Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV
With Pisces season now firmly underway, the Pisces New Moon on March 2nd sets a kind, compassionate and optimistic vibe for March 2022 right from the start. This New Moon is supported by generous, warm-hearted Jupiter, making it the perfect time for loving gestures and empathy with those who are struggling.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
There’s something of a humanitarian vibe early in March too, particularly around March 6th, when both Venus and Mars change zodiac signs, arriving in progressive, pioneering Aquarius. This energy comes with a drive to make the world a better place, so March looks set to be an interesting time for activism and personal mind shifts.
The middle of March is imaginative and creative – Mercury moves into intuitive Pisces on March 9th, allowing fantasy and reality to blur, and when the Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 13th, we reach a high point of illusion and mystery, which brings a sense of wonder and awe.
Prepare for quite an energy change during the Virgo Full Moon on March 18th. This is no-nonsense energy, backed by transformative Pluto, which urges us to simply get on with the job at hand. There is work to be done, and this Full Moon will show up areas where effort has been lacking.
A few days later, the Equinox sees the Sun move into Aries at the start of a new astrological year. This is always an energizing moment, and it’s a great time to review the year so far and to re-set goals and ambitions. March 2022 winds down with Mercury arriving in Aries on March 27th, speeding up thought processes and favoring intelligent leaps of faith.
You are likely to feel more in touch with your spiritual side than normal as March begins, especially during the New Moon on 2nd March. There are spiritual opportunities for you during this New Moon, and with the backing of expansive Jupiter, you may even want to look into a spiritual business venture of some kind.
On March 6th, your ruling planet Mars, together with Venus, make a move into the friendship zone of your natal birth chart. Use this energy to make new connections – not only friendships but work connections too. People are drawn to you, so make the most of your platform while you have one.
Mercury lends added weight to your spiritual investigations on March 9th when this planet starts to transit your spiritual zone; when the Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 13th, you may experience something you simply cannot explain, which will set your imagination running wild.
Away from this ethereal vibe, however, you can expect a wake-up call and a definite re-entry into reality during the Full Moon on March 18th. Energized by transformative Pluto, this Full Moon urges you to pay attention to detail and to complete outstanding projects, especially at work. It’s an ambitious vibe, but it cautions you not to have too much unfinished business at one time.
The Equinox on March 20th sees the Sun power into Aries, in your own personal mini New Year. Enjoy the upswing of energy and positivity – you can make huge progress in the last ten days of March, especially once Mercury also moves into Aries on March 27th.
Early March 2022 is a very rational, objective period for you, during which you can set aside emotions and make some intelligent, conscious choices. The New Moon on March 2nd sets off this process, bringing you fresh insight into your long-term options. Don’t limit yourself through lack of confidence – this New Moon is backed by optimistic Jupiter, so think big.
New ambitions will be supported by the arrival of both Mars and Venus in the career zone of your natal birth chart on March 10th. This is a good time to think laterally about your future path. You don’t have to follow a traditional route – be prepared to forge your own path, finding new ways to succeed.
Mid-March looks like a very sociable period, astrologically. Mercury moves into your friendship zone on March 9th, encouraging plenty of social chit-chat and friendly encounters. When the Sun conjuncts magical Neptune here on March 13th, you may even experience a mystical or memorable encounter with someone who feels destined to be in your orbit.
Your confidence gets another boost from the Full Moon on March 18th. Lighting up the joy zone of your natal birth chart, this energy encourages you to simply go for it. Live life to the fullest and don’t put anything off.
The Equinox on March 20th occurs as always in the most spiritual area of your chart, so take some time out to think about your spiritual journey. When Mercury moves into this zone of your chart on March 27th, you will sense which questions are most important to ask.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
The New Moon on March 2nd peeps out from the career zone of your natal birth chart, creating the seeds of an idea that will be important to you later. This New Moon conjuncts opportunity-bringer Jupiter so don’t dismiss your ideas – there is great potential here, especially at work or in business.
If you need to study or undertake training in order to move forward at work, you are strongly encouraged to do so. On March 6th, both Venus and Mars change signs and move into your education zone, so your drive for new knowledge – always strong – goes off the scale. Soak up all that you need to know.
When Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into your career zone on March 9th, it brings good luck and strong interpersonal skills for any interviews or presentations you need to make. There’s also a creative opportunity waiting in the wings. A magical Sun-Neptune meetup on March 13th sets your imagination on fire, potentially lucratively.
Away from work and business, there is a change of pace during the Full Moon on March 18th. This illuminates family and domestic matters – and the light of the Full Moon is a chance to bring hidden, secret or repressed issues out into the glare of scrutiny. Supported by transformative Pluto, you can use these Full Moon energies to move past a family problem or trauma, once and for all.
A few days later, the importance of friendships becomes clear. The Equinox highlights a fresh start in your social life, and as March draws to a close, Mercury encourages you to seek out people who are truly on your wavelength.
Feeling restless? New places, faces, and spaces may help. The New Moon on March 2nd is behind much of your itchy feet vibe, especially since it’s backed by expansive, adventure-seeking Jupiter. Get out of doors as much as you can and do plenty of traveling, even if only short distances.
It looks set to be a positive month for self-improvement efforts, especially once Mars changes signs on March 6th, starting to drive through this area of your natal birth chart. You may well be attracted to new training or educational courses as part of this drive to better yourself, particularly when Mercury changes zodiac signs on March 9th.
The middle of March 2022 is a calm and relatively serene period in your chart, although do watch out for confusion around March 13th, when Neptune is big on enthusiasm but low on detail, especially with travel plans.
On March 18th, the Full Moon gives your communication skills a major boost. This would be an excellent moment to have difficult conversations with your partner or indeed with anyone else close to you. Say what needs to be said, because provided you speak from the heart, you will be heard.
The Equinox on March 20th occurs as always in the career zone of your natal birth chart, inspiring fresh ideas, fresh ambitions and fresh optimism in your working life. This annual career-related boost is backed by the arrival of Mercury in this zone of your chart on March 27th – perfect for interviews and job applications.
It’s an interesting start to March 2022 for sure – the New Moon on March 2nd occurs in the most passionate zone of your natal birth chart, breathing new life and new magic into a relationship, or even bringing someone new and intoxicating into your life.
With both Venus and Mars changing signs and arriving in your love zone just a few days later, early March has all the ingredients for a tumultuous period of intensity in a relationship. Do be aware that jealousy and anger are never far when passion soars.
Mid-March is likely to be a useful time for sorting out your long-term finances. Mercury moves into this area of your chart on March 9th and will help you process your emotions about money. Avoid signing anything important on March 13th, however – an annual meetup between the Sun and Neptune seems inspirational but can actually bring much confusion.
The Full Moon on March 18th is more grounded energy and will help to settle financial matters for a while. Boosted by a link to transformative Pluto, this Full Moon encourages you to focus and settle into a productive, lucrative working routine. It’s time to adult, so leave your playtime aspirations to one side for a short while.
The Equinox on March 20th finds you with itchy feet and a certain amount of restlessness, but some short trips or local explorations will satisfy your need for new horizons. When Mercury moves into your travel zone on March 27th, think about booking a vacation with a cultural, historic or intellectual flavor.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Soak up the loving vibes as March gets underway. A lovely New Moon in your opposite zodiac sign is boosted by warm-hearted Jupiter – from your closest relationship to your friendships and family relationships, all interpersonal issues take a warmer, kinder turn following this astral intervention.
Things are looking up at work, too. On March 6th, both Venus and Mars change signs, moving into your everyday wellbeing zone. Among other things, this drives you to create a better atmosphere with colleagues and to get yourself better organized, allowing you more free time for your own enjoyment.
Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into your opposite sign on March 9th, continuing the loving theme and opening up heartfelt conversations with your partner. The annual meetup between the Sun and romantic Neptune on March 13th could be a particular moment to remember.
Moving ahead in the month, the Virgo Full Moon on March 18th is a huge confidence boost for you. You are encouraged now to purposefully seek out joy in your life and to allow your creative instincts to shine too. This would be a good period in which to try a new hobby, go on an exciting date or take a walk on the wild side.
The Equinox on March 20th spurs you on in a newly positive frame of mind. You’ll be interested in self-help issues around this time, and keen to make progress with your own personal development goals, too. Expect lots of activity around March 27th, when your ruling planet changes signs again and seeks to boost your self-development aspirations.
Early March 2022 is a period of focus, concentration and hard work for you, particularly following the New Moon on March 2nd. Now is the time to put long-held plans into action and to turn dreams into reality – and you can also use this energy to make a fresh start in your physical and mental wellness.
On March 6th, your ruling planet Venus joins forces with Mars as both change signs together, heading into the joy zone of your natal chart. This is clearly great news if you’re single and dating, or looking to spice up your love life, but it’s also a positive time for new hobbies, interests and pleasures.
The focus quickly shifts back to hard work, however, with Mercury moving into your everyday work zone on March 9th. Be careful with telling fact from fantasy on March 13th – there’s a mystical, ethereal meetup of the Sun and Neptune that day, but for you, it could spell confusion.
Look to the Full Moon on March 18th for some healing and uplifting energy. Forgiveness is a key theme of this Full Moon, particularly around family matters, so perhaps it’s time to move on from a family grudge or trauma you’ve been holding onto.
The Equinox on March 20th occurs in your opposite zodiac sign, as always, but you can take this as a positive nudge in your love life. Equinox energies are all about balance, so efforts you make now to better balance your love life and working life should work well.
On that note, you can also look forward to March 27th, when Mercury moves into your love zone – perfect for love letters, whispered words and shared dreams.
You are a powerhouse of creative talent – but all too often you are afraid to express your true self. Let the New Moon on March 2nd change that for you. Occurring in the most creative area of your natal birth chart, this New Moon is boosted by a connection to expansive, effusive Jupiter – it’s time to let your personality out in the most creative way imaginable.
Exploring your past is something that is likely to appeal to you once Mars changes signs on March 6th. Look back into your family history – as far as you can – for information that will help to boost your sense of identity and authenticity.
With Mercury changing sign on March 9th, you will start to feel more impulsive than normal. Try not to over-think things too much. It’s fine to make spur-of-the-moment decisions. Taking a chance could even lead to something magical, especially around March 13th when the Sun and Neptune combine forces.
The Full Moon on March 18th reminds you of the power of community. You are not alone – even if you would like to be! – and it’s important to work with others to achieve your wider goals. This would be a good time to volunteer or to raise awareness of a cause close to your heart.
The Equinox is your annual reminder to check your mental and emotional health. You are well aware of your physical wellbeing, but you neglect your holistic wellness. With Mercury moving into this area of your natal birth chart on March 27th, it would be a good time to engage with talking therapy of some kind.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
March as a whole has a good vibe for your emotional security and sense of identity. The New Moon in your stability zone on March 2nd encourages you to understand the value of roots. From better family relationships to an interest in your family history, this lunar vibe urges an exploration of where you truly come from.
Mars changes signs on March 6th and drives you to keep busy at all times – you’ll enjoy a hectic month, which not much spare time, but do take care that you’re not running from emotional issues by hiding behind a lengthy to-do list.
Mercury’s change of signs on Mach 9th is further encouragement to explore your roots and it also blesses you with easier family communication, particularly if you are estranged from someone. The annual meetup of the Sun and Neptune on March 13th would be the perfect moment for a past life regression.
There’s a change of focus during the Full Moon on March 18th, which illuminates the career zone of your natal birth chart. This lunar influence should bring a boost to your income as well as pride in your status – is there a promotion on the way?
With Equinox energies encouraging you to party on March 20th, you’ll want to spend much more time doing the things you love. Late March, therefore, seems like a lot of fun, especially if you’re single and looking to date – but responsibilities still loom large in life, so keep your feet on the ground.
This is the time of year when you typically like to get matters in good order. The New Moon on March 2nd is a boost to your time management and organizational skills, as well as your communication. You’re likely to be very busy at this time, so staying on top of your workload efficiently is a challenge.
You’re highly motivated, however, especially when Mars changes signs on March 6th and increases your drive to make money. This is an outstanding influence for business matters, and with Mercury arriving in your communication zone on March 9th, you have what it takes to truly sell your ideas and skills.
Listen for a sense of calling mid-month, especially during the Full Moon on March 18th. You may feel drawn in one direction or the other, or you may find yourself experiencing something profound in an ethical, moral or religious way. Such an experience could feel challenging at the time, but it’s an important driver in your spiritual growth, so embrace it if you can.
As the Equinox approaches, your thoughts will turn to family matters, as they always do in this period. The Equinox is surrounded by cosmic vibes of balance and harmony, so use this as a template to better manage your time and your work-life balance. All things in moderation, remember.
You’ll be helped with this when Mercury moves into the family zone of your natal birth chart on March 27th. Better communication within the family makes it much easier to get everyone to cooperate together.
There’s a lot of good news around money during March, and the month starts as it means to go on, with a New Moon in the money zone of your natal birth chart on March 2nd. Connected to and boosted by lucky Jupiter, this is an exceptionally good sign for your bank balance!
Hot on the heels of this, Mars moves into Aquarius on March 6th, bringing a massive boost to your confidence and a real drive and sense of purpose. Whatever you do for a living and whatever personal plans you are pursuing, you can expect to make huge progress over the next few weeks.
On March 9th, Mercury changes signs and arrives in your money zone, helping you to make intelligent, rational, analytical decisions about your finances and your values. Look out for the annual Sun-Neptune conjunction on March 13th, however. All is not quite as it seems during this illusory vibe, so read the small print.
A more spiritual interlude emerges around the time of the Full Moon on March 18th. This lunar energy highlights guilt, especially over infidelity or connected to a jealous period in your life. However, this illuminating Full Moon also shows you how to forgive yourself and others, so that you can move on past this bump in the road.
The Equinox on March 20th is packed with rational, balanced energies, as it always is for you – but it’s very communicative energy too. Make the effort to talk to someone you don’t normally see much of; you will be glad you did. When Mercury changes signs on March 27th, continue the communicative vibe by reaching out to someone who feels lonely.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
It’s Pisces season, with much planetary activity in your sign, and typically at this time of year you feel calm, serene and in touch with your true self. This is especially true during the Pisces New Moon on March 2nd, which is connected to Jupiter, the astrological bringer of joy and good fortune.
Both Venus and Mars change signs on March 6th and head into the most spiritual zone of your natal birth chart, so you may also feel driven to explore meditation, divination or a different kind of daily spiritual practice, which will help to keep you happy, secure and in touch with your spiritual roots.
Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9th, which is great news if you’re a student or if you need to have a difficult conversation with someone. The annual meetup of the Sun and Neptune, your ruling planet, occurs in Pisces on March 13th and is quite a magical moment for you, packed with inspiration, imagination and deeper meaning.
On March 18th, the focus switches to your love life, with a Full Moon in your opposite sign. This Full Moon is helpfully influenced by transformative Pluto and hints that if you are single, a friendship could turn into something much more.
The Equinox, as always, takes place in the money and values zone of your natal birth chart and prompts you to think carefully about what you spend versus what you earn – and how you earn it. Use the influence of Mercury, moving out of Pisces and into your money zone on March 27th, to help you make conscious, rational choices instead of muddled and overly emotional ones.
Take a quickzodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
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Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV
With Pisces season now firmly underway, the Pisces New Moon on March 2nd sets a kind, compassionate and optimistic vibe for March 2022 right from the start. This New Moon is supported by generous, warm-hearted Jupiter, making it the perfect time for loving gestures and empathy with those who are struggling.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
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