Categories: Spirituality

Scary Paranormal Encounters That Can’t Be Explained Rationally By Those Who Escaped Them


What is something scary that has happened to you that you cannot explain rationally? Some people might assume that their ability to sense, or have a hunch, or “feeling” about a certain situation that ends up being right is simply their intuition or a coincidence. However, when people experience extreme negative emotions and then someone they love dies unexpectedly, are they really still supposed to believe that it’s just a coincidence?

There is a fine line between “odd timing” and the paranormal. There are some instances, where the paranormal can’t be explained rationally anymore. The following stories were shared by real people on Reddit, and they’re quite chilling.

The Man In The Basement

Michal Balog / Unsplash

Michal Balog / Unsplash

“I live in a condominium and we own two apartments on the 7th and 8th floor. One night, we ran out of ice cream upstairs and my mom told me to go get some from the downstairs freezer, so I took the keys to the 7th floor’s apartment and since it was dinner time, no one was there. I walked into the pitch dark and realized that someone was sitting on the sofa so I flipped the switch to see my dad just sitting there.

It was kinda weird, but I just went to get the ice cream and asked if he had a key to lock up. No answer. I shrugged, went back upstairs and my dad was sitting there eating dinner. I freaked out and asked how the heck did he get up here so fast and everyone told me that he’s been here all this time…” – ZayYarHtun

Could it be possible that the continuum between time and space overlapped for a moment?

Just Popped By To Say Hello

OopySpoopyMan / Reddit

OopySpoopyMan / Reddit

“After hearing taps and noises from my kitchen I take a photo and see this” If you can’t see what’s going on, there is a person at the end of the hall, with their face peeping sideways from the door. His head can be located right above the counter. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. She was supposed to be home alone.

If you’re looking for a sign on whether you need a change then you’re here for a reason. This is your sign. Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, and get more information,l by clickingHERE.

The Pacing Lady

Jarand K Lokeland / Unsplash

Jarand K Lokeland / Unsplash

“I was home alone for a weekend a few years ago while I was still in high school. After school one day I was driving home, and when I passed in front of my house I thought I saw some old lady in white clothes in my sister’s room looking through the window. I thought it was stupid, so I went into the room to check out what it actually was, but I couldn’t find anything.

I pretty much forgot about it until later that night I got a call from a very panicked and scared neighbor saying there was some old lady pacing back and forth in my sister’s room. I still have no idea what it was, and I’ve never seen anything like it since.- TylerTimoj

Saved By Grace

neonbrand / Unsplash

neonbrand / Unsplash

“One day after finishing an essay at about 2 in the morning I decided I was hungry but didn’t really have anything easy to cook so I decided to walk down to the 7 eleven and grab a pie. However, as soon as I opened my door I was overcome by a suffocating feeling of fear, my heart started pounding, I started shaking, the works. Telling myself that this was ridiculous I walked out to the street with the intent to still go but that was as far as I got. I was terrified for no reason that I could understand, but no less intensely despite that. I ran back inside and ate dry cereal.

Later the next day I heard about a group of drunk guys that were causing havoc down near the intersection at the 7 eleven, they’d beaten up someone from my uni. Even though I can’t explain it, I’m convinced something bad would have happened to me that night if I had ignored that feeling and gone anyway.- vivian_lake

Would you still call that intuition? We believe that in special cases, the beyond opens a line of communication directly with us, either for their own closure, or to warn us.

Hiding In The Remains

inthelionsmane / Reddit

inthelionsmane / Reddit

“I grew up in a small, rural town in between mountains. A couple of years ago, they were tearing down an old elementary school. The school had been abandoned. A guy my mom knew went in and took pics with his cell phone. When he uploaded them, this was one of the pics.

I don’t believe in stuff like this at all. I just really don’t know how to explain it since it was a cell phone pic and I’m pretty sure that no one in my podunk hometown knows how to make fake pics.”

Keep in mind that this photo was taken on a flip phone, before apps and special effects were even introduced. The shape of the child is too defined to simply be a blur or a distortion. Do you believe in ghosts yet?

The world is full of messages if we just take the time to listen, shared by those who are both dead and alive. Take a quick zodiac readinghere to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

What is something scary that has happened to you that you cannot explain rationally? Some people might assume that their ability to sense, or have a hunch, or “feeling” about a certain situation that ends up being right is simply their intuition or a coincidence. However, when people experience extreme negative emotions and then someone they love dies unexpectedly, are they really still supposed to believe that it’s just a coincidence?

There is a fine line between “odd timing” and the paranormal. There are some instances, where the paranormal can’t be explained rationally anymore. The following stories were shared by real people on Reddit, and they’re quite chilling.

Higher Perspectives Author

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