A few times a year, the planet Mercury enters retrograde, and it sends everyone on a bit of a spin. Mercury retrogrades are famed for their tendency to cause issues regarding travel, communication, and technology, but their powers are much more nuanced than that.
Especially once we take a look at each sign and how they'll fare under the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Virgo starting on August 23rd.
Your sign can dictate much about your life, plotting life milestones and facets of your personality, all encoded in your unique star pattern. To see what secrets remain uncovered, you can get a birth chart reading.
These readings will unveil all you've yet to learn about yourself and your future. See what lies in store for you today, click here to find out.
The time has come for another Mercury retrograde, this time taking place in the freshly entered season of Virgo. A Mercury retrograde in Virgo signals a time for meticulous introspection on one's self and how they interact with the world around them.
This period might bring minor disruptions in communication, as Mercury retrogrades ought to do, emphasizing the importance of precision and patience. While challenges arise, this shift also offers chances for personal growth and insights.
While that's all general insights, there are specific pieces of advice for each of the signs too, ones that will help them navigate the potentially tumultuous time ahead.
This Mercury retrograde packs some serious potential for Aries, pointing them toward their goals and giving them a push. Your natural instinct to dive into exciting opportunities headfirst will come alive during this period.
It won't be without its twists, though. Though you'll feel moved to follow your heart, don't forget to make plans and prepare for the direction you want to head in. Strike that balance between chasing desires and smart execution. Cut the chaos where you can and find a stable path. Let this season sharpen your focus and supercharge your ambitions.
Brace yourself for a golden opportunity within this Mercury retrograde, Taurus. You've got a knack for prioritizing your joy and fully understanding what you love. Now it's about nailing that sweet spot between pursuing empowering endeavors and avoiding excess pleasures. Moderation is key.
In order to avoid overindulgence, balance your to-do list. Make sure you're getting practical work done alongside seeking out your pleasures, don't get too lost in the latter. This will also apply to matters of the heart this coming season. You may fall into avoidant tendencies in order to not deal with heavier discussions, but you can't stay away from them forever. Be pragmatic in dealing with situations like these so you can invite more love in once again.
Gemini, brace yourself for a Mercury retrograde that might turn up your sensitivity a notch. This cosmic shift highlights your feelings about home, family, and security, which could stir up a lot of intense emotions. You'll want to lean on your circle for emotional support and reassurance at this time. It's also worth remembering that there's no need for dramatic changes right this minute. Take things slowly, don't rush into anything.
You might find echoes of your past resurfacing, memories from your childhood or upbringing. It's all good to acknowledge, just don't let them take up too much of your attention. Reminiscing on the past is nice so long as you don't lose sight of your future.
Cancers might have to get ready for a slightly bumpy ride during this retrograde. Nothing terrible, just some annoying, persistent hiccups that'll keep popping up. Given that this is a Mercury retrograde, these hiccups will likely be in the realm of communication, so be sure to take extra caution during serious matters for the next while.
To help with this, really focus on intentionality, double checking, and paying attention to details. Confirm plans well in advance, set up a bunch of alarms, and practice plenty of patience. Seek clarity, especially if things seem muddled. Say no to assumptions, yes to understanding. Whether it's business or personal matters, make sure your expectations and needs are crystal clear.
Let's dive into Leo's financial outlook for the upcoming weeks. While there's no need to lock away your wallet or scrap your planned treats, Mercury retrograde has settled into the realm of your finances and material belongings, so it's prime time to analyze those spending habits and scale them back a bit.
Throughout this retrograde phase, you might realize you've been a touch extravagant, attaching a bit too much importance to certain material things. Whether it's dining out, shopping, or retail therapy, now's your chance to spot these patterns and steer clear of them. Instead, use this time to declutter. That way, when this retrograde passes, you'll be in a clearer space with more room to introduce new, fresh elements into your life.
Virgo, as Mercury retrograde graces your sign, it's akin to a cosmic reunion with your own self. Now's the time to sit and reflect on yourself. Think, what is the version of you that you want to present to the world? Are you embodying that? If not, why not? Thoughts of self-doubt might sneak in here or there during this process, but fight them off as best as you can. They're not only untrue, but they serve no purpose other than hindering your growth.
Patience is your most trusted ally during this time. Don't overload your plate, set those essential boundaries and put self-care first. Don't be afraid to say no and carve out more time for yourself than you normally would. You'll need all the energy you can get.
This Mercury retrograde might dial down your energy a notch, but don't worry, this might actually be a good thing for you, Libra. Diminished energy levels open the door for you to recline, reflect, and reassess how you've been spending your vitality. Throughout this retrograde, dormant emotions could rise to the surface, with your subconscious bringing your attention to feelings you thought were buried long ago.
Spend some time simply being in tune with your body. Avoid pushing yourself too strenuously or piling on excessive commitments. Embrace those power naps and savor unhurried strolls. If the wish to disconnect and spend quality time with yourself pops up, listen to it. Learn what layers of yourself no longer serve you and shed them.
Scorpio, you've been navigating quite a wild ride this year. Energies have been high for Scorpios everywhere, but thankfully, This retrograde might settle some things and leave you with a better sense of purpose.
A clearer view of your place and how the changes you've undergone align with your dreams await you. During this retrograde, you might sense a bit of distance from friends and family, and your drive toward past objectives could lose some steam. Don't let this discourage you, as this time is all about embracing what genuinely sparks your joy. Whenever those sneaky whispers of doubt and insecurity sneak in, along with the 'what if' and 'I can't' notions, remind yourself that you're adaptable. Embrace change, stay limber, and you'll emerge from this retrograde with a revitalized perspective and fresh reserves of energy.
This Mercury retrograde has the potential to introduce a slight pause in your progress, especially when it comes to your career and social circles. Keep an eye out for potential work-related misunderstandings and increased sensitivity to interactions with your superiors and colleagues. Focus on aligning your pursuits with long-term stability and security, rather than merely conforming to the crowd's expectations.
Amidst any uncertainty caused by this transit, remember to tap into what genuinely boosts your reputation. Focus on those skills and make sure they shine through your work. While this phase might trigger questioning about your path and purpose, it's also a chance to reconnect with the fundamental components that shape your sense of self. Take things a bit slower this month and et this retrograde steer you toward decisions that align with your aspirations.
For Capricorn, this retrograde is the perfect opportunity to broaden your mental horizons, not through formal education, but by venturing into diverse viewpoints. Think of a coach encouraging you to release your grip on your own outlook, embrace open-mindedness, and let go of that 'my way or the highway stance. Adopt a more mindful approach to personal growth by genuinely hearing others out and recognizing the worth in their thoughts.
Set aside time to sit, journal, and contemplate. Challenge yourself to absorb something new or revisit a subject that once fascinated you. The goal here is to unlock your mind and embark on novel journeys fueled by curiosity, not apprehension.
This Mercury retrograde has a lot of potential for you, Aquarius. It asks you to focus on your close relationships and what prevents you from becoming closer to those you wish to share that bond with. You'll find that the answer is almost always your refusal to be vulnerable with them.
Are your intimate connections an equal balance of give-and-take? Or are they giving a lot more emotional openness than you? That's the question this transit encourages you to mull over. Reflect on the relationships you've formed and discern what's lacking for them to flourish. And yes, remember, it's not always about adding. At times, it's about letting go. Shed the baggage that holds you back from forging deeper connections.
Pisces, this retrograde seeks to illuminate all your relationships, whether they're friendships, romantic bonds, or coworkers. You might encounter some communication mishaps where the simple act of explaining your thoughts seems impossibly hard, and those plans or agreements you've been eager to finalize with others might face a minor setback, but you'll be able to bounce back from both.
Take things slowly with others this season. Make sure you're striving for balance within your relationships, without one side giving too much or not giving enough. Oh, and be cautious not to let your kindness become a doormat for others to tread upon. If you're already caught up in an arrangement like that, now's the time to draw your line in the sand and stand up for yourself.
Mercury's retrogrades are often fearmongered, said to be the worst of the planetary shifts when really, they just cause a bit of confusion for a while. You can avoid any of the potential damage from that confusion by being patient with yourself and others.
It's also important to be understanding, too. Everyone will be facing the same struggles, so if someone says something that seems strange or our of character for them, give them some grace. It's likely not what they mean, and they'll be sure to make it up to you.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo begins on August 23rd and ends on September 15th.
Retrogrades of many kinds have a tendency to drum up unwanted emotions, ones we've been holding inside ourselves for too long. This includes phobias we try not to aggravate, feeling shame that we have them at all.
If you have a phobia you're trying to beat, this free audio clip can help. Learn how to live a life unburdened by fear today.
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