Categories: Astrology

Mars Enters Sagittarius On November 24th, Prepare For Life To Be Filled With Passion


November has been a relatively slow month when it comes to planetary transits. This is a good thing for some, as October was rather fast-paced, and we all needed a bit of a break. It's not void of a few changes, though, but thankfully, they're rather positive.

For one, we'll be seeing Mars enter Sagittarius, two fiery and energetic forces coming together to grant us a surge of passion right before the holiday season truly kicks in.

Planetary transits and the constellations' powers have great influence over even the smallest details of our lives. To understand this to the fullest extent, you'll need a proper breakdown of your astrological birth chart placements and what they mean for you.

Thanks to Call of Destiny, not only can you better understand those placements, but you'll be given tailored advice based on how they were stationed at your birth, advice that can turn around any trouble you face. Click here to get started today and watch how your life can change!

A Coming Wave

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Canva Pro

After a few weeks' break, we're finally seeing some movement within our solar system, with Mars entering the sign of Sagittarius on November 24th.

When the red planet finds its way into the adventurous realm of Sagittarius, it's like adding a splash of enthusiasm to an already spirited bonfire. Mars, the planet of action and assertion, meets Sagittarius, a sign all about chasing joy. Since both elements bring similar energies to our lives, they'll meld perfectly, lighting a fire under all of us.

This transit inspires us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown with open arms.


Leading The Way

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Canva Pro

Rather than feeling lost, this transit may act as a compass, guiding us toward endeavors that spark our passions. The energy of Mars in Sagittarius encourages us to pursue goals with a sense of purpose and optimism. It's a time to set our sights high, dream big, and believe in the possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.


This pairing also ignites a desire for exploration, not only in the physical sense but also in the realms of knowledge and spirituality. People might find themselves drawn to philosophical pursuits, seeking a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it. Whether it's through travel, education, or engaging in meaningful conversations, the energy of Mars in Sagittarius propels us toward personal and intellectual expansion.


Propelled Forward

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Canva Pro

This dynamic duo also fuels the passionate pursuit of our goals, infusing our ambitions with electric energy and motivating us to our very core. Expect a surge in enthusiasm over the next month or so. It's the perfect time to channel this energy into bold ventures, daring projects, or even a spontaneous road trip.


However, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential for impulsive actions or a lack of attention to detail during this period. The bold energy of Mars combined with Sagittarius' love for freedom may lead us to leap before looking. While spontaneity has its merits, a measured approach ensures that our adventures don't turn into misadventures.


True To Yourself

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Canva Pro

Sagittarius, known for its love of truth, aligns seamlessly with Mars' fearless nature in a rather unique, fun way. Now's the time to really express your true self, engage in open conversations, and fearlessly pursue your beliefs. Shed whatever nervousness you may have had before and really step into who you want to be. Not only will you feel ready to do so, others will be ready to understand.


It's also a perfect time for creative endeavors. Learn, practice, or truly hone how to express your feelings through art. Be it writing, painting, dancing, or whatever else, so long as it gets your feelings from inside your heart to outside in the real world, it's a success.


Burning Connection

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Canva Pro

When it comes to relationships, Mars in Sagittarius really shines. Expect an intensified desire for connection, both emotionally and physically, with those you care about. It's an opportune time to spice up romantic relationships, a renewed sense of passion and adventure alight during this transit. Mars in Sagittarius encourages honest communication and a willingness to explore new facets of your and your partner's lives together.


That all being said, it's also a period where conflicts may arise due to heightened emotions. This transit requires a delicate balance of honesty, tact, and a willingness to explore new dimensions through open, unashamed discussions. Don't shy away from sharing your true feelings!


Full-Body Experience

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Canva Pro

Mars in Sagittarius won't just influence the mind, it's a transit you'll feel physically, too. You'll want to get up and moving, feeling a need to shake off all the things that worry you.


Embrace activities that not only challenge the body but also align with the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius. Whether it's hiking, yoga, or dance, infuse your routine with activities that elevate both your physical and mental well-being. Just be sure to do so safely so that you don't get too overzealous and hurt yourself.


Bubbles Of Peace

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Canva Pro

Amidst all this chaos, this energy, this fast-paced movement, be sure to carve out moments for self-reflection. Mars in Sagittarius invites you to stoke the flames of your inner wisdom. Now's a great time to be able to feel what your true passions are and what it is you want most since your heart will be calling out for it.


This introspective journey ensures that your future actions will align with your most authentic self, preventing the fiery energy from becoming a mere blaze without direction.


Your True Life

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Canva Pro

As Mars moves confidently into Sagittarius, seize the opportunity to infuse your life with passion, truth, and purpose. Embrace this current with a blend of adventurous spirit and thoughtful consideration.


While cosmic transits do offer some challenges, they also offer tons of transformative energy waiting to be harnessed. Embrace these gifts, and let this movement of Mars and Sagittarius propel you towards new horizons.

Though this transit will have you more in tune with your truest desires, you may feel like you need some extra guidance to set you on the right path. That north star can be found within your own personal birth chart and can be uncovered with proper analysis.

With this program, you'll be given specific, personalized advice about how to tackle your life's biggest troubles. From money to love, you'll be given celestial solutions that will turn your life around. Get started today by clicking here and see where the stars will take you.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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