‘Living Nostradamus’ Prediction For 2024 Comes True, Warns Of More To Come

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Whether or not you believe in the claims made by those who say they can see the future, they're interesting to read, and even more so when some appear to come true.

Though we think of prophets in an ancient sense, something that doesn't exist in our modern world quite like they used to, there are still people who claim to be able to look into the years ahead and know what will happen, including one man who's gained quite the social media following for it.

A Look Ahead

A woman's hands, adorned in a lot of jewelry, hovering around a crystal ball.
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At every new year, there are people who turn to the predictions of those who have called themselves prophets, fortunetellers, or otherwise have the ability to see what's coming in our futures. The most famous include the likes of Baba Vanga and Nostradamus, who have both made lengthy predictions for every year spanning centuries.

Some of these prophets claim to live among us today, too, including one man who's been named the 'living Nostradamus' by his followers.


First Of Many

Athos Salomé with his hands folded together in front of his chest, standing in front of an artistic backdrop with wing motifs.
Instagram / @athos_salome
Instagram / @athos_salome

Athos Salomé is a 37-year-old Brazilian parapsychologist who claims to be a psychic that accurately predicted events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.


He's thought to be the first 'paranormal researcher' in Brazil, and he already believes that one of his predictions for 2024 has come true.

He said that a coronal mass injection, a large explosion of plasma and magnetic field originating from the sun, would take place, followed by 'three days of darkness.'


It's In Us All

Athos Salomé taking a selfie.
Instagram / @athos_salome
Instagram / @athos_salome

There was an extremely large solar flare back in March, and while it wasn't immediately followed by three days of darkness, there was a famous and notable total solar eclipse in April.


Salomé has spoken to LADBible about his supposed psychic abilities, telling them that he never considered himself to have 'powers,' but that he believes the human mind is capable of much more than we all believe.

"Everyone has this 'power', you just have to want to access it," he said.


One Of A Kind

Athos Salomé shot in profile with his eyes closed against a black backdrop.
Instagram / @athos_salome
Instagram / @athos_salome

"I'm a descendant of gypsies and the great-grandson of a sorcerer, which is how I consolidated what I did and saw, whether it was paranormal abilities, the development of the pineal gland, or super abilities."


He explained further, saying, "I searched for knowledge and never found it, I met different religions, Masters and none of them were able to help me with how to access the invisible world and I searched for my development on my own."


More To Come

A greyscale image of Athos Salomé with his left hand held up in front of his left eye.
Instagram / @athos_salome
Instagram / @athos_salome

The CME and days of darkness weren't all Salomé had to say about 2024, either.


When King Charles was first coronated, Salomé said 'the countdown begins,' as he doesn't believe the King has many years left. He claims to have accurately predicted the King's cancer diagnosis, and says, "We will find out if he remains in power between 2024 and 2025."

He's also told people to be very mindful of the usage of Artificial Intelligence and CCTV privacy. He thinks it will become a much bigger issue of corporate control as time passes.


A Fraught Future

Athos Salomé in 3/4s view, posing casually, an artistic background behind him.
Instagram / @athos_salome
Instagram / @athos_salome

He also believes that AI will be able to speak to the dead, as well as there being secret experiments being conducted on people using AI.


Lastly, he predicted that WWIII is on its way, and it will be triggered by either a large event in China, or a cyber attack between China and Russia.

"[...] it is clear to everyone, that it will be one step away from a full-scale third world war," he said. Though, he did add, "I think hardly anyone is interested in this."

You can follow Athos Salomé on Instagram at @athos_salome.

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