Categories: Astrology

The 3 Most Trustworthy Signs Of The Zodiac


We all have secrets that are eating us up inside. Maybe they're an element from our past we look back on with shame, our true feelings about someone in our lives, or knowledge about other peoples' lives that are causing covert problems hidden from the public eye.

Secrets like these can be hard to keep to ourselves, as it feels like bottling them up, threatening to pop open and spill out if too much pressure accumulates.

That's why having someone you can trust with your secrets is so imperative to lessening stress. How does one find someone like that, though? What should you look out for? Astrological placements may have the answer.

Astrology has the answer to many of life's burning questions, if you choose to look. You can get a whole personalized report about your life and personality thanks to the stars' movement through the universe.

All you need is your date of birth to unlock your true purpose and chart the path toward your fullest potential. Learn more about your present and future life by clicking here!

To Trust Another

Pexels / Eren Li
Pexels / Eren Li

Everyone has someone in their lives that they trust above all else. You know you can tell this person anything and they'll take it to their graves, which means they get the first reports of any and all drama taking place in your life.

Both sides of this relationship is incredibly satisfying, as on one side you have someone you can place your confidence in, and on the other you not only know that your friends consider you trustworthy, but you also get to learn all the juicy details that others might not be privy to.


How To Know

Pexels / Ron Lach
Pexels / Ron Lach

But what are the traits that make some people more trustworthy than others? Is it their personality, their ethic, or maybe the bond you two share? Could it be something bigger, could you maybe look to the stars to determine someone's honest nature?


Astrologists say yes, as there are some signs that are inherently better with secrets than others. In fact, there are three signs in particular that are most likely to be the best at keeping secrets, so be on the lookout for these placements when deciding who you should spill to.



Pexels / Ba Tik
Pexels / Ba Tik

Libra is all about playing neutral. Symbolized by the scales and concerned with things like fairness and justice, you might not think they'd be good secret keepers at first thought, as it seems like they wouldn't condone things like gossip.


However, it's exactly that sense of justice that makes them very worth trusting. They might not be the biggest fan of gossip from a moral standpoint, but they understand that you might have some things you want to get off your chest, and will be happy to listen to you vent.


Their Moral Compass

Pexels / Shvets Production
Pexels / Shvets Production

Then, because they're so occupied with right and wrong, they know that sharing whatever you trusted them with is the morally correct thing to do. They'll certainly let you know if they disagree with any opinions you shared, but they'll do so while keeping those opinions a secret from everyone else.


Libras are beacons of dependability and will do whatever it takes to maintain social order within their circles, meaning they'll hang onto your secrets until the very end.



Pexels / Antoni Shkraba Production
Pexels / Antoni Shkraba Production

Unlike Libras, Capricorns love gossip. Some like it because it keeps them more in the loop, providing a larger image about what's going on between friends and allowing them to create a red-string conspiracy board in their minds, while others like it because they love being an outside observer of drama that won't affect them.


Either way, they'll be more than happy to listen to whatever secrets you want to spill or going-ons you want to confide in them.


A Reputation To Uphold

Pexels / Liza Summer
Pexels / Liza Summer

Their trust does come out of a place of respect for you and whatever you decide to tell them, as Capricorns are not solely fueled by ulterior motives. Though they enjoy the drama of it all, they do take this sort of thing very seriously and would sooner sleep on a bed of nails than break a promise or tarnish their trustworthy reputation.


Telling a Capricorn whatever secret you're holding onto is a surefire way to make sure that secret stays under wraps until even you've forgotten about it.



Pexels / Sarah Chai
Pexels / Sarah Chai

A Pisces' motivation for keeping a secret isn't only out of basic respect, but also because if you two are close enough for you to be sharing secrets like that, they really, really value that friendship. They're happy to do anything that furthers or reinforces your connection, including keeping whatever secret you want to tell them.


Pisces will steer extremely clear of anything that might put your relationship at risk, both because they don't want to lose you and because they don't want to see you hurt, especially by their own actions.


The Perfect Listener

Pexels / Shvets Production
Pexels / Shvets Production

They're also known for being very emotionally driven an empathetic, so if this secret is perhaps a somber one, you know you'll have a kind listening ear and a shoulder to cry on in telling them. You might find yourself opening up to them about more than you intended because of this.


No matter how far you go or how much you say, your secrets will be safe with a Pisces. They care deeply about you and know you would do the same for them too.


Value Yourself

Pexels / Gustavo Fring
Pexels / Gustavo Fring

This isn't to say that people born under other signs can't be trustworthy, everyone has the capacity to be amazing secret keepers if they respect you enough.


That's really what it comes down to, respect. We can say that Libras are good secret keepers because they're just, or that Pisces are because they're empathetic, but above all else, someone willing to keep something you've said to them in confidence to themselves is contingent on their respect for you.

Don't let others take advantage of that. One strike, they're out. Your secrets are too valuable to be toyed with.

This goes for any relationship, not just close friendships. Though, love in general is getting harder to navigate every day, and it's easy to feel lost or stuck when it comes to romance.

Thankfully, there's an easy way to see your love life charted out for you, and that's through a personalized birth chart report. Learn what awaits and what to avoid in your romantic endeavors so you can find your ideal match.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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