
Men Share The Red Flags That A Woman Was Just Using Them As A Warning


In today’s dating the world it’s not just the men that get played. In a lot of cases they’re also the ones who get taken advantage of because they missed the warning signs that a woman was taking advantage of.

Some men decided that enough is enough and they decide to list the red flags on a Reddit threat as to hopefully help others notice them before it’s late.

For personalized information on the kind of partner you are and that you attract, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your personality using only your Name and Birth Date.

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It’s Her Way Or The Highway

Tamar Bellis / Unspash

Tamar Bellis / Unspash

Whoever said happy wife, happy life, clearly didn’t understand equality. The relationship shouldn’t feel unbalanced and create unfair power dynamics. Both parties should be giving as much as they’re receiving. If an unequal balance is created, the relationship is doomed to fail.

” In a good relationship, friendship, whatever, both people are giving what they want to give without coercion and both feel adequately rewarded for it. Sometimes one person needs more, sometimes the other, but it evens out over time. When you feel like you’re being coerced into giving more than you really want, whether that’s with force or emotional manipulation or whatever, you’re being used and you’ll eventually resent it.” – munkymu / Reddit

Just Wants Some Attention

Carly Rae Hobbins / Unsplash

Carly Rae Hobbins / Unsplash

“When you eventually tell her how you feel and your desire to be in a relationship, she uses lines such as ‘I’m just not ready yet’ or ‘maybe,’ and you fool yourself into thinking that ‘yet’ is just around the corner, but it never is.” – freshballpowder / Reddit

Be careful of women who just need someone else’s validation to feed their ego. They usually are coming from a place of low self-esteem where they need to feel desired by someone, even if they have no interest in being with him, just to feel like they are worthy. These women need to find happiness within first before committing themselves to someone else.

Emotion Is Not Welcomed

A L FF / Unsplash

A L FF / Unsplash

Some women need someone to vent to and assume their partner will have to listen to their complaints non-stop They want to completely unload on someone else yet they don’t give their partner’s issues any worth. Rather they dismiss their feelings any time they try to bring them up.

“Anytime you try opening up, you’re acting off-character, selfish, an ass, etc. it’s usually the typical pathetic manipulation people pull to make you feel bad for either standing up for yourself or just trying to be you.” -CutTheShitNow / Reddit

Energy Vampires

Vitolda Klein / Unsplash

Vitolda Klein / Unsplash

​”You should look that up, but basically selfish people that only care about themselves will unload all their emotions and problems onto you to feel better, but will never ever reciprocate because they feel their issues are important and don’t view yours as important.” Mugen593

Just like the name suggests these are the kind of women that leave you feeling drained. They suck all your energy out with their nagging and complaining and don’t fill it back up with any kind of comfort or affection.

Do you want to learn a secret technique anyone can master that will make someone fall in love with you?

Preying On Vulnerabilities

Neonbrand / unsplash

Neonbrand / unsplash

Thankfully there are still some kind and generous men out there but sadly they often get taken advantage of. Some women are only looking for someone who will buy them nice gifts so that they don’t have to do it themselves. While this is not the case for most women, be careful of those who claim gift-giving is their love language but never offer it in return.

“Givers: Be mindful of your limits because the takers don’t have any.” —corrado33

Lack Of Empathy

JD Mason / Unsplash

JD Mason / Unsplash

“She often accused me of having no empathy, because I was very calm and level-headed, despite the fact that I work with disabled kids which requires a lot of empathy. She had no real concern for anyone unless it was to maintain [a] public image.” —DrRonSimmons

Stay away from women who have not adapted to the evolving mentality that men are human beings who have feelings too… More and more women are embracing that for men to show emotion is a sign of strength and not weakness.

Just Needs A Therapist

Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

“Guys, if she only reaches out to you when she’s hurt or vulnerable, she doesn’t want YOU, she wants sympathy and knows you’ll give it to her.” —AlphaTangoFoxtrt

The type of women who do nothing but complain because they always seem to find themselves in trouble eventually run out of people who will listen to them or help them. So they end up having to get creative to find new outlets and people they think will fix their problems for them.

The Warning Signs Are Endless

Zachary Keimig / Unsplash

Zachary Keimig / Unsplash

From emotional manipulation to using you to project all that she is angry about in the world, the ways that a woman could use her partner to fill her void and unhappiness are actually endless. In any relationship, always look at how you feel and ask yourself: does this person make you love yourself more? Do you want to grow old with them?

Love is more than just kisses and butterflies, it’s much more than that. If you want more personalized information on what your birth chart reveals about how you love and what you need out of a partner, check out this personalized report based on date of birth.

For more great relationship advice and tips on how to attain the kind of love you deserve, watch this video from expert, Amy North: Click Here To Watch The Full Video.

In today’s dating the world it’s not just the men that get played. In a lot of cases they’re also the ones who get taken advantage of because they missed the warning signs that a woman was taking advantage of.

Some men decided that enough is enough and they decide to list the red flags on a Reddit threat as to hopefully help others notice them before it’s late.

For personalized information on the kind of partner you are and that you attract, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your personality using only your Name and Birth Date.

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Higher Perspectives Author

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