Categories: Spirituality

Signs From The Spirit World


You might hear a voice, or feel like there are eyes on you when no one else is around. Is it all just made up, or is it possible that you’re being watched by someone beyond the grave? The spirit world tries to reach us in a variety of ways to get messages across that are important to us. Don’t worry, it’s never spooky scary stuff.

Here are the 5 signs the spirit world is trying to reach you.

1. Your senses are tipped off.

Pexels / Karolina Grabowska
Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

Many times, the spirit world will communicate through your five senses.

The spirit of your grandmother may try to get her attention by creating the odor of her favorite perfume, or you may see the outline of a man who looked like your father.

Sometimes high pitched ringing sounds are heard when the spirit world is trying to reach you.

2. Your computer, lights, or phone may act up.

When spirits are trying to contact you, they may attempt to use electronics in your home to get your attention.

You’ll notice lights turning off or on, computers and cell phones acting up, and radios turning on without your help.

3. Your dreams are more vivid.

The easiest way for the spirit world to get into your head is when dreaming, as the barriers between their world and your consciousness are at their thinnest when you’re asleep.

Keep a journal by your bed and record any odd dreams that may involve spirits sending you a message. These dreams will be far more vivid than most.

4. You get chills, goosebumps.

When a spirit is present, your body feels their temperature, which is colder, that can lead to chills and goosebumps.

Often this happens if you find yourself talking about the person who is gone from this world. It’s just them paying you a little visit.

5. You seem to know things you shouldn’t.

The spirit world doesn’t haunt us, but instead tries to guide us, using telepathy, synchronicity, and other clues.

They may give us foresight into what’s coming, or a deeper understanding of our life path. Much of this knowing comes in the form of a thought simply popping into your head.

The spirit world is apart from us, yet all around us at the same time. What have you experienced when visited by spirits?

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