Categories: Horoscopes

Lunar Energy Impacts Horoscopes This Week, Here’s Why Logic Will Be Hard To Find For All Zodiacs


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

Resolve to take action this week no matter what challenges you are facing. Positive and grounded lunar energy prevails all week, so this is a good time for putting plans into action instead of merely dreaming of what could be.

On Tuesday, Mars trines Uranus in a burst of positive energy that makes all things seem possible. Willpower is important here, but the planets show that if you are focused, determined and tenacious, there are ways and means of getting almost anything done.

Instincts are important over the weekend, when astrologers suggest logic may seem difficult to find. Get the best of both worlds by following your intuition but also planning for the best outcome.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Give your ambitions free rein this week, Aries, because the cosmos is on your side, especially at work or in a professional capacity. Set big goals and don’t do yourself a disservice by hiding your skills and abilities. It’s OK to be loud about your talents – if you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to do it for you.

Tuesday’s Mars-Uranus trine is an especially good omen for a job promotion, progression or advancement. If you are attending an interview on that day, however, be careful not to come across as too pushy or too “new” – show that you understand the value of the status quo as well as the need for progress.


You are likely to be deep in thought for much of this week, Taurus, and your intellect is getting to grips with the big questions in life. Ethical, moral and philosophical dilemmas occupy your mind, and you’ll enjoy debating the issues of the day without any particular need to win the argument.

Try to push yourself out of your own boundaries a little, especially on Tuesday when Mars trines Uranus. This is a very positive influence for travel, but it can also pertain to an expansion of ideas and understanding. By becoming familiar with something strange or foreign to you, you will grow as a person.


Self-analysis isn’t a luxury this week, it’s a necessity. The lunar influences around you are quite profound, Gemini, ranging from a need for spiritual seclusion to a desire to project yourself out into the world, so you may feel quite dizzy and confused at times.

The Mars-Uranus trine on Tuesday is helpful, as it releases healing energies from past traumas and allows you to reflect in a positive way. Forgiveness will be key, both of yourself and of others.

As the week progresses, you will feel less introspective and more outward-looking, so focus on the way you want to interact with others as the week draws to a close.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


This should be overall a friendly and positive week for you, Cancer, when you can work steadily towards achieving certain objectives. Tuesday is a particularly strong day – the Mars-Uranus trine promises plenty of passion in a relationship and interesting developments in your social life too.

Later in the week, the Moon shines from Cancer, enabling you to express your intuitive self to the full; this will be a good time for divination, mediumship, meditation and simply listening to your gut instinct. Over the weekend, logic should take second place to your instincts. Don’t be afraid to follow the wisdom of your inner voice.


Work issues are likely to be uppermost in your mind for much of this week, Leo, and there is a good vibe around for interviews, promotions, ambitions and long-term strategic planning.

On Tuesday, when Mars trines Uranus, think laterally at work. Off-the-wall ideas could be just what it takes to get you noticed by all the right people, so don’t hesitate to reinvent the wheel. If you need backing from your colleagues, you’ll find it easier to get during this influence, as you are particularly persuasive.

Over the weekend, settle for a quieter life, however, with plenty of time for quiet recuperation.


to see the bigger picture, and that includes seeing the wider world. You may literally want to travel; at the very least, you’ll feel an instinctive need to learn more about what you’re missing.

When Mars trines Uranus on Tuesday, you’ll feel a buzz of energy; this may inspire you to break free from your self-imposed comfort zones and to try something very new and very different. Go for it! Seize the day and don’t be afraid.

A highly sociable weekend vibe is another good opportunity to break out of a rut, especially by creating new friendships with people on your wavelength.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You may have to work hard this week to keep feelings of guilt or inadequacy at bay, Libra, especially early on. Try not to get so caught up in your own head that you forget how much you are loved and valued by those around you. See yourself through someone else’s eyes and you’ll understand how important you are.

Tuesday’s Mars-Uranus trine is a very positive influence for Libras, especially if you have been dealing with some difficult family issues or if your childhood experiences had a negative effect on you. You are reminded that throwing off trauma is a choice – a choice you can make right now if you so wish.


Passion and sentimentality are in the air this week, Scorpio, and you’ll want to spend as much time as possible with loved ones and in particular with your partner, if you have one. The early part of the week is especially romantic. Use the energy from Tuesday’s Mars-Uranus trine to bring something new and exciting to the table in your love life.

Towards the weekend, don’t be surprised if you start feeling restless or hemmed in. Take time to get out of doors, regardless of the weather. Hiking or otherwise being in nature will give you back the sense of freedom that you’re missing. There’s a big, wide world out there.


It looks like you’ll be able to strike a good balance between work, home and your love life this week, Sagittarius – enjoy! Start the week with a focus on your work or business, especially around Tuesday, when the Mars-Uranus trine promises financial rewards for skilled work.

By the middle of the week, it’s time to turn your thoughts to your home life, so prioritize home matters where you can. Passion increases at the weekend due to the lunar influences around you, so Saturday and Sunday are the best days for a romantic getaway or for simply spending lots of private time with your lover. Make memories you can cherish.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Mars in your sign ensures that this is a busy, go-getting week for you, Capricorn – exhausting, perhaps, but satisfying too. Look to the Mars-Uranus trine on Tuesday for a chance to take a gamble that is almost sure to succeed. In fact, this is a cosmic invitation to take a walk on the wild side – don’t waste it!

The middle of the week is a good time to focus on getting the job done at work, without too many external distractions; this clears the way for a more romantic, peaceful weekend, with the Moon shining from your romance zone. Make plenty of time for tender words and loving gestures.


Your focus this week is likely to be close to home, Aquarius, especially early in the week. It’s a good time for making progress with domestic projects, household tasks and family issues. On Tuesday, when Mars trines Uranus, you may get a surprise too, especially if you’re investigating your family history – who knows what you might discover!

Make plenty of time for fun this week too, perhaps playing sports or getting creative with your hobbies. The more laughter you can create, the more you will accomplish. Surprisingly, this goes for work too. Do whatever needs to be done with a smile and a sense of humor for maximum success.


Your mind is here, there and everywhere in this exceptionally busy week, Pisces – make plenty of lists if you don’t want to lose track of your schedule!

On Tuesday, the Mars-Uranus trine is important for communication. Try to get back in touch with an old friend you haven’t seen for years; you’ll be pleasantly surprised by something someone tells you, but this will come from an unexpected or long-neglected direction.

The middle and end of the week are great for handling domestic projects and for simply having fun. Prioritize whatever makes you smile, especially over the weekend. There will be time for duty and responsibilities later.

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Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

Resolve to take action this week no matter what challenges you are facing. Positive and grounded lunar energy prevails all week, so this is a good time for putting plans into action instead of merely dreaming of what could be.

On Tuesday, Mars trines Uranus in a burst of positive energy that makes all things seem possible. Willpower is important here, but the planets show that if you are focused, determined and tenacious, there are ways and means of getting almost anything done.

Instincts are important over the weekend, when astrologers suggest logic may seem difficult to find. Get the best of both worlds by following your intuition but also planning for the best outcome.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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