New Moon In Leo On August 4th, Bringing Power In Creativity

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With another month comes another lunar cycle, which means a New Moon rising early in the month so we can set our best intentions for the coming weeks. This time, the New Moon will be rising under the sign of Leo, bringing a bright and vibrant energy that will liven up all our lives.

Here, you'll learn not only what a New Moon in Leo means but also how you can utilize its energy in order to better your life.

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As Hot As Fire

A thin sliver of a crescent moon high in a blue and pink sky.
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The last New Moon of the summer months is here, and with it comes another chance to shake off the heat-stricken blues we may be feeling and start our lives anew.


This New Moon in particular, as it'll be rising under the sign of Leo, is imbued with a fun and fiery sort of power that will leave us all feeling energized. It asks us to be confident in ourselves, and to try our hand at creation, even if we're not the creative type. Here's a more detailed breakdown about the vibes you can look forward to with this New Moon.


Finding Your Confidence

A woman standing outside, arms outstretched, looking upward, smiling brightly.
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A New Moon in Leo radiates a vibrant and creative energy that encourages self-expression, confidence, and personal empowerment. This phase, marking a time for new beginnings and fresh starts, takes on a bold and enthusiastic quality when it rises under Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun.


Leo is known for its passion, charisma, and leadership. When the New Moon is in Leo, these traits are amplified, creating an atmosphere that invites us to step into our own and embrace our uniqueness. This energy encourages us to pursue our passions, express our creativity, and take bold steps toward our goals.


What We Truly Want

A photo from behind of a woman painting outdoors.
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During a New Moon in Leo, we're asked to focus on our personal desires and aspirations. This can be a time of heightened self-awareness, where we can recognize our strengths and acknowledge our potential, but only if we put that faith in ourselves. It's an excellent time for setting ambitious goals and daring to dream big.


The Leo New Moon also brings a strong emphasis on creativity and self-expression. Now is the time to engage in any and all activities that allow us to showcase our talents, letting our inner light shine. Whether it’s through painting, writing, performance, or any other creative endeavor, this New Moon encourages us to express ourselves boldly, authentically, and unapologetically.


Loving Ourselves Truly

A woman standing in a field, smiling softly as she hugs herself.
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This New Moon also highlights the importance of self-love and knowing our worth. It urges us to recognize our inherent value (which we all have just by existing) and treat ourselves with the kindness and respect of a friend. It's a time to celebrate our achievements, acknowledge our efforts, and appreciate the qualities that make us uniquely, well, us!


It also encourages us to take on leadership roles, using natural charisma to motivate and inspire those around us. Whether it’s in our professional lives, social circles, or personal relationships, we have the opportunity to lead by example and make a positive impact.


Inviting Joy

A low-angle shot of a man running up a hill.
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On a more personal level, the New Moon in Leo invites us to reconnect with our inner child and embrace a sense of playfulness and joy. This is a time to let go of inhibitions and engage in whatever activities bring us wonder and excitement. Whether it's through hobbies, sports, art, or spending time with loved ones, embracing a playful spirit helps ease our woes and remind us that there's so much to love about being alive.


This New Moon asks that we don't let ourselves be trapped in the dark, that we find our joys and cling onto them tight throughout it all.


The First Steps

A man sitting in a chair by a large window, looking out it with a hand on his chin, clearly thinking.
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Now, how can we use the bright, vibrant, and fun-loving energy this moon brings? Like many New Moons, the best way to use this time is to set intentions, make plans, brainstorm ideas, and take the first few steps that will get your idea rolling.


This is also a good time for researching or actively making some big decisions in your life. Maybe you were thinking about changing your career path, going back to school, moving cities, finding a relationship, or anything else that feels big and important. Under this New Moon, you'll have the confidence needed to dig into that further, and thus be more likely to find the answers you need.


Living Authentically

A woman dancing alone in her living room, smiling as she does.
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This New Moon, like many, asks us to be a bit selfish. It asks us to look in the mirror and find nothing but our best qualities. It then asks that we celebrate those qualities, honor them, and cherish their importance. They're part of what make us each so wonderfully unique, allowing us to each bring something new, interesting, and valuable to the table.


It also reminds us of the importance of creativity. Even if we're not particularly artistic, that doesn't mean we can't be creative, and it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to create things anyway. All art is worth making, as it's all expression. Whether it's dancing around your living room or painting the next masterpiece, creative expression allows us all to connect with the deepest, truest parts of our soul.