Categories: Astrology

Super Flower Full Moon: Get Ready For The Massive Energy Shift On May 7th 2020


Right about now, the air is shifting from an awakened, active tone, to one that is engaged in introspection: a contemplation rife with hunger, desire to succeed, will to thrive and create material stability and sustenance (Taurus).

For about 3 straight weeks following the crystallization of visionary, creative energy in this Full Moon, Venus will square Neptune, plunging the social/romantic climate of the time into an ocean of formless, oceanic contemplation.

This is the Full Moon of Hunger Plan’s chart.

The Sun and Moon are primarily locked into this daydreamy, visionary sextile/trine with Neptune in Pisces, in the midst of Venus Retrograde’s beginning, also square hazy, thoughtful Neptune.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

A certain hunger for obtaining material stability, sustenance and solid foundations in life is being blasted all throughout this peak of intention that is the Full Moon.

The concern for stability can be found in the Taurus energy, and the intensity of focus and hunger is a product of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

The focused, intense Jupiter/Pluto conjunction is in close proximity to the great once every 20 year Jupiter conjunct Saturn, which isn’t fully peaking yet, until the end of 2020.

That fusion of the two largest planets is like a momentous “eclipse of the decades,” foreshadowing events all the way until 2040, so a hint of this giant granite stone-like energy will be present now.

So the hunger is the earthy, massive Pluto activation via Jupiter and Saturn. What’s the “plan” part of this Full Moon? Of course, it’s the vision, the creativity born out of daydreaming and contemplation that comes out of the Moon’s aspects to Neptune.

Venus Retrograde in Gemini, stuck square Neptune, will plunge people into this state of energized and social (Gemini) contemplation, producing ambitious plans, well thought-out, ingenious or wildly out of this world strategies.

These things are a product of that strategic Capricorn energy, the active Gemini, and the visionary Neptune.

The potency of this off-kilter, hazy, yet genius water energy cannot be underestimated.

The Venus Retrograde square Neptune lasts 3 straight weeks from this moment, plunging people into a world of both confusion and pure creativity, particularly social or romantic confusion, in which they must not be swept away.

Those who have forged a path of stability and loyalty to each other, those in relationships, should be well positioned to enjoy the hazy, daydreamy energy, rather than experiencing upheaval like 2019.

This is thankfully not a time that should see a whole lot of upheaval.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

Mars is at the final degrees of bright, energized light-bulb Aquarius, currently making that synchronicity-linked aspect of the Pentagram, the quintile to its own planet Uranus.

This foreshadows the undying spark of original thought, hunger, and inspiration latent in the air while this lower energy yet thoughtful Neptune takes center stage for the next month.

The spark of higher energy that defines 2020 will not die out, by any means, in the midst of this hazier time.

Mars is semisextile that energetic, passionately hungry Jupiter conjunct Pluto during this phase of the Lunar cycle as well, another point of emphasis on active, popping energy continuing throughout the year.

Now, let’s not forget the Scorpio element of this Full Moon. Scorpio is this passionate, focused, unrelenting energy that is that of Pluto and the dwarf planets.

An intense desire for material stability is also produced when the Taurus/Scorpio axis is activated on both ends, due to the material nature of Taurus and intense “wanting” nature of Scorpio.

It is in fact healthy for people to feel passionate about obtaining what they need for themselves, what they need for their families and loved ones. There’s nothing inherently negative or corrupting about the need for material stability.

In fact, if people work together with respect and mutual cooperation it’s possible to create massively positive things for entire communities, with independent business and forms of providing sustenance like that.

It’s times like this that have the potential to teach us all what the true meaning of money and sustenance is, and how people working together for themselves can achieve a much more positive result than functioning in some distant, detached hierarchy.

Perhaps most important of all, it’s proof that we’ve entered an energized, active period of time that the Nodes (eclipse points) are now in Gemini/Sagittarius. Soon this year, we’ll experience solidifications of social, extroverted, in motion energy into the collective direction we find ourselves in (Moon, eclipses).

All this Neptune/Pisces energy helps even out the more superficial, impulsive qualities of the Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius, and it provides us with vision.

The theme of firewater continues, and the next several weeks will be both lit beneath the surface, and surrounded by contemplative water.

The more specific you get with your birth chart, the more you can focus on what the moon cycle means to you.

You can learn even more by studying numerology, the science of the numbers in your first name and date of birth.

Analyzing these numbers can give you interesting insight into who you are and how you move through the world.

Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

The Perfect Ritual For The Full Moon/New Moon

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Paper/notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • Envelope(s)
  • Candles (however many you feel is necessary)


Sitting somewhere comfortably light your candles. Allow yourself a moment to meditate and relax. Once you are situated begin writing things down.

Write about anything that comes to mind. Put everything down on paper. All of the things that bring you happiness and where you want to be this time next year.

Write for as long as you feel is necessary but try to get at least eleven or so minutes in. Do this at 11:11 am or 1:11 pm if possible to keep the energies as balanced as possible.

Once you have things down on paper go over the things you’ve written down. What things stand out the most to you?

Bring everything over to a new paper that stood out to you and burn the old paper. Now, focus on narrowing things down to three main goals/points.

Close your eyes and really focus on these things, which ones are most important to you from the things you’ve carried over.

Once you have the three narrowed down give yourself a moment to manifest. Think about how important they are and allow yourself permission to make them happen.

Seal these three things away in an envelope and place them somewhere safe. Once you have done this go relax in a warm bath and meditate over your own thoughts.

Cleanse yourself of any blockages and prepare to move forth once this day has passed. While this might not seem like much it will make a huge difference in how these energies work for you.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

If you found this astrological information useful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

Right about now, the air is shifting from an awakened, active tone, to one that is engaged in introspection: a contemplation rife with hunger, desire to succeed, will to thrive and create material stability and sustenance (Taurus).

For about 3 straight weeks following the crystallization of visionary, creative energy in this Full Moon, Venus will square Neptune, plunging the social/romantic climate of the time into an ocean of formless, oceanic contemplation.

This is the Full Moon of Hunger Plan’s chart.

The Sun and Moon are primarily locked into this daydreamy, visionary sextile/trine with Neptune in Pisces, in the midst of Venus Retrograde’s beginning, also square hazy, thoughtful Neptune.

Higher Perspectives Author

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