Categories: Uplifting Stories

5 Things To Always Avoid To Achieve Success


I think we all want to be successful in our respective career paths, whether you’re a farmer, businesswoman, or musician. But people inside and outside of our professional lives demand a lot of us.

It’s just the way life is. If you want to be a truly successful person, there are 5 questions you’re going to want to say no to.

1. Taking on other people’s responsibilities.

Pexels / Andrew Neel
Pexels / Andrew Neel

“Hey, could you…” It’s a question you probably hear at work a lot. When it comes to supporting your coworkers and business partners, it’s a good idea to hear them out.

But if they’re trying to delegate major parts of their work out to you, not only are you allocating your time to something that isn’t yours, but you may not receive credit for doing their work.

On the other hand, if you did a crummy job because you were overextended, who would get the blame?

2. Don’t burn yourself out.

Days off are important. Mental health days are important. Personal days are important. It’s crucial that you don’t let your boss ask too much of you and burn you out on your job, or your career as a whole.

Saying yes to work you don’t have time for will burn you out. Say no. Take a break.

3. Don’t sacrifice your family time for work.

This ties in with not burning yourself out. If you have weekend plans with your family, don’t let your boss call you into work and disappoint them.

There are things that are more important than your career, and family is one of them. In turn, support your family and they’ll support you.

4. Don’t go along with vague expectations.

This is one I wish I could go back and tell the 21-year-old version of me. I took a leadership role in a political campaign with a candidate who couldn’t rest control of his campaign to me.

The goals and expectations were unclear, I didn’t know what to do, and it didn’t end well. I’d go back and tell myself not to say yes to taking that job.

5. Don’t become someone you’re not.

At the end of the day, your work doesn’t define you. So don’t let someone step in and try to determine for you who it is that you are. You are your own person outside of your profession.

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