Categories: Astrology

New Moon In Sagittarius, Open Your Heart To New Experiences


Another New Moon is set to grace our presence on December 12th, this time rising under the sign of Sagittarius. Though every New Moon is an invitation to rid ourselves of the struggles of the previous cycle, the sign it's under grants some extra advice about what you can do to make the most of it.

Below, you'll learn not only what a New Moon in Sagittarius means but also how you can best utilize the energy that will be present in order to better your life.

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New Moon Beginnings

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

On December 12th, a new moon will grace our skies yet again, this time under the watchful eye of Sagittarius. New moons are when cycles start anew, offering us a chance to reset, refresh, and grant an opportunity to try again. Try what again, exactly? Well, that'll depend on you and your goals for this cycle.

Sagittarius brings a very bright and lively energy to this lunar cycle, meaning we'll be feeling wonderfully motivated and ready to make some moves in all of the right directions. We might feel more inclined to accomplish things we find fun over things we know need to be done.


New Avenues

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

This new moon won't be about denying yourself anything. Indulge in your (responsible) urges, and let yourself cut loose a little bit! Sagittarius carries a very adventurous spirit that will feel contagious over the next few weeks, so even if getting out there usually isn't your thing, give it a shot anyway. You never know what might come of it.


In fact, getting out of your comfort zone in any respect should be a baseline goal for this cycle. Really push yourself to try something new. Broadening your horizons is always worth the effort.


Bursting At The Seams

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

A new moon is meant to invigorate you and fill you with renewed spirit, while Sagittarius, as a sign, already has enough of it to spare. This overabundance of energy should send you flying.


The caveat here is that you'll have to put in some extra effort to make sure you're flying off in the right direction, be it toward your goals or cultivating other positive experiences. If you're not careful, you might find yourself bouncing off the walls with no vision in mind, which would be a waste of this type of spirit.


Near Or Far

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

That doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy yourself, though. Sagittarius is an adventurous sign that urges us to partake in soul-enriching activities. This is often seen in the context of an adventure of sorts, but you don't need to travel to bring joy into your life, you can do that at home.


Whatever you indulge in should be new. If you like music, try listening to some new albums or artists. If you're a foodie, visit a few local restaurants you've been meaning to try. If you do want to get out there, look for nearby activities or events that would allow you to do something different than your usual norm, something exciting that will get your adrenaline pumping. There are so many wonderful things to experience out there!


Lesson Learned

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

In the spirit of trying something new, this new moon is also primed for educational pursuits. If there's something you've really been wanting to try, even if this just means dipping your toe in the water, now's the time!


You can either give it a shot at home or find a local class that teaches the basics, but let that spark of interest carry you forward should you feel it. Even if it doesn't become your next great passion, it will still feel good to have tried something different and shake up your routine a little.


Sticking Together

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

When it comes to relationships, a new moon in Sagittarius encourages open and honest communication. It's a time to express thoughts and feelings without holding back, fostering deeper connections with those around us. This period is about being open and vulnerable so our relationships can continue to grow.


This is also a prime opportunity to try new activities with a partner or close friend. This could mean an exciting new date prospect, a night on the town, or a fun day trip to a hidden gem nearby. Let the spirit of adventure take both of you somewhere exciting!


Experience The Rush

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Overall, this new moon is about introducing new and exciting elements into your life. It's about reminding you of all the potential chances for joy, love, fun, and growth. You're never without an option or opportunity to bring a new layer of happiness to your days, you just have to go looking for it.


Finding these opportunities is especially important during the holiday season, so surrender yourself to Sagittarius' guidance. Live your life to the fullest while you can, then enjoy gratuitous rest after time well spent.

Though the New Moon calls upon specific energies, there are some aspects of astrology that are applicable every month of the year. The hidden strengths you have depend on your sign, but they can all help you live a happier, more prosperous life.

The first step is learning what those strengths are, and that's what a dedicated birth chart reading can reveal to you. Learn what powers lie dormant inside you, granted by your astrological placements, and see how much abundance they can bring into your life today!

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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