

Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

Highly respected people have very tailored communications skills. They are aware of their tone, presentation, and vocabulary because they’ve learned that if they communicate too passively or too aggressively, their message will get lost.

Those who are highly respected have a deep understanding of others. They know that people often react to delivery instead of the content so they make sure that the delivery is assertive and doesn’t hold strong emotions as to not provoke anyone.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report and find out what traits make you respected and how you can continue to earn more respect. Click HEREto learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

They Know The Line between Confidence And Arrogance

Freestocks / Unsplash

Freestocks / Unsplash

You might think that a person can be respected just because they’re really good at something but it turns out that competence and respect don’t automatically come together.

Rather, competence needs to be shown with confidence while still not crossing the line into arrogance. A person earns the most respect when they’re confident in their skills and abilities but don’t use them to brag and boost their ego.

They Show Competence With Warmth

Nathalie Runnerstrom / Unsplash

Nathalie Runnerstrom / Unsplash

Highly respected people earn their competence with practice, hard work, and growth. Being smart enough or skilled enough and confident enough is also not enough to be highly respected.

Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy found that competence is only the second most important trait for earning respect. The first is actually warmth. When you meet someone new, you intuitively as yourself “can I trust this person?” and “can I respect them?” Trust comes from being warm and kind while respect comes from being competent. To be highly respected you need both.

They Are Always Willing To Change

Patrick Mcgregor / Unsplash

Patrick Mcgregor / Unsplash

Highly respected people are on a journey. They don’t get comfortable and then stop putting in an effort. They know that every day they need to use their time wisely and efficiently to get themselves closer to their goals and the kind of person that they want to be.

They’re always on the hunt for new challenges and skills and they take the time to reflect on their actions to work on their internal growth.

If you’re looking for a sign on whether you need a change then you’re here for a reason. This is your sign.

Take a quickzodiac reading here to find out how you can take control of your career path and find an environment that helps you prosper ad fulfill your goals.

Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, and get more information,by clicking HERE.

Ever wonder why some people seem to naturally earn everyone else’s respect? They may even come off as intimidating. Maybe it’s in the way they walk or the way they dress, and while those are factors, what makes them highly respected is the practices that they make part of their everyday routine.

These habits are not easy to form but those who have them create the traits that earn them the respect that they deserve. Here’s how.

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Higher Perspectives Author

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