
Ten Possible Reasons Why You’re Still Single


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In the journey of our lives, a common goal that unites us all is that of love. Most of us want to find a life partner, someone we can share a home with, someone we can grow and experience the rest of our years together with. It's something we strive for, sometimes a bit too enthusiastically, but it doesn't come equally for everybody.

Some people really struggle in love, and there are plenty of reasons why that might be, some being more within your control than others. Read on to learn more.

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Time Spent Single

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Anyone who's ever been single for an extended period of time knows that it can be pretty disheartening. This is especially true if you have to watch happy couples around you flourish and thrive. Don't worry, you're not being left behind, there could be reasons why you remain without a partner.

Below are just a few examples of spiritual reasons why you might not be finding love as swiftly as you hoped. Look back at your life, look at these reasons, and see if any click for you.

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Karmic Lessons

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Your struggles in love may be evidence of a past burden or wrongdoing that you're still paying the price for. Think about your past relationships, did you ever make a gross misstep against a partner before? Have you ever betrayed their trust or done something behind their back?


If you really don't think you have, don't stress too much, as the wrong you would have to commit for this to be the reason you can't find love today would have to be very obvious. Though, considering past comments or criticisms (should you have any) from past partners could be a good way to reflect and better yourself for relationships to come.


Your Self-Love Journey

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Self-esteem troubles are, unfortunately, rather common. We can spend years and years trying to love ourselves to no avail. Though it's not intentional, that amount of hatred in your heart, even when aimed at yourself, can be what's preventing you from finding real romantic love.


That's not to say you have to be 100% confident all the time, but at the very least you have to learn to see your positive qualities. If you believe there's nothing good about you then how will you believe a partner when they say they love you? Is it a fair relationship if you can't trust the nice things they say about you?


Wrong Vibrations

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To put it simply, sometimes the vibes are just off. Maybe there's been a lot of stressors in your life lately, or your heart hasn't been as open as it maybe should be. This type of inner strife can throw your energies way out of alignment and knock you off your course.


This is the simplest actionable cause to fix. Practice things like gratitude and mindfulness, or do spiritual exercises designed to help restore your vibrational energies back to their usual state. Only then will you start to see better prospects.


Waiting For Your Soulmate

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It also might just not be your time. Even if it's been a while, even if you've already been patient, if you truly feel like none of these other elements apply, you might just have to keep waiting. Your soulmate is on their way to you. If there's nothing to change, then all you can do is wait.


In the meantime, there's nothing saying you can't work on improving some good relationship practices. Continue being open, communicate clearly, and always be honest. That way, when the time finally comes, these things will feel like second nature. You'll be an exemplary partner.

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Behaviors That Will Keep You Waiting

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Some smaller, everyday behaviors might also be affecting your romantic chances.


Always staying in your comfort zone: If you never venture beyond what you're comfortable with, how can you expect to meet anyone new? Your perfect connection is out there beyond your realm of familiarity.

Not moving on from exes: This one's pretty self-explanatory. If you can't let go of past loves, you won't be able to grab onto new ones.

Idealistic views of love: If you only have one view of a relationship in your mind, one that's perfect, dreamy, and idyllic, you'll never be ready for love's reality.


Grounding Yourself

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Extremely high standards: Having high standards isn't necessarily bad, but there is a limit. Everybody has faults, if you can't accept that in a partner, you're not ready for love.


Insecure about being single: You can't let insecurities about being single or being single for a long time get in the way of your future. If you're so hung up on that label, you'll never grow past it.

Rely on antiquated norms: Say you're a woman who's just waiting for Mr. Perfect to sweep you off your feet. If you subscribe to the idea that only men are allowed to make the first move, then you'll be missing out on so many great romantic opportunities. This goes for all old-school beliefs about relationships.


Ways You Can Draw In Love

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Now that the issues are identified, and you can work on those, what else can you do to draw love into your life?


Set intentions: As with any goal in life, you have to set objectives. While your goal can't be 'find my soulmate,' it can be something more like 'I'm going to go to that event this weekend and talk to someone new.'

Cultivate self-love: Loving yourself will help you open the doors to so many other opportunities for love, as well as deepen the love you already have for others.


Think It Through

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Visualization techniques: This is a form of meditation that asks you to picture what you want most so you can manifest it into existence. This will also help you decide what you really want out of a relationship and what you want it to look and feel like.


Seek support: Talk to your friends or cherished family members about your struggles and how a lack of romance makes you feel. An outside perspective from someone you trust could offer great insight.

Trust divine timing: Have faith that your time will come. Waiting for it to arrive isn't easy, but it is worth it. So, so worth it.


The Most Human Desire

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Not only is love something we all want, but it's something we all deserve, too. Love is what fuels us, it's what gets us through the day, it allows for such beautiful things in our world, we should be accepting as much of it as we can!


Just because you're without love right now, that doesn't mean you'll be without it forever. There are other types of love beyond romantic that can do amazing things for you. Next time you're lamenting about being single, remind yourself of the forces of platonic love, of self-love, of love for your passions and dreams. Allow that love to motivate you until romance finds its way.

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Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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