Categories: Spirituality

Strange Coincidences That Could Prove To Non-Believers That There’s Really A Higher Power At Work


Do you believe in destiny, alignment, divine timing and manifestations? It’s okay if your answer is no. Human beings tend to be afraid of what they can’t understand because it means a loss of control. What if these strange and unexplainable coincidences were actually the universe’s way of giving you full control by showing you the right path ,and presenting you with the most incredible opportunities to give your life purpose.

Still feeling skeptical? Take a look for yourself at these real-life unexplainable coincidences shared by those who experienced them directly.

Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, and get more information, by clickingHERE.

The Cycle Of Birth And Death

abdilatifysh / Reddit

abdilatifysh / Reddit

This nurse was first pictured with a premature baby she cared for while still early in her career. The baby not only survived and lived a healthy life but he somehow unknowingly ended up working alongside her 28 years later.

By some weird alignment, the same premature she once cared for became her 28-year-old trusted colleague. The craziest part is that not only did the nurse save his life, but now they get to save more lives together.

Even Darkness Leads To New Beginnings

Dave Hoefler / Unsplash

Dave Hoefler / Unsplash

“Around six or seven years ago, a large portion of my neighborhood burned down in the fires that swept through southern California. While helping my friend’s family pick through the rubble of their home for anything that could be salvaged, I saw a speck of white paper in the midst of one of the more blackened areas.

I picked it up and read it–the only text on this bit of paper, leftover after the rest of the page had burned away, was ‘from the ashes, new life is born’ “aawariya/ Reddit

It’s true that sometimes the universe deals us some heavy and quite frankly, undesirable cards. But it also works in mysterious ways. It’s those same cards that hold messages and lessons we ultimately need.

Love Was Written In The Stars

pcsbor / Reddit

pcsbor / Reddit

“My cousin was in his wife’s future family picture (the guy on the left), on a trip to Rio De Janeiro, 7 years before they met.”

Clearly, their path was meant to cross and while they didn’t acknowledge it then, when the time was right it made them cross again. Plus he not only was beside his future wife, but her whole family and the people who mattered most to her!

What Goes Around Comes Around

Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Debby Hudson / Unsplash

“My grandmother died, so my family cleaned out the house and did the usual thing when people die. A few years later, my mom, being a crafty lady, went to a craft store and purchased a pack of papers with different designs on them (maps, newspaper clippings etc). One of the papers was a collage of recipe cards. She recognized the writing and the recipes.

It was my dead grandmother’s recipe cards that had been scanned and turned into artsy paper. These were thrown out in garbage bags in Toronto. The paper company was from California. Crazy!”- Margerine_Man

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.

All In Divine Timing

dickfromaccounting / Reddit

dickfromaccounting / Reddit

This married couple in China had no idea that when they posed by the same structure as teenagers that they were actually just a few feet away from their future life partner.

Not only that, but they both appeared in each other’s photographs. It was almost like the universe was promising for them to remember this encounter as it would ultimately define their life’s path. Now they get to keep a souvenir of their first encounter forever, even if they never knew about it.

Saved By Grace

AmmianusMarcellinus / Unsplash

AmmianusMarcellinus / Unsplash

After a big storm, the car owner came back to find his car was completely spared from the fallen trees. Except the space left between the trees and his car wouldn’t even amount to an inch or two. The universe was clearly looking out for them in some way and prevented the car from being completely crushed. A whole crowd gathered around the car in disbelief at the odds.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

A Final Goodbye From Beyond

Jane Sabeth / Unsplash

Jane Sabeth / Unsplash

“A couple of years back, I had a dream of my grandfather, who I was not particularly close to by any means. In my dream I saw his casket formally covered by an American flag– he served in the military. He stood next to me in a room full of mourners and held my hand. He told me not to follow him out of the doors when he left. I watched him leave.

When I woke up and went downstairs, my older brother informed me that my grandfather had just passed away in his sleep while I also slept.” – MultipleColoredChloe / Reddit

Grandparents have such a unique presence in their grandkids’ lives because as their final days are numbered, their grandkids’ are just beginning, making them the optimal receptors of all their wisdom and experiences.

Your Birth Date Is No Coincidence Either

You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you based on your birth date and place. Each digit around you sets up your purpose, information about your personality, and explains your wants, desires, and tendencies.

The numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your past, present, and future.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Do you believe in destiny, alignment, divine timing and manifestations? It’s okay if your answer is no. Human beings tend to be afraid of what they can’t understand because it means a loss of control. What if these strange and unexplainable coincidences were actually the universe’s way of giving you full control by showing you the right path ,and presenting you with the most incredible opportunities to give your life purpose.

Still feeling skeptical? Take a look for yourself at these real-life unexplainable coincidences shared by those who experienced them directly.

Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, and get more information, by clickingHERE.

Higher Perspectives Author

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