Categories: Horoscopes

Relationship Drama Predicted Next Week, Here’s What To Watch Out For As Venus And Uranus Meet



The first part of this week is excellent for focus, concentration, and grounding. The no-nonsense Virgo Moon rewards those who pay attention to detail and those who work hard to support others, whether that’s at work or in the community.

An earthy lunar grand trine is excellent for seeing the bigger picture, so know that your small steps can lead to something much greater if you sow the seeds now.

Later in the week, Mercury trines Pluto in a show of leadership, seizing the initiative and using lateral thinking to get things done.

On Saturday, a potent meetup between Venus and Uranus could bring drama around a relationship - make sure any surprises in your love life are good ones!


Ruslan Guzov / Getty Images Via Canva Pro
Ruslan Guzov / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

You’re a natural leader, but this week you would benefit from taking a step backward for a while. Observe, make notes, listen to other people, and benefit from collective wisdom, especially in the first few days.

On Friday, you may have the chance to make your case for a raise or a promotion. If you run your own business, intelligent choices at the end of the week could also lead to an increase in income.

Over the weekend, however, be careful with impulsive financial decisions. Something which seems too good to be true almost certainly is, indeed, too good to be true.




This week, the earthy grand trine is perfect for getting your creative juices flowing. You can use this energy to brainstorm your next steps, but it’s also useful for pure enjoyment, especially if you enjoy arts and crafts or artistic hobbies.


On Friday, the astrological energies are perfect for stretching your wings. You may need to make a travel-related decision, or you might want to start an education course or a new qualification. Whatever you do, it’s all about getting out of your comfort zone.

The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your sign on Saturday is profoundly sensual and exciting; if you’re dating, this could signal an almost fated attraction. Look out for opportunities to spice up your love life!




Spend some time early this week getting your home and household in order. The grounding lunar energies are helpful for all kinds of cleaning, renovation, or upgrading projects. Is it time to clear your clutter once and for all?


Friday’s energy is ideal for conscious forgiveness. Someone who really doesn’t deserve your kindness should nonetheless get it because this is a way to take back the power they once took from you.

Over the weekend, expect some weird coincidences or strange spiritual activity around you. As Venus meets unpredictable Uranus in your spiritual zone, the universe is trying to send you a message.




This week’s lunar energy is helpful for careful, considered planning. This is not the time to rush ahead into wild or madcap schemes - instead, take time out to think ahead and strategize your next moves.


There’s good news in your love life as the week progresses, with Friday, in particular, being an excellent time to take a leap of faith with your partner. Share your dreams and aspirations because there’s every chance that you can co-create something fantastic together.

If you’re single, Saturday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction highlights an existing friendship that could, perhaps quite suddenly, turn into something much more. Socializing this weekend is a perfect start if you’re looking for love.




It’s an excellent week for manifestation, with a lot of astrological activity in the finance and work-related areas of your natal birth chart. The solid, practical, grounding earth grand trine is particularly promising, so focus on your highest intentions and attract abundance!


Look to Friday’s powerful energy to help you take the lead in a difficult teamwork situation at work. People will listen to you, so showcase your people skills and use this to get ahead in your career.

If you are at work on Saturday, however, be careful to avoid impulsive decisions. The Venus-Uranus mix creates drama and surprises - this is exciting, for sure, but it’s not necessarily something you would want to take responsibility for on your resume!




This week sees a lunar grand trine, presided over by the Virgo Moon - incredible energy for boosting your self-confidence and showcasing your unique talents. Use this energy to stand tall in your own identity and to be proud of who you are.


On Friday, your ruler Mercury trines powerful Pluto in a move that gives you cosmic permission to take a walk on the wild side. From adrenaline sports to exotic travel, say yes to something you’d otherwise have avoided.

If you’re single, the weekend energies link love with travel or education. When Venus and Uranus meet up, anything goes, so look out for a chance encounter with someone who instantly fascinates you.




Catch your breath. The lunar energies early this week are restful, calming, and soothing, particularly if you’ve had a tough time recently. A grounded lunar grand trine encourages you to spend some time alone, simply relaxing and connecting to nature.


Thursday’s Libra Moon is then a call back to action - and on Friday, when Mercury and Pluto join forces, you’ll have the chance to resolve a long-standing family issue that has been bothering you.

On Saturday, the Venus-Uranus conjunction is in your passion zone, promising fireworks and drama of the unforgettable kind. However, this is quite illicit, slightly nervous energy - if you’re playing with fire in your love life, don’t complain when you get burned.




Get out and about as much as you can this week because the lunar energies are sociable and friendly. It’s an excellent time to join a new club or group, and this energy is also ideal for community projects, volunteering, and group work.


The latter part of the week brings fresh optimism and better communication in a close relationship. On Friday, Mercury invigorates Pluto, your ruling planet, helping you to take back control of a situation that had been deteriorating. Talk, talk, and keep talking.

It’s an excellent time to plan a romantic surprise as your love life improves. Saturday, in particular, has promising vibes for this, as Venus and Uranus conspire to create the unexpected.




This week it’s all about your career, as the grounded lunar energies emphasize progress, consolidation, and forward planning. The lunar grand trine is perfect for self-promotion if you’re in business or for job hunting and networking if you’re unemployed.


This astro vibe also encourages you to get better organized in your personal life. Look carefully at your finances on Friday because the Mercury-Pluto mix will help you make intelligent budgeting choices. Better deals are yours for the taking.

The weekend is an excellent time to focus on health and wellness. Venus and Uranus combine to give you a boost of energy, especially if you’ve been lethargic recently. Spice up your fitness regime with something new and exciting.




There’s something you need to learn this week. Whether you’re formally studying or simply trying to teach yourself a new skill, the grounded lunar energies encourage you to stick at it. You may not ‘get it’ immediately, but perseverance will pay off.


Later in the week, the astrological vibe is more about having some fun. Friday’s energies challenge you to step out of your self-imposed rut; it can be very empowering to understand precisely how many choices you have. Dare to do something different just because you can.

Saturday is a fantastic day for a date if you’re single. Someone may sweep you off your feet as Venus and Uranus create magic together - but if you’re already in a relationship, your flirting may anger your partner.




This week’s lunar grand trine urges you to get your debts under control - your personal and moral debts, as well as your financial ones. Think carefully about what you owe, who you owe it to, why you owe it, and what you can do about paying it back.


A powerful realization about your karma may jolt you on or around Friday. Your karmic links to someone - even someone you dislike - are becoming more evident, and you’re starting to join the dots about what this means.

Spend the weekend with your family if you can. The Venus-Uranus mix is ideal for creating some fun and spontaneity, which will take your mind off deeper, more disquieting issues.




This looks set to be a lovely week for your closest relationship. Earthy, sensual lunar energies dominate the first half of the week, which are perfect for getting up close and personal with your special someone.


As the week progresses, the focus switches to the importance of communication. Share your long-term objectives with your partner on Friday, when Mercury trines Pluto, because two heads are most definitely better than one.

On Saturday, a romantic meetup between Venus and Uranus moves you to write a love letter, poem, or song that expresses your feelings. Wear your heart on your sleeve because your partner longs to connect with you.


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