Categories: Uplifting Stories

Marine Veteran Meets Long Lost Daughter 60 Years Later When She Finds Him With DNA Site


On Veterans day on November 11, we honor the military veterans, who served in the United States Armed Forces. We do not forget the sacrifices they have made to keep us safe, and we thank them for the risk that they take instead of us.

Let’s also not forget that each Veteran also has a life, that completely gets put on hold for their service but is just as meaningful. For one particular veteran, his life was completely changed when he found out that he was the father of a daughter he could not locate. He never expected that she would be the one to find him. Here is the story he shared with CBC.

It All Started With An Unplanned Encoutered

Diego Gonzalez / Unsplash

Diego Gonzalez / Unsplash

More than 60 years ago, Marine Veteran who goes by the name Williams was stationed in the Philippines. There, one of his friends introduced him to a woman and they had a relationship.

He had no idea the woman then became pregnant with his child until his friend in the Marines showed him a picture and said “this is your baby.” Williams remembers thinking the baby was so small that he couldn’t even tell if it was a boy or a girl.

Williams Went On To Have His Own American Children

Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Williams had a whole other life when he returned to America. He had a family and children. Yet, he never hid from them that he also had another daughter.

The only problem was that Williams didn’t how to find his daughter. It would take a whole 62 years before they meet for the first time, face to face.

Meet Rosser, Williams Daughter

Jenna Norman / Unsplash

Jenna Norman / Unsplash

On the other side of the world, Rosser grew up in the Philippines with no idea that the man raising her wasn’t actually her biological father. Then, he passed away.

Shortly after, her mom who had dementia finally confessed to Rosser who her father actually was, before passing away herself. Rosser recalls: ” he was in several stages then, but when I asked her was he my biological father, all she could remember was just, ‘William.””

With Both Her Parents Passing, Rosser Was Determined To Find Williams

Lauren Mancke / Unsplash

Lauren Mancke / Unsplash

​Rosser lost both her parents and felt nothing holding her back from locating her biological father. Maybe it was just curiosity or maybe she still longed for family, but no matter the motive, the hard part was figuring out where to start looking. So Rosser made an account, a DNA-based site that links together family trees, and hoped for the best.

Six weeks later, Rosser was pleasantly surprised when relatives were found for her as a DNA confirmed match, one including a man named Williams.

It Would Be A Long Trip To Meeting In Person

Ross Parmly / Unsplash

Ross Parmly / Unsplash

Rosser and Williams had many kilometers separating them so meeting in person would not be easy. At first, they simply met virtually to break the ice and acknowledge each other’s existence.

But William’s American-born children had a surprise in store that would likely change all of their lives forever. They bought William’s daughter, her children, and even her grandchildren tickets to visit them on the fourth of July.

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“I Think About You All The Time.”

Womanizer Toys / Unsplash

Womanizer Toys / Unsplash

Even though 62 years had passed and Marine Corps veteran Thomas Williams was now 81 years old, it meant the world for the father and daughter duo to finally meet and catch up on their whole lifetime.

Plus it meant a lot for Rossser to have her own found family be able to meet the man who brought her into the world. Williams and his daughter really bonded.

“I think about you all the time. I always did,” Williams told Rosser when they hugged for the first time. She answered him “I’m here,” and all Williams could say to that was “God answers prayers,”

Time Heals All Wounds

Rodnae Productions / Unsplash

Rodnae Productions / Unsplash

It didn’t matter at that point how long it had taken and how much time had passed as the fair felt right at home with each other.

Williams also opened up with his daughter about his life and the tragedies he had experienced. He confessed to her: “My mother got terminally ill; that’s the only reason I didn’t come back there, but then after that, I didn’t know how to find you.”

It goes to show that patience is a virtue because even if it takes a series of decades when the heart’s desire is pure and selfless, the universe is bound to answer in good timing.

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On Veterans day on November 11, we honor the military veterans, who served in the United States Armed Forces. We do not forget the sacrifices they have made to keep us safe, and we thank them for the risk that they take instead of us.

Let’s also not forget that each Veteran also has a life, that completely gets put on hold for their service but is just as meaningful. For one particular veteran, his life was completely changed when he found out that he was the father of a daughter he could not locate. He never expected that she would be the one to find him. Here is the story he shared with CBC.

Higher Perspectives Author

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