The 3 Zodiac Signs With Unique Auras Who Will Attract Their Soulmate

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The belief that the stars contain the secrets to our love life has existed for centuries and is still practiced today. Our astrological chart does say a lot about us, including our core personality traits and where our strengths lie, so it's not a stretch to use said traits to partake in a little match-making.

One thing it can reveal is what parts of our personality are the loudest and what that says to the people we meet.

To dive into your own birth chart and learn what the stars have to say about you, get a FREE astrological reading here. Your future awaits!

Is This The One?

A close shot from behind of a couple sitting in beach chairs next to one another, each holding a glass of champagne, leaning toward one another to talk.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

When we enter a new relationship, there's always the thought, the hope, that they'll be 'the one.' The love of your life, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. As we all know, that's not always true, but what could make it more likely? How can we attract our soulmate?

There are a million factors that could be at play here, but one of them is rather mystical, our astrology sign. Here, you'll learn which three zodiac signs with unique and magnetic auras will surely attract their perfect partner.



A couple standing outside on a bridge, arms around each other as they go in for a kiss.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libras have a calm, grounded, and mature aura that draws people in, making them feel instantly at ease around them. This gentle, comfortable energy is a powerful attractor for potential partners, especially those who've been in chaotic relationships in the past.


Their ability to see both sides of any situation and their natural diplomacy means they prioritize understanding and compromise, essential ingredients for a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Libras also have a knack for creating beautiful environments, both physically and emotionally, which helps them attract people of similar taste.


The People's Friend

A couple photographed from behind as they stand, arms around each other, looking out at the scenic horizon, leaning against the hood of their car.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libras ability to make everyone feel valued and heard is a powerful tool, too. It immediately shows that they're welcoming, encouraging, and wanting to listen. They have a natural talent for conversation and can engage in meaningful discussions on a wide range of topics, which allows them to connect with people on a deeper level. These social skills mean others are endeared to them rather quickly, and they can chat with just about anyone, greatly broadening their dating pool


They're diplomatic, they're kind, and they make incredible company. Libras are sure to attract someone fantastic.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



A young couple standing outside, the man putting a pink flower in the woman's hair, tucked behind her ear.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Cancers are already very well known for their loving nature, one that seems to be baked into their very DNA. They can easily sense the needs of others, always wanting to help where they can and make everyone feel as safe as possible. A Cancer's natural aura feels like a warm embrace from someone you love.


Cancers have a unique ability to create a sense of home wherever they go. Their open arms, ears, hearts, and minds mean that everyone easily feels comfortable around them. Potential partners know right away this is someone they would be loved by unconditionally.


Their Other Side

A couple holding hands, facing away from the camera, as they stand in the sunset.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

But they're not just caring; they're intelligent. Cancers love diving into the complexities of the human experience and sharing philosophical ideas about how we function. For the right type of person, someone who can keep up and is open to these kinds of talks, Cancer is the perfect match.


For anyone who needs a little nurturing, who needs some deeply supportive love after having been burned, they'll naturally fall right into a Cancer's arms.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!



A senior couple embracing in front of a colorful fair attraction.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aquarius' unique aura is fueled by their innovative spirit and forward-thinking nature. Their sheer dedication to the things they're passionate about attracts like-minded, hard-working people who have great potential to become future lovers. They move through life like a breath of fresh air, offering others new perspectives and endless exciting opportunities.


They're also very unapologetically themselves. They express themselves exactly how they want to be seen, never shrinking or changing to suit someone else's desires. This confidence is an extremely attractive trait that leaves everyone a little smitten.


A Friend Of All

A couple walking outside during autumn, arms around one another as they smile.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aquarius is also great at creating community. They're generally very friendly and really value the people in their lives, so they wind up with a large support network, which they then happily use to help others. This means they know a lot of people and are also well-liked by a lot of people, closing the gap between themselves and their soulmates.


They're fun-loving, active, and vibrant partners, qualities they wear on their sleeve with pride. When they find the one, it'll be love at first sight.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!


Our One Is Out There

A close photo of a couple standing side by side, temples pressed together, smiling for a selfie.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

It's clear that each zodiac sign, even those not listed here, possesses its own special brand of magnetism when it comes to attracting soulmates. Be it our openness, our kindness, or our boldness, there's something about every one of us that makes us the perfect match for someone, with them being the perfect match for us, too.


So if you're not one of these signs, or you are but feel like you don't fit, that doesn't mean you'll never find your soulmate or perfect partner. There truly is someone out there for everyone, and there truly is something beautiful in each of us. For some, it just takes longer for those pieces to come together.

See all that you future love life holds with a birth chart reading, get one for FREE by clicking here!