Categories: Horoscopes

October Kicks Off With Fiery Passion Before Bringing Shock In Three Life Areas, According To Astrology


Monthly Horoscopes - October 2022

Shake off the cobwebs as Mercury ends its retrograde and turns direct in hard-working Virgo on October 2nd. Most of us can use the first week of October to get back up to speed with projects that had to be put on hold.

On October 9th, a fiery and passionate Full Moon in Aries brings success, but perhaps at a high cost. This is quite reckless energy, so don’t take too many risks for short-term gain.

The following day, Mercury moves into serene Libra, which should help calm thinking and soothe tempers. This calm, creative vibe endures for the next two weeks.

The Sun moves into sultry Scorpio on October 23rd. On the same day, Saturn turns direct in fixed sign Aquarius, creating strong vibrations of determination and resolve - an excellent day for setting your sights on what you want.

However, the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 25th may bring shock and upheaval in love, money, or personal psychology - so don’t get too comfortable or complacent.

A few days later, on October 28th, Jupiter retrograde moves backward into Pisces, adding a spiritual vibe to the last week of the month. Indeed, the very next day, thinking planet Mercury moves into deeply thoughtful Scorpio, encouraging us to pursue the things that fascinate us, even where those topics might be quite dark or mysterious.

October ends with Mars turning retrograde in Gemini on October 30th. This always signals a slowdown in energy, so take time out to rest and reflect - and perhaps tone down the partying.


Nsey Benajah / Unsplash
Nsey Benajah / Unsplash

You’ll want to get back up to speed quickly in October, and you can start when Mercury turns direct in your everyday work zone on the 2nd - excellent for catching up with overdue tasks.

The Aries Full Moon on October 9th is a high point in your year and showcases the very best of your Aries fire and passion. Try not to be too impulsive, however, especially in love.

Wait for Mercury to move into your love zone the following day before making any drastic decisions. It’s time for calm, cooperative decision-making with your partner.

When the Sun changes signs on October 23rd, you’ll discover a new depth of purpose and perhaps a new obsession, too. Something that fascinates you needs lots of attention, and with Saturn turning direct in the social zone of your chart, joining a new club or group with like-minded souls will prove fruitful for this.

However, the Solar Eclipse on October 25th warns of jealousy and resentment, especially in your love life. Is your new all-consuming interest ruffling feathers?

It might be best to take some time to pause and reflect on where you’re heading with this. When Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th, you’ll get some space and peace to think deeply about your choices.

With Mercury moving into your passion zone the following day, this would be a perfect time for making any necessary apologies. Do this before Mars, your ruling planet, turns retrograde on the 30th - because you might not have the energy or the will later.




The fun returns to life early in October, once Mercury turns direct in the joy zone of your natal birth chart on the 2nd. Spend time during the first week focusing on whatever makes you laugh.


A deeply spiritual realization may take you by surprise during the Full Moon on October 9th. Visions, strange dreams, paranormal phenomena, or psychic insights might be breathtaking - try to enjoy them!

It’s back down to earth with a bump the following day when Mercury moves into your everyday work zone and encourages hard work. On the plus side, there will also be renewed cooperation and friendliness from colleagues.

Then your love life takes center stage from October 23rd, when the Sun moves into your opposite sign, flooding your relationship with warmth and light.

It’s not all roses and romance, however - the Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign on October 25th brings drama to your love life, and perhaps a shocking discovery. Is your identity strengthened or weakened by this relationship?

Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th and highlights healing, karmic links within your social circle. Spend more time with someone you feel strongly connected to.

The following day, Mercury moves into your opposite sign, so late October is an excellent time to work on healing any rift between you and your lover. If money has been a point of conflict, Mars turning retrograde in this area of your chart on October 30th may help, as it will signal a need to spend less and save more.




Family matters get a boost on October 2nd when your ruling planet Mercury ends its retrograde and turns direct in the home zone of your natal birth chart. Finally, you can move ahead with a family project.


It’s your social circle in the spotlight during the Full Moon on October 9th, however - turbulent emotions around a friendship may come to a head at this time. Look to Mercury’s change of signs the following day for help in cooling the temperature and repairing hurt feelings.

Your well-being becomes a priority when the Sun changes signs on October 23rd. This latter part of the month is ideal for holistic therapies, new exercise options, healthy eating, and fitness plans. Be sure to take care of your mental health too.

The Solar Eclipse on October 25th occurs in your well-being zone, and it’s a wake-up call for you. You are being asked to take much better care of your mind, body, and soul.

Jupiter retrograde changes sign a few days later on October 28th and may help you to slow down a little. Moving through the career zone of your chart, this influence reminds you that there is more to life than work.

The following day, Mercury changes signs and heads into the wellness zone of your chart to join the Sun - this is a time when you can make excellent choices about how to live a more holistic, less stressful life.

With Mars turning retrograde in Gemini on October 30th, life is about to slow down for a while - but that’s no bad thing. It will give you a chance to breathe and relax.




Tackle your outstanding to-do list very early this month. You’ll get a boost with this when Mercury turns direct on October 2nd - and once you’ve started making progress, you won’t want to stop.


An emotional Full Moon on October 9th highlights the career zone of your natal birth chart. You may face a disappointment or a mini work crisis, but this could be a catalyst for positive change in your work path.

The following day, Mercury changes signs and moves into the home zone of your chart, so it might help if you work out how you could work from home for some of the time, perhaps improving your work-life balance that way.

You’ll want to kick back and have some fun when the Sun changes signs on October 23rd. However, don’t take it too far. The Solar Eclipse on October 25th warns against risk-taking of any kind. Enjoy yourself, by all means, but play it safe.

When Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th, you may have to rethink travel plans. Choose to stay local instead because there is so much to your area you have yet to explore.

October ends on a highly creative note. Mercury changes signs once more on October 29th and inspires your imagination, creativity, and playful nature. Meanwhile, Mars turns retrograde the following day, creating great significance in your dreams - look out for symbols and synchronicities all around you.




You can expect money pressures to ease as soon as Mercury turns direct on October 2nd - an excellent start to the month! A week later, a glorious Full Moon shines from the adventure zone of your natal birth chart - this is your signal to push the boundaries and to take a chance on what the Universe is offering you. Dare to say yes!


Mercury changes signs on October 10th, bringing out your silver-tongued charm and charisma. The middle of the month provides useful energy for getting things done, getting ahead of your to-do list, and getting people on your side, both at work and in your personal life.

Expect the pace to change subtly when the Sun moves into the family zone of your chart on October 23rd. This is the perfect time to snuggle up at home and enjoy some family time, especially since Saturn turns direct in your relationship zone the same day.

Enjoy the peace while you can, however - the Solar Eclipse also occurs in your family zone on October 25th and is likely to provide some major shocks or surprises. Don’t be surprised if a secret or a problem you thought you had consigned to history rears its head when you least need it.

Stay calm and take an esoteric view if this happens. When Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th, you’ll get a sense of why this karma processing is occurring.

Mercury changes signs again on October 29th and brings reason, logic, and relative calm to your family zone, so the storm will likely settle soon. Focus on your family as the month ends, because with Mars turning retrograde on October 30th, you won’t feel much like socializing.




It’s time to start socializing again as Mercury turns direct in this area of your chart on October 2nd. In fact, early October is a good time for interpersonal relationships of all kinds, including at work. The Full Moon on October 9th should help to ease the tension you’ve felt with colleagues recently.


Mercury changes signs on October 10th and heads into the most spiritual zone of your chart, so you can expect some vivid dreams and perhaps weird psychic experiences. Don’t be scared by this - it’s a fantastic opportunity to dig deep into life’s mysteries!

The big news this month, however, is the Sun’s arrival in Scorpio on October 23rd and the subsequent Scorpio Solar Eclipse on the 25th. This Eclipse may mark a turning point in your life, although you may not realize its significance until some time has passed. Focus on making decisions with the highest and best intentions.

When Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th, you are being asked to find joy in the simple things around you. Don’t expect life to entertain you - find your own happiness.

Mercury arrives in Scorpio on October 29th, inspiring brilliant ideas and imaginative ways of getting what you want. However, Mars turns retrograde on October 30th in the most sensitive area of your chart - this could lead to intimacy issues or a great deal of anger, manipulation, and power-seeking. Emotional honesty in your relationship will be essential.




With your ruler Mercury turning direct in Virgo on October 2nd, your month is off to a fantastic start! You will hopefully feel energized and full of mental clarity - use it wisely!


A week later, on October 9th, the Full Moon brings some anger and resentment around you - possibly jealousy too. This could release some intense emotions, especially if you’ve been trying to ignore the brewing trouble until this point. The following day, Mercury leaves Virgo and moves into your values zone, so try to defuse any tension by focusing on the values you and your loved ones share.

When the Sun changes signs on October 23rd, you’ll begin a busy but satisfying period; it’s an excellent time to shine with your ability for multi-tasking, but be careful that the details don’t get overlooked. On the same day, Saturn turns direct in your everyday work zone, which will probably improve relationships with your colleagues.

However, the Solar Eclipse on October 25th looks set to temporarily upend your sense of normality. This could be a chaotic few days, and it may be hard to know what information to trust or decisions to make. Don’t rush into anything. Things will become more apparent with time.

Jupiter retrograde arrives in your opposite sign on October 28th, which is a good time to deepen your spiritual links with your partner.

Once Mercury changes signs again on October 29th, your thinking will clear. However, you end October with Mars turning retrograde in the career zone of your natal birth chart, so matters at work may become bogged down.




You begin October in a thoughtful, spiritual mood as Mercury turns direct in this zone of your chart on October 2nd. Plan ahead for how you will deal with the fiery Full Moon in your love zone on October 9th - this could be full of joy and passion…or full of aggression and accusations.


If the latter, look to Mercury arriving in Libra the following day as a saving grace. This influence will help you communicate better with your partner (and everyone else) and will do a lot to calm tempers.

Things should start to look up financially when the Sun changes signs on October 23rd, although with Saturn turning direct in your gamble zone on the same day, be careful not to squander away an increase in your income.

The Solar Eclipse on October 25th rocks your values zone and may also affect your income. Events could come as a shock - and not necessarily a pleasant one - but remember that Eclipses work in your best interests, even if you can’t see it at the time.

Jupiter retrograde changes sign on October 28th and urges you to lower your stress levels with more solitude or meditation. Mercury changes signs again the following day and will help you to fit more me-time into your busy schedule without sacrificing anything you value.

October rounds out with Mars turning retrograde on the 30th. This is a tricky influence for you, as it dampens your zest for life and makes you very risk-averse. Try not to become consumed with duties - leave time to play.




October gets off to a promising start at work - not least because Mercury turns direct in your career zone on October 2nd. This frees you up to strategize and make intelligent choices - although the Full Moon on October 9th suggests you may need to take a leap of faith if you really want to create change in your career.


Mercury changes signs on October 10th and encourages you to be more sociable. This would be a fantastic time to join a new club or group, especially if you are the creative type.

Enjoy the socializing while you can because when the Sun changes signs on October 23rd, you’ll want to spend a lot more time in solitude. Indeed, the Solar Eclipse on October 25th occurs in the most spiritual and secret zone of your natal birth chart - you may experience a spiritual epiphany at this time, or a shock revelation relating to your faith. This could be unsettling, but hang on in there - it has happened for a reason.

Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th and urges you to seek emotional comfort with your family, so don’t be afraid to share how you feel with your loved ones. Once Mercury changes signs again on October 29th, you’ll get greater clarity about your beliefs and feel more stable and secure.

Be prepared for a tricky period in love as October draws to a close, however. Mars turns retrograde in your opposite sign on October 30th - depleting passion and making communication much more difficult. You’ll need to work at it if you want your partner to feel cherished.




October gets off to a good start if you are studying or training, with Mercury turning direct in this zone of your natal birth chart on October 2nd. The first week of the month is a great time to expand your knowledge, especially if you have recently felt stuck.


Look to the Full Moon on October 9th for some important family or home-related news. There could be strong emotions in play, but hopefully happy ones! The following day, Mercury changes signs and assists you in finding creative ways to address your work-life balance too, so mid-October should be a period when you can get the best of both worlds.

On October 23rd, the Sun changes signs, and the focus switches to your social life. Indeed, two days later, the Solar Eclipse in this zone of your chart may bring some shocks or surprises around friendships or within your local community. You don’t have the full story, though, so do try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

When Jupiter retrograde changes signs on October 28th, you are encouraged to spend less time being busy just for the sake of it and more time relaxing. Having hobbies or chilling out is not “wasting time”!

When Mercury changes signs again on the 29th, you’ll enjoy debating issues and discussing your favorite topics with new friends, so keep reaching out to other people.

An active social life will help you de-stress too - and this is important because Mars turns retrograde on October 30th, which may adversely impact your mental health for a short while.




You can stop navel-gazing when Mercury turns direct on October 2nd - it’s time to direct your gaze back out into the world. Indeed, you should try to get back up to speed quickly because the Full Moon on October 9th may bring consequences if you’ve missed deadlines or tried to get things done at the last moment.


There’s better news when Mercury changes signs on October 10th and urges you to expand your knowledge. You’d enjoy training or studying in this period, so choose a subject that fascinates you or would be useful in your career and get going!

There’s an emphasis on your career later in the month, too, especially when the Sun changes signs and moves to the very top of your natal birth chart on October 23rd. This floods your career with warmth and optimism - and Saturn turns direct in Aquarius on that same day, so the brakes are well and truly off.

However, your enthusiasm may be short-lived. A powerful Solar Eclipse rocks the career zone of your chart just two days later - and you may find yourself thrust into the spotlight or expected to take the blame for something that isn’t your fault.

On October 28th, Jupiter retrograde moves back into the money zone of your chart, so you may need to tighten your belt temporarily. The good news is that Mercury changes signs again and moves to the top of your chart the following day, so any Eclipse-related issues at work should begin to die down.

Watch out for a compulsion to take risks when Mars turns retrograde on October 30th. You are not ordinarily reckless, but this energy is difficult to predict and may bring impulsive urges.




Your closest relationships get a breath of fresh air on October 2nd as Mercury turns direct in your opposite sign - no more walking on eggshells! However, be sure you and your lover are on the same page on the most important life issues because a fiery Full Moon on October 9th shines from your values zone and could ignite tempers.


Mercury changes signs on October 10th and moves into the self-help zone of your chart. This is a great period to address your mental health, especially if you are typically too hard on yourself. Be your own biggest fan for a change.

When the Sun changes signs on October 23rd, your itchy feet will love to travel. Indeed, a potent Solar Eclipse in this zone of your chart just two days later could suggest that a journey will mark a significant turning point in your life.

When Jupiter retrograde moves back into Pisces on October 28th, your spiritual awareness will skyrocket. Practice your psychic gifts and begin a daily divination practice. The more you exercise your spiritual muscle, the more it will grow.

You’ll be helped in this when Mercury changes signs again on October 29th. Your curiosity and quest for learning will center around esoteric subjects and hidden knowledge.

Take plenty of time to rest and be with your family towards the end of the month, however. Mars will turn retrograde in the home zone of your natal birth chart on October 30th, which signifies the need to hunker down for a while.

Aria Misty

Aria Misty is a recent university grad. She did her undergrad in media, information & technoculture with a Master in Journalism & Communications in 2018. Aria has a particular interest in all things astrology and spirituality. This is driven by her desire to create healing. In fact, Aria went back to school for A master's in counseling psychology in 2019 to bring an additional layer of psychological background and therapy to her community. In her free time, she loves to practice yoga and meditation to keep her focus sharp, go on long walks with her dog, and bake. She also enjoys the outdoors and beach picnics.

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