
Here’s How Spending The Holiday Season Alone Doesn’t Have To Be Sad


There are many reasons why a person could be spending the holiday season alone and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some might be intentionally choosing to finally find a moment for peace and quiet and avoid the usual family drama. Others didn’t choose their solitude but had no choice for various circumstances weighing on them. Whatever the reason, this supposed most wonderful time of the year isn’t just joyful because of others. Those who have experienced spending the holidays alone have found ways to not be sad, and even prefer it. Here’s how they do it.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now.

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Treat Yourself

Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

“I’ve spent many holidays alone and this is what I always do. I like to cook so I still cook a holiday meal, but if you’re not into cooking then maybe splurge on a restaurant you wouldn’t normally go to alone. It’s all take out now anyway. Decorate your house, if that’s your thing. Or go for a quiet walk around the city, a hike, a bike ride, whatever it is you like to do. Or go to a store and buy something like a Lego set, a puzzle, a craft kit, etc and while away the hours that way” – saladada / Reddit

You don’t need to spend a lot. The point is to make the day feel special in a way that speaks to you and gives you happiness.

Embrace The Pause On Noise

Cottonbro / Pexels

Cottonbro / Pexels

“I was stuck all alone at Christmas one year in college. It sucked, far from home, and unable to go home. I didn’t really have the means to do anything exciting but very much enjoyed the quietude when I wasn’t thinking about the holiday. I took long walks in the snow and enjoyed how quiet our college campus was when nobody was around. It was almost eery, but not a normal way to see campus so neat at the same time.” – KiniShakenBake / Reddit

When else is everyone too busy to check their phones, work or need favors and will leave you alone? When else are all the stores closed and the streets are empty? The noise will be on hold and it’s your chance to enjoy the stillness.

Make Yourself Productive

Ivan Samkov / Pexels

Ivan Samkov / Pexels

“I’m planning to work on some DIY projects around the house. Build out the closet organization shelving/system, clear out the garage, hopefully, catch up on some clearing some brush, replace the last light switches and LED integrated recessed lights… Probably will play some Taylor swift/ 80’s glam rock while carrying the projects.” – davos180 / Reddit

If sitting back and relaxing is not for you, then make yourself productive. You’ll not only feel accomplished but you’ll have your project results as your reward, like a gift to yourself.

Remember That It’s Just Another Day

Yaroslav Shuraev / Pexels

Yaroslav Shuraev / Pexels

“I’ve spent a few holidays alone and the key to making it less sad is to make it special in some way. Treating it like any other day and waiting for it to be over will just make the time pass slowly and miserably. Try preparing a holiday meal or doing other holiday rituals, like decorating cookies or watching holiday movies, to make the day special. The time will pass faster and you’ll enjoy yourself more.” – majesticpheasant / Reddit

It’s okay if you can’t shake off sadness if you wish you weren’t alone, or are especially missing someone this year. Just remember that in reality, the holidays come down to just one day, that even those who are together for a meal are not necessarily much happier than you are.

Find A Way To Give Back

Tim Douglas / Pexels

Tim Douglas / Pexels

” Donate time, food, or money to a local charity. Food banks are predicting a massive need this holiday season and if you can spare anything at all you’ll be helping them and others.

Or reach out to your local elementary schools and ask them about a toy giving charity for their students. Usually, they have something going on or a community partnership, and picking out toys for kids is fun. And you get to know you’re making a kid’s holiday a little brighter.” saladada / Reddit

No matter your situation, there’s likely someone in a less fortunate one. Finding a way to make their holiday better will not only bring them joy but also give you purpose.

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There are many reasons why a person could be spending the holiday season alone and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some might be intentionally choosing to finally find a moment for peace and quiet and avoid the usual family drama. Others didn’t choose their solitude but had no choice for various circumstances weighing on them. Whatever the reason, this supposed most wonderful time of the year isn’t just joyful because of others. Those who have experienced spending the holidays alone have found ways to not be sad, and even prefer it. Here’s how they do it.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now.

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