Categories: Astrology

Orionid Meteor Shower Visible On October 20th, Watch The Skies With Hope


We're lucky enough that, a few times a year, we can look to our skies and see ancient pieces of our universe fly past, creating a beautiful display of cascading falling stars in the form of meteor showers. It never ceases to be amazing, so these showers ought to be treasured every time they come.

Coming up quickly is the peak viewing period for one meteor shower in particular, one that promises great change to those who know what to watch for.

Staying on top of every astrological event can be tough when everything's always on the move. What's most important is staying on top of your notable transits, placements, and signs, all of which can unlock secrets about your destiny.

To learn more about your signs and all they entail, turn to the experts at Call of Destiny. They'll share the most important traits about your placements and unlock a clearer path towards your future.

Racing Past

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Canva Pro

Meteor showers are one of the most stunning, awe-inspiring space phenomena that we on Earth get to witness. Hundreds of pieces of space debris zooming past us, so close that we can see them, mimicking a sky full of shooting stars. It's a beautiful sight and one we'll get to watch very soon.

On October 20th, the Orionids meteor shower will be reaching its peak, and we'll all be able to see it from the comfort of our front lawns.


Spiritual Force

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Canva Pro

The Orionid meteor shower is actually made up of smaller pieces of debris from Halley's Comet. While Halley's Comet only passes once every 75 years or so, the Orionid meteor shower is a yearly event that lasts about a week, with peak viewing periods happening on one specific night.


Though this one happens annually, meteor showers, in general, are still relatively rare, especially ones made of comets that are even rarer. All this together means the Orionid meteor shower has some serious astrological power.


A Future Promise

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Comets (and therefore meteor showers) are similar to eclipses in that they indicate change, especially when conjoined with or extremely close to a certain planet or star.


The Orionid meteor shower, as indicated by its name, does take place very closely to the stars that make up the Orion constellation, so change is certainly coming.

Whether or not this change happens within or completely outside of your control is up to you, though.


Passive Versus Active

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Canva Pro

The change in your life could be something that's already in motion, something that was destined to happen, or something that may feel bad at the moment but will give way to so many more blessed opportunities than you can even begin to envision right now.


Or, it could be something you plan for. There is an opportunity for powerful manifestation right now if you focus on it. If you'd rather choose this route, start planning now, reflect on your recent wants and needs, and decide which you'd like to meditate on, so the strength of Orionid can bring it to fruition.


Switching It Up

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Canva Pro

There's no right or wrong answer between those two, by the way. While the pragmatic attitude of those who'd rather bring about their own change is admirable, being the type of go-with-the-flow person who'd rather wait and see what happens is also amazing! Both of these types of people need the other in their lives so they can remain balanced. The same is true for personal endeavors.


If you're used to being hypervigilant, maybe sit this one out and see what comes your way. If you're more of a passive type normally, try picking a goal and harnessing this shower's presence into it. Both sides will feel emboldened and powerful.


A Look Back

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Canva Pro

The week of Orionid will be rife with reflective, contemplative energy. This might manifest as a heavy sense of nostalgia. Looking back on your past is good, it's healthy even, but remember not to get too caught up in it, especially when considering past mistakes.


What's done is done, and that's okay. You can't fix or recreate what happened, but you can march onward having learned from it, and that's better than continuing to mope.


Watch With Hope

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Again, the predicted peak for this year's Orionid meteor shower will be on October 20th, maybe even dipping into the 21st as well. A rate of 20 (visible) meteors per hour is expected, so be sure to get as far away from city light pollution as you can, as the other viewing factors appear to be pretty good so far.


Keep both your past and future in mind as these shards from Halley's Comet pass us by, thinking of all you've become and all you've yet to be.

Being in tune with events like these allows you to make the most of them, but it can be tough to juggle among other busy aspects of your life. If you're looking for a tool that brings you only the most important details about your astrological profile, then you've found one.

Call of Destiny will take your birth date and give you a detailed insight into your sign placements and what they mean for you, letting you look directly into your future. Click here to learn more today and see what's coming your way!

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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